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Posts posted by Skippy438

  1. well, it is a proto, but I also think it looks great. I haven't been able to track down an Alt Windcharger yet, but I really hope that one is readily available. The S2000 is my favorite car, and I also dig rally racing, and decepticons are cooler than autobots, so this thing is looking great!

  2. Animeigo's are the only "true" representation of Macross available in the states. They're sub-only, but remastered, etc. The Robotech DVDs are just that, Robotech. So I guess the main question is are you looking for Macross or are you looking for Robotech? If you're looking for Macross then you have your answer, if you're looking for RT, well, I'm not at all familiar with the RT dvds so I can't really help you there.

  3. It's meant to be a second computer, primarily targeted at iPod users who use windows. It's being sold alongside KVM switches, come on. You can use your fancy PC all day, and then switch to the macmini when you want to load songs onto your iPod. Meant to encourage those users to break down in 6 months to a year and buy a full-fledged mac. I'm sure it will sell, as will the iPod Shuffle, but I'm not a fan of either.

  4. Just got Meister (white). He was a little deformed on half of his hood, but I used a knife to carve the excess off and now he's fine. They also had a Swindle in stock, but I passed on that. I have to say, the only Alts they had before I left the country were Smokey and Sideswipe, but having Meister really makes me look forward to finding the rest of the line. I saw a Hound the other day but passed on it, was that a mistake? I may just get Swindle anyway. I'm also really looking forward to Shockwave now, he was one of the few G1 TFs I had as a kid (I had more G2s). Now I've just got to track down a set of those Jazz markings.

  5. Just a small correction, SEED Astray is a manga, not yet fully animated. I, like many others started out with Wing, but they started airing 0079 and I was hooked. Check out episode synopses and mecha listings at MAHQ They're probably the most comprehensive resource since Gundam Project went down.

  6. I got my iPod for $60, So I couldn't really complain. But since I came to Ireland and started walking everywhere the thing has been a godsend. I'm also a Mac user, and though my opinion is probably biased, it works really well for me. It's integratred from the get-go. I was already using iTunes, so all my music was there already. And if people are worried about not being able to get music off of multiple computers, don't be, because there are third party solutions to that little predicament. And if white turns you off, there are black U2 iPods (which honestly, are kinda ugly). Or you could just get it painted at a specialty shop.

  7. Stop jumping on the Apple bandwagon! It's not too late, you too can avoid becoming an iPod lemming!

    it IS too late!!! Bow before our market share! BOW! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

    But seriously, I'm not that impressed. I figure Bandai of all people could've done better. Of course the MSG iPod is probably going to be a full on Apple certified custom edition, if any of their products are.

  8. There was an older arcade racing game that if you did well enough you could choose a special stage with one of three different cars; Fire Bomber, Diamond Force, and Emerald Force. Damned if I can find the game or its title, I just remember playing it a few years back in the student union at our local college (I was in highschool at the time).

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