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Posts posted by Arthurius

  1. Hi guys,

    looked alot for robotech stuff, and found the following, however, as i didnt see it in these forums, i am posting it here. It is Toynomi toys, not the CM. Sorry if it has been posted already. Although i was very exited about the new CM, and still am, i am more interested in the Shadow Chronicles toys.

    Note: i really like the look of the 8th and 9th picture of the bluesh type one


  2. Trust me: "I know"

    I don't even own one and I'm already thinking where to put my dinner table, because I have to make room for the new "valk-shrine" :(


    P.D.: Looks like I'm going to start with the Super/Strike VF-1J Stealth (with his own black stand).... The new guys (VF-0*, YF-19) seems to be conveniently 1 month distanced =)

    Get the SIlver stand, its nicer i think with the stealth, and its on special at Toy-Wave. The Stealth is a good choice, but i recommend getting the vf-1s first, maybe buying a pair of stealth FPs also. I find the vf-1s to look great on its own, but i find the stealth needs to be with other vf-1 to shine. Also, you should consider the vf-0a (or the new version comming out), it looks nice with the stealth, its like a re-make of the Low Vis 1, but at a "reasonable" price.

  3. Ok, the best one, i am telling you, is the vf-1s 1/48. GET THAT ONE. Also, the vf-1j is second best, get the regular white one, or get the black stealth one if you preffer. I have all 3 of them, but the nicest is vf-1s.

    With the FPS, i find the vf-1j looks better with any of the fps. However, if its your first, you dont need the fps, just get the valk!!!

  4. I have Prime, Starscream and Megatron, all MP. Also, i have binaltech Shockwave. ALL in all, they are ALL great, most specially starscream.

    The Megatron, i probably will never transform, just because i bought him robot mode only, i dont care about the gun. Megatron with the spark character looks nice next to prime. I have them standing togheter, and really, make one another look better. And, they are a bit bigher than 1/48th yamato.

    Still, i love the vf-1 1/48th better, cause of stability, lightness, and ease of transforming and retransforming, but, the MP are much more affordable (50 - 100$ with shipping), and look damn nice too, and i will keep buying new ones!!!

    Again, really really happy having the optimus and megatron next to one another.

  5. Here is what you can do:

    ALL 1/48th in Robot mode. Get yourself some 1/60th and have them in plane and/or gerwalk mode with a stand if possible.

    However, it is also very nice to have the 1/48th in plane mode WITH the FPs and the stand!!! Depends on space. Also, as some would suggest, ALTERNATE. I alternated everything so much i finaly got one that i really like and am keeping till i feel it needs to be changed again.

    Good Luck

  6. Low Vis or Stealthesh is the ONLY way to go, anything less would be un-civilized!!!! Now, i didnt buy the YF-19 cause i was waiting for the low vis scheme (and Graham said there are chances that they make it, so i am praying and taking my vitamins every day), but i actually hope it is their 3rd version, as i want it to be perfect!!!

  7. I am exited about this. This should put a hold on some of purchases i was planning to do in gundam and macross, unless i see a nice looking vf-1s low vis type yamato toy, or a yf-19 low vis type or a Hammer Thunder armor (all of which are unlikely to happen), but still, if they make a shadow like color of the alpha/bethas, it will go pretty high on the list, if not on top.

  8. Hi,

    I bought the Movie, and watched it last night, and I absolutely loved it, even if it didnt really follow the 3rd series very well, i really enjoyed it and would love to see more of it. I loved the characters, i loved the animation, and i liked the story as well, and i loved the mechas (alpha with betas, though the cyclones didnt look too great here)

    I do wish Yamato or another company which makes "quality toys" (NOT toynomy) to remake the alphas and betas from the movie, and that they made it as big as a 1/48th, or minimum as a 1/60 vf-1.

