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Posts posted by Arthurius

  1. Yo Squidd, I think your Roy yf-19 is looking really good, and better than supernova scheme. I have a 25th aniversary edition yf-19 and really love it. Other than what you have, and the 25th aniversary version, onlycolor that would be awsome would be Low Vis, or a wild color, like Orange and White (not the supernova version though, not enough orange, needs more to make it wild).

  2. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, i just received my valks, the color finish is AMAZING, much better than my stealth

    Just one thing, tried to transform my vf-1s, everything worked fine, untill i got to the BP-8 part which has to fold. It seemed stuck or very hard to do, so in order not to brake it, i gave up, and said i will try again in a month or something, cause its so nice in plane mode anyways, and i broke my vf-1s roy that way, so i chickened out. Anyone know any trick???

    A note, the written part are not obstrusive at all, and blend very well. THE lining is absolute perfect, wowawiwa. And the air intake is silver, instead of black which is not visible on the stealth, another nice aspect!!!

  3. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, i just received my valks, thank you Kevin, and i didnt get charged tax or duty, thank you kevin, and wow, the color finish is AMAZING, much better than my stealth, thank you kevin.

    Just one thing, tried to transform my vf-1s, everything worked fine, untill i got to the BP-8 part which has to fold. It seemed stuck or very hard to do, so in order not to brake it, i gave up, and said i will try again in a month or something, cause its so nice in plane mode anyways, and i broke my vf-1s roy that way, so i chickened out. Anyone know any trick???

    A note, the written part are not obstrusive at all, and blend very well. THE lining is absolute perfect, wowawiwa, thanks kevin!!! Oh, and nice boxing, it all the buble raps.

  4. Yo man, yes, you HAVE to rewatch mospeada now, i already rewatched it a month or 2 ago, and with all these new pics, i want to rewatch again!!!

    On the toy side, i am quite happy about MH making the toys i want, where one can have the cyclone with or without the helm, and thus be able to have all the heroes of the show. I am curious how the beagle will turn up, that is the only one that seems to par or better than what MH is making. But if i can remove the helm on the beagle, and if the helm is not all well shaded where face cannot really be too shown (like the MH), then i dont see reason for getting the whole set. With MH, its a done deal i want every single one of them ;) As for CM or toynomy cyclones, no thanks, i will pass no hesitation. The legios thread of the cm does look nice (though i would only consider a shadow version), but its way over my budget. So, thank you cyclones for making things right!!!

  5. one is the start man, and you will never be able to stop. I started with one 1/60 vf-1, then got 4 more, though i was originally gonna get only 1. Then i got vf-1 1/48, and that was to be it.... WRONG. I now have 5 - 6 of them, and 2 more on the way (amongs which are some 1/60 vf-0 and yf). Sold all my 1/60th vf-1. Will it end there. Some months ago, i was saying no more, have to think about wife, ring , cell, bills... And yet, one day, i will probably get the yf-21 and vf-11 with super packs. Will it end there, hmm... i hope. Yet, there is the fear of what if they made an sdf-1, or what if they made a low vis scheme in 1/60th. Or how about regults, and other enemy mechas. Also, lets not forget the new mospeada toys comming out (like the cyclones). And then there is the Master Piece Transformers, already, i love my Optimus and Starscream so much. It starts with only one man, one toy will RULE them all.... that said, i love my toys, and am happy with all the ones i kept, even the crappy first version vf-0s, as its still nice in plane mode.

    That said, one recommendation i can make to you. DONT buy first version of Yamato design. Only get a 3rd (or at least 2nd) edition, or repaint. I am wairting for a repaint of vf-21, so that all improvements will be incorporated. Same with the new vf-1s 1/60th, better to make sure by waiting for second release, so you dont get a bad surprise and you already spent so much on it. Who knows, let joints might be loose. Engineers cant think of all possible problems/issues that may arize. You will HATE yourself if you get one with bugs. I made that huge mistake with vf-0s, and am stock with it, cause i dont want to pay more for fixes i deserve for free. And you really think you can get a yf-19 without getting yf-21??? hehehe, it starts that way, just to convince yourself its ok, but EVERYONE here knows (but wont tell you) thats only the begining, and your on your way to become another darth macross. Join us Thai Boxer 9901, and togheter we will rule all of the macross fairy tale worlds.

  6. Wow, the video of the MH was awasome, so glad i am getting both characters. I do hope that the beagle wont be much much much better than the megahouse though. I would only be getting from one company prefereably, and the size of the MH seems perfect as it must be smaller than my 1/48 valks.

  7. Nice energon cube. :lol:

    Played with my YF-19 today. Definately better quality and tighter than the 1s generation YF-19. Gunpod problem fixed. Flaps under the shoulders fixed. Generally very tight.

    Problems: The neck-cover that you're supposed to pull down in fighter and gerwalk mode won't budge. I tried prying it out but only got it out by a mm. I gave up after risking prying the whole head apart. No biggie.

    Canards....i used the gold trim one but on the left one has a little difficulty staying in place. No biggie either.

    Everything else....really sharp paints and print. Battroid mode looks menacing. I like it. Fastpacks on it seem weird as the grey contrasts on the black.

    PICTURES with the Fastpacks PLEASE.

  8. Thank you Kikker. How do you feel about the fast packs on the vf-1s?

    Can anyone take pics of Yf-19 with Fast Packs?

    Keep the pictures comming guys, these are really looking nice. I am only gonna receive my toys in 3-4 weeks, so i wanna see as much as possible.


  9. Waiting for Shadow Versions, if they ever make it. The colors right now look too toyesh. Will also need to see articulation and such. Price seems too much.

    The things i do like:

    - long nose (yes, i like the nose of this over the toynomy)

    - plane mode looks much better than those Crapnomy

    - i like the yellow window on the blue version

    - Thread

    Things i dont like:

    - hands, looks toyesh

    - Paint looks toyesh

    - Taiflings dont close completely when attached to Thread

    - Thread Feet articulation

    - Price is rediculous - will buy a yf-21 at a cheaper price!!! Price should be 150-200$ MAX. Unfortunately, until i get rich so that i can buy all the toys i want, and that there will be some serious improvements (specially the paint), this is a no no. Too bad though, i really like this in fighter mode. Would like price of seperate units (the alpha and beta sold seperately).

  10. I am not happy they are making the 1/60th better than the 1/48th, but i wont sell my 1/48, will be buying special 1/60 such as a low vis if they make it!!!! But still, i want all my valks to be same size (i dont care about consistencies), and the only toy i have that is nice, but smaller is my starscream and my master grade models (if you notice, they are sorta same size as 1/60 vf-1). Stuff like MP Optimus and Megatron, as well as 1/60th vf-0 and yf-19 all go well with the 1/48th vf-1 on the shelf.

  11. Common guys, more pictures. i wont be receiving these for some time, so i want to enjoy the pictures. And a black yf-19 with the standard fps would be nice to see if it would work out.


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