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Posts posted by Skippy438

  1. A great start to another great season (especially after reading that little spoiler :D ) I really like this show's ability to have characters in many different places, yet to tie them all together. I'm particularly interested in how Starbuck is going to get off Caprica, they stranded her and then completely left me hanging ... Oh well, we just have the rest of the season to look forward to! Did this season air earlier in the UK like the first one did?

  2. Yeah ... the voices aren't that great. What gets me is that the voice actors from previous Gundam efforts are there, but they didn't work on the Zeta segments. I guess that gets chalked up to the studio that dubbed the series. I just think it's weird that they'll pay the guy who voiced Char in every other Gundam dub to appear in the game, but he doesn't do the voice of Quattro. And the M.K. 2 thing bugged me as well, though some of them actually got it right, and sometimes the VAs say one or the other depending on the situation.

  3. Is anyone else playing GvsZG? I bought it the other day and am loving it, but I'm pretty easy to please. It's great to finally be able to use Zeta era suits in a game like this, and the Titans themed Zeta looks pretty sweet :D What are some others' reactions to this game?

  4. Fox cancelled it after one season, so yes, it was good.

    Was that sarcastic? I'm not much of a TV person and never bothered to find out why they cancelled it.

    The show was pretty cool. The marines could pilot fighters, fight on the ground as infantry, and do about almost anything. Its crazy! What was the squad called again? Wild Cards?

    Actually, no, Fox just seems to cancel great shows before there time, like Futurama.

  5. Fox cancelled it after one season, so yes, it was good. It was about this group of marines that all joined up for various reasons, and conveniently, war breaks out. The aliens destroy a new human colony that infringes on their territory, so on and so forth. It was pretty dark, and there was alot more to the conflict than humans versus aliens, and previous human wars come into play. It also featured some pretty good CG effects for the time. Well worth it and about time in my opinion.

  6. Let me start off by saying that I am a young Star Wars fan. I am 20, so my experience started with the Trilogy release on VHS, and then the Special Editions a few years later in both the theatres and VHS. So, in order to prepare my girlfriend for episode 3, I bought the trilogy on DVD. Let me also say that I really didn't mind the Special Editions, at the time they were released I actually thought they were really cool. But thanks to the DVD revolution, it has been many years since I last saw them in their entirety. So here we are, with the new DVDs ... and there are changes. That in and of itself does not bother me. I like the new Jabba, I thought the old CG one looked stupid. I can also forgive changing the Emperor in Empire (though the dialogue is kinda wierd, and I can't remember how it went originally). I can even, though I hate to admit it, forgive changing Boba Fett's voice. But adding Hayden Christiansen's head into the final scene ... I seriously thought people were joking. For a year I thought people were just joking about that, I never did research to find out if it was true. And that just pisses me off. And I don't even think Hayden is a terrible Anakin (I tend to blame Lucas more for that. And he's leaps and bounds above the kid in Ep. 1). It's just the one change that I don't understand the necesity for. It doesn't make sense to me. I've heard Lucas' explanation, but again, I don't like it. Maybe it's because it's 3 in the morning, and I've been drinking and watching Star Wars instead of writing a paper, but seriously! What is the deal?

  7. I guess I'm in the minority here, I like JtJ more than EiS. I thought the rails based missions of EiS were lame, and the actual free moving space stuff was even worse. JtJ was actually fun. I just purchased a used copy of Fedvs.Zeon a few weeks ago, and while I think the game is pretty fun, more solid than either of the others, I wish there was a story mode or something. But I remember the days of the White Dingos on the Dreamcast ... now there was a gundam game ...

  8. So, recently my girlfriend has started to cross the line between just being supportive of my habits (i.e. an enabler) to helping me actively pursue them (i.e. a pusher). For example, I was having a rough day yesterday, only to learn that she had made me a gift. She gives me that gift in the form of a pencil sketch of the RX-78 Gundam, which looks pretty good considering her artistic background and the fact that she doesn't like Gundam or robots in general. And today I get a call saying that she's at Wal Mart and has found, not one, but two of the Transformers Alternators I had been looking for, then proceeded to hide them so we could go retrieve them later! So, I just want to throw out a big thank you to all the ladies (or gentlemen) in our lives that support us and don't mind the fact that we're grown men who shop for toys. I'd also like to hear stories from other MWers on the subject, you know, before I go make that "Ladies <3 Giant Robots" t-shirt.

  9. My girlfriend found me a Shockwave (and a Wheeljack but I didn't buy it) and I have to say it's claimed the spot of favorite Alt. It's a much tighter version of Jazz, and much more badass. They got his colorscheme down pat. I also think that Shockwave and Wheeljack must be packed together in more recent shipments, as they seem to just be coming out together (along with Ravage). Maybe Hasbro's starting to pack more of what they expect to be popular designs in?

  10. But wouldn't HUDs block faces, at least partially? They might've just been sacrificed for the sake of seeing the actors. Granted I can't remember at the moment whether you could see the HUDs in movies using real-world aircraft like Top Gun. I also don't know if F-14s even have HUDs, I just assume so ... It's been a long day ...

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