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Posts posted by Skippy438

  1. I've played about an hour into it and I've got to say I'm enjoying it. It seems to follow the same kind of formula as HL2, which I like. Episode one is an actual sequel, where as Lost Coast was just a glorified tech demo. (And I hate to break it to your Mr March, but wasn't Lost Coast free to everyone? :) ) Thumbs up so far, but there is more there for me to play before I give a final review.

  2. Well, the problem with Gundam is that there is so much of it. The main thing to know is that there are 2 separate "contexts" in Gundam. I use context because of lack of a better term. First there is the Universal Century timeline (or UC). The UC timeline is the one that started with the first Gundam series, and deals with the Earth Federation and the Zeon in their various incarnations in many different series. (there are other factions in that timeline, I'm just naming the 2 biggest players) It is a somewhat continuos story for about 200 years, starting in UC0079. The other context for Gundam series are the Alternate Universes, or AUs. These include the more recent Gundam series like Gundam Wing, G Gundam, and Gundam SEED that appeared on US television. These series are completely independant of the UC series as well as the other AU series, save some stylistic cues or overall storyline similarities. I recommend mahq.net for some synopsis of the overall stories. SEED is the current AU series you can readily obtain in DVD form in the US, but in my opinion the series isn't that great. I'm a much bigger fan of the UC series. Those are unfortunately more difficult to find here. If you're going to start there, I recommend tracking down the Original Gundam movie trilogy (or download it). It basically condenses the 42 ep first series into 3 movies. I've been rambling, but I'd be glad to go further in depth on any of this if you really want me to :)

  3. For Easter this year, Wal Mart had the usual bout of candy with toy premade easter baskets. And what do I find in one? Why a bootleg set of the Aerial bots from transformers! This is the set I was desperately trying to complete as a kid but never did (I was missing 3 bots I could never afford or find). So $10 bucks is a steal for nostalgia alone, regardless of how craptastic the quality of the toys actually is (which is, believe me, extremely craptastic). Has anyone else had an amazing bootleg find?

  4. I honestly don't see why they made Apollo commander of the Pegasus and I'm certain that it's going to be an issue. Lee gets crap for being a daddy's boy as it is (or has by many a former pegasus commander). If Adama wants someone he can trust, just throw Tigh in there. At least on Pegasus he won't have to deal with with the element on Galactica he dislikes, namely Starbuck and her unpredictableness. The Beast seems much more rigid and therefore more his style. Or maybe they're just gonna kill off Lee, make Pegasus go 4 for 4.

  5. There's some interesting stuff in there, especially in the clips at the very end. I'll see if I can post it somewhere, but the odds are that it's got the same DRM that the iTunes tracks have, but maybe not. I won't really be able to experiment until after Christmas.

  6. Will Smith deserves more credit, go see the film version of Six Degrees of Separation. And for anyone who doubts Jim Carrey, try Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That said, I tend to agree with most other choices on this list. Celebrity has gone too far in many many cases. When you have one hit movie, people start wanting you for films just on name alone. Look at Constantine, he was supposed to be a middle-aged British guy ... I can in no way believe that Keanu has been smoking long enough to have cancer. I'm sure it's possible, but it just isn't as believable on film.

  7. When I used to work at PC Club in Burbank, I played anime on the computer demos all day. As a matter of fact, I played eps. 1-3 of Macross Zero and sold a lot of computers in the process.

    Now that I work at RadioShack, I'm playing anime on at least one of the DVD units. Right now, I have one unit playing Macross XX all day. Perhaps later this week, I'll dust off my Macross Plus DVDs and bring them to the store.


    Sweet, my manger at RadioShack only let us play kids movies and ShackTV. I've seen Shrek more times then I care to remember.

  8. There's really only one part where you run into alot of zombies in HL2, most of the game is killing Combine soldiers. What I want to know is, if your computer doesn't meet minimum specs (I have a 3200 Athlon 64 and a GeForce 6600GT) is Lost Coast worth it? Is there any story or is it purely tech demo esque with a few baddies thrown in for show?

  9. Well, the valks reactors are fusion instead of fission( if I remember right), leading me to believe they don't necessarily need a strictly radioactive material as fuel (think Gundam where the reactor output is a helium ion). Destruction of a nuclear device like a reactor or a powerplant doesn't explode like a nuclear weapon explodes. There won't be a mushroom cloud or anything like that, but radiation would be released into the atmosphere (assuming a radioactive substance is involved in the reaction. Chernobyl exploded, but the source of the explosion was pressure, not nuclear material. The physical explosion only affected the plant, but the radiation released in the explosion is what really caused the problems.

  10. I got so pissed off that I forgot to ask my original question.  Why did the assasin just let them go at the end?  It doesn't make sense to me.


    His mission was to make sure that the information River had didn't get out. It did, mission failure. He's not just going to kill them after he failed the mission, there's no honor in that.

  11. Perhaps they'll just get Topher as Brock in S3, which is all well and good. BUT, can the sandman really carry a whole movie as the main villian. He always seemed to me to be a little ... mega-lame? I haven't read any of the Ultimate books, but how did they explain the symbiote in them? Was it an alien creature? Other-dimensional creature? Horrible lab experiment gone wrong (most likely scenario in the "realistic" world of the spidey flicks)?

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