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Posts posted by Skippy438

  1. Has the second season started in the UK yet? On a completely unrelated note, a friend of mine bought the DVDs, and we noticed there was an entire Boxy subplot in the first season that ended up on the cutting room floor. Thank God, because it completely undermined the series. It was pointless comic relief in a series, that while it may have needed it to lighten the mood, did not fit in any capacity. Any thoughts from those who've seen it?

  2. I kinda agree Duke. The way she FTLed away as quickly as she could. In response to the resupply question, the Pegasus is a much larger ship, and may maintain more facilities, or they could be pillaging any and every civilian ship they come across and absorbing them into their crew, most likely destroying the ships behind them to avoid leaving a trail. Did anybody else get the feeling that the Peg was a fierce looking ship, from the angles they were showing it. The Galactica looks friendly by comparison.

  3. Hahaha, I love how there were so many comments on this thread about how Adama should just take command and declare martial law, etc. Yet when Cain comes out, who has declared martial law and is doing things like forcibly drafting people (namely the Pegusus deck chief) people complain that she's a tyrant. I loved the episode, it shows what Galactica might've been like had Roslyn not talked some sense into Adama, and simply because it sets up so much for the continuation of the season in January. There will be nothing but speculation until the SkyOne eps start hitting bittorrent.

  4. Hahahahaha! Boxy! (sp?) I was wondering if eventually he (or as the case may be, she) might enter into the story.

    So many tips of the hat, I just love it. I was a huge fan of the original series, so anytime the new one makes tribute to it, I can't help but smile.  :D


    Wasn't Boxy in the miniseries, they save him from Caprica, right?

  5. True, Kobol itself might be a fabrication ... But that doesn't fit with everything else they've done. So far their deceptions have been to infiltrate in order to kill humans, but this seems different. Unless they feel that converting Baltar will somehow lead to humanity's destruction. That just doesn't sit well with me. I have to disagree about his character getting old though. I think before he was just self-serving enough to ensure his own survival, but now he's starting to crack apart completely. I always thought the original Baltar was just a transparent evil for no reason villian.

  6. That was another great episode, at least in my book but I'm easily pleased. I have a theory though. The skulls on Kobol got me thinking about the whole "this has happened before and will happen again" thing. It makes me think that the "gods" of Kobol created humanity, and humanity rebelled and exterminated them much in the same way that humanity created the cylons who, in turn, rebelled and began their extermination of the humans. The cylons really wiped out alot of people, it makes me wonder if a future episode will feature a draft or something to fill gaps.

  7. I just bought my first PC for gaming (I'm a lifelong Mac user) and am wondering about VOXP. Where do I get it? Is it worth it? Should I read the other pages of this thread to figure it all out for myself? For reference, I have an AMD Athlon 64 3200 (Venice core) with a GeForce 6600GT and 1Gb of RAM, and I assume this will run fine simply because VO has been out a while. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  8. I'd like to see an AU universe that is super realistic, well, realistic in the realm that it could still include giant robots. Overpopulation on Earth leads to the development of space colonies, which were constructed using mobile suits as construction vehicles. Since immigrants to the colonies come primarily from the most overpopulated areas, there's much more cultural diversity, and maybe even racial tension within the colonies themselves. Violence breaks out within the colonies as tensions rise over national control (I'm tired of Earth in Gundam always being united), who's controlling what? How can many nations control the same territory? Violence escalates, and peacekeeping forces move in and take control. Violence between factions within the colonies shifts to violence against the peacekeepers as a colonial independence movement gains momentum. Some members of the movement (terrorsits? freedom fighters?) use the construction suits in attacks against the peacekeepers, and thus you have the begining of a series. Maybe the actual series takes place years later, maybe it starts from the beginning, I don't know. But no super powered anything, no beam weapons, maybe not any melee weapons. Any thoughts? I think this borrows enough from established "Gundamdom" but is different enough to be interesting.

  9. As much as I'd like to see another UC series, it's going to take alot for it to actually be good. They change the continuity too much sometimes. Maybe an animated White Dingo series would work, since they were just grunts anyhow. I still haven't seen MS Igloo, which I hear is pretty good. The main reason I don't necessarily need another UC series is that now they're so far in the future that they're practically AU series. At least in F91 (haven't seen V) there were very few vestiges of the old UC, at least vestiges that don't also exist in AU timelines. There's also a part of me that wants to see The Origin manga or Char's Deleted Afair animated, but I'm a sucker for First Gundam ...

  10. I finally finished the Zeta dvds I bought a year ago, and I love the series despite the horrible subs of the HK set I bought. It feels kinda rushed towards the end though ... but that could easily be due to the subs, which, as previously stated, were awful. I'm sorta considering springing for the US box set, but I heard the it was dubtitled. Is it that off, or is it at least a decent translation? Any information as to whether the individual releases will have a different sub set or not?

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