  9. Yamato, pls DONT make the vf-1s low vis or enigma, and certainly not the Thunder Hummer, cause doing so would drain my pockets, and get my girl friend to be very angry at me!!! You are just making my life easier by not doing the color schemes i really want. Sometimes, it's actually good when the manufacturer doesnt listen to you = more money in your pockets. I just pray they dont come up with another insane iirresistable dea that will have me spending over 200$/each, not till mid-end year anyways ;)

  10. The VF-1S wins no contest here, move along pll. ;)

    The vf-1s is the most coolest in robot mode. Its very stable, tight joint, and great transformation with locking systems, and feels like you are not being ripped-off for the money you are paying. The vf-0s doesnt have that feeling. Sure, it maybe nice in plane mode, but in robot mode, i think the vf-1s shines the most.

    Since i dont have the yf-19, i cant talk, other than say that i see alot of problem threads on them. Hopefully the 2nd/3rd edition will be a charm.

    Now, after the vf-1s, my favorate is the vf-0a. Beatifull color, more locking mechanism, and NO disapointments, like the vf-0s was.

  11. The Low Vis was a limited one time only run produced in very small quantity and will not be reissued.



    Can you pls tell us the following:

    1) Is the color scheme of the low vis 1 never gonna be reused? Or just the low vis 1 which was a vf-1a anyways, and not the vf-1s that we want now.

    In any case, would it be possible to have the same color as a vf-0a on a vf-1S, or something of the genre??? It doesnt have to be as nice as the low vis 1, just in gray or steel type color. Thats a possibility right?? Pll are mentioning the Enigma.

    2) Is the Thunder Hummer or even a GPB with a similar color scheme possible, or do you think it wont be done or highly unlikely???

  12. 1) Vf-1S Low Vis or Enigma (i rather the low vis gray scheme, but either way would be nice)

    a rerelease of the Low Vis is not gonna happen, the Low Vis colorscheme was a limited release.

    2) Thunder Hammer. Can anyone seriously resist this??? U might say you can, but in the end, you would buy it, and you know it!!!

    Again, not gonna happen. IIRC the Thunder Hummer is a kitbash, so it's not cannon. I don't think Yamato will make molds for a non-cannon item. BUT, if they were to make it, I too wouldn't be able to resist buying it.


    For the low vis 3 vf-1s, i believe the problem is easily solvable. If low vis 1 scheme cant be remade, then make it like the vf-0a, the stealth (but black heat shield), or just use any gray/steel/aluminium color. Even if they take the color scheme from Masterpiece Starscream would be nice. I preffer uniformity, but i guess the Enigma is an option as well. The only reason i havent bought the new GBP armor is the non-uniformity, and also why the Enigma could also not be my favorate choice.

    For the Thunder Hummer, that would be more expensive as they dont have the tooling. What does IIRC and Kitbash mean??? In any case, worst comes to worst, even the color scheme is great for a GBP armor. I think honnestly that this Thunder Hummer is the meanest thing and coolest thing, and sure Yamato would make money on it, and would be worth doing it.

    As for the guy that said that 1/48 should be over, well this thread is for those who still want them, and thus the title 1/48. 1/48 are still the safest choice, no flaws, real toy. Some of the newer toy may look better in plane mode, but still, do not have the same perfect tighness, and other flaws in material/strength. So although we are going towards these new designs, there remains alot they get perfected. Waiting for a second/third release of the new toys is longer than yamato making some mods on 1/48th, or just color scheme.

  13. As already said in my questions to Yamato, here are the REAL releases we ALL want:

    1) Vf-1S Low Vis or Enigma (i rather the low vis gray scheme, but either way would be nice)

    2) Thunder Hammer. Can anyone seriously resist this??? U might say you can, but in the end, you would buy it, and you know it!!!

    Thats it for 1/48th for me anyways, unless i see something unexpected which makes my jaw drop!!! I guess anything that is army silver/gray/black would be interesting.

  14. Common guys, you are missing the 3 most important questions of them all:

    1) Will Yamato make Low Vis 3: a vf-1s in gray/low vis 1 type. If for some reason this cant be done, then what about Enigma (which was mentioned by others), or better yet, see question 3.

    2) Can they confirm the release of a yf-19 in low vis type color, and when (say towards the end of year would be good).

    3) Any chances they make the Thunder Hummers VF-1S Armored Valkirie???

    I am praying they do this one: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-25.jpg

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