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Posts posted by justvinnie

  1. I still watch it, but it doesn't have the punch it did the first season. I think they are trying too hard to make Arthur badass. The villain that you are afraid of are the ones whom you don't know. That was why Sylar was such a great villain the first season. We know too much about Arthur that it takes the menace out of him. They seriously NEED to kill of all characters with multiple powers.

    Can't believe they allowed Sylar to have empathic mimicry. And he is back next season. Lame.


    Ouch, no comment at all? (I only just tonight realized I missed the new ep, and just watched it at NBC.com)
  2. I think people are overly finicky with their Yamato toys personally. I've own close to 30 of them at one point or another and never truly had any problems. So my 21 fin broke, but that was because I dropped it. I never had problems with the "exploding" hips on the 11 either.

    I think people would complain even more if Yamato decided to drop their Macross license. When it comes to business you vote with your wallet. I stopped buying them not because they were bad toys, but because I think its ridiculous that at these prices I could get an iPod or a new cellphone. To be a plastic toy should never approach those kinds of prices.

    As for Bandai's vaunted QC and design team, I own a Bandai military Aquarion toy and damn if pieces don't keep falling off on it. I lost several pieces already.


  3. Somehow the three posts above mine sound delusional.

    RT has always had a cult following: a small but dedicated group of devotees venerating the show despite everything. How else could you explain the adulation of RT:TSC?

    I don't really expect the RT movie to be any better than RT:TSC. Maybe some good eye candy since HW is involved but that's about it. The way I see it, RT people live in the past. They want more of the same instead of new innovations. Frankly I'm bored with the same old stuff. It's time to move on. Maybe that was why RT was originally so successful, the blending of 3 shows meant that each "saga" had to move on beyond the last one.

    Whatever you may think of Macross, each show is distinct from previous incarnation.


  4. This is probably because we're use to the characters now.

    I don't think so. I think it is that the development of the characters either went extreme or didn't happen at all. HRG is OCD guy bent on protecting his family, even though he's failed and driving them apart, instead of the cool calm agent. Claire is this vindictive b**** in stead of the sweet girl she was. Hiro is an idiot instead of having learned anything from his experiences. I hate him so much for his stupidity. On the other hand characters like Peter and Nathan have had very little development and pretty much are how they were at the beginning of the show.

    The focus on powers is the other thing about this show that is making it boring. They need to focus on the interaction between the characters with the powers incidental to the story. What was the tag line again: "Ordinary people discovering extraordinary abilities" or something like that?

    Lastly, the powers no longer seem like they are innate in the characters. If the powers are genetically encoded as implied, Pa Petrelli can't "steal" them from you. He could be like Peter and mimic them, or the Haitian and suppress them, but not outright steal them. It seems now that the powers are more like trading cards. Got to collect them all. I was annoyed that Peter got to keep all of his mimicked powers. Sylar should have been the only one to do that, and he should have stayed a villain. His power would have made sense that he could permanently acquire multiple abilities. Lastly he should only be able to use one ability at a time. It's not like our genetic code is infinite. He'd would have had to use the specific sequence that gave that ability and only that sequence.


  5. This season has just been too outrageous. Mind you not bad like season 2 but rather just simply stretching believability beyond its limits. It feels like the writers are always trying to one up what came before instead of focusing on quality stories that made season 1 phenomenal. I still rate "Company Man" one of television's finest hour. None of the characters are very compelling anymore.

  6. See my friends and I wrote off to Sylar being cute and toying with her, he had cornered the mouse and was playing with it.

    Now my serious question, and I'll stay away from time travel because it is just a deal breaker for me, they have to kill all the time travel characters immediately if they want the show to not seem retarded week in and week out, but back to my question.

    So true. Getting sick of "Oh the future's so screwed up, let's fix it in the past" storylines. Still much better than S2 though. What I want to know though is if Peter trapped in the evil guy's body, does he have any powers, just that guys power, or any of his original powers? It seems he doesn't have his original powers otherwise he would have phased through the walls.


  7. I haven't even watched the trailer. I hate spoilers, or even "hints".

    PS---the graphic novels have been very "side-story"ish lately. Little point reading them if you haven't been, easily skippable. (It used to be that the graphic novels filled in gaps between eps, or expanded on character's backgrounds---now it's "new minor character of the week that'll never be mentioned again")

    Agreed. Why didn't the Company just shoot Root on sight and put an end to the silliness this last chapter? Why did EVS Dropper set up such a poor trap? I mean they LURED the Company in using Penny posing as Donna. Why did they have Root at ground zero where he can get hurt?

    Initial reactions say S3 is good. I hope so, because I really don't have the motivation to actually watch it just yet after last S2 and the lame web comics. I love S1 so much that I been giving this series a chance. Peter and Sylar must absolutely die this season. They are so overpowered, who among the rest of them can actually stop these two? Also why has Peter not absorb every power Sylar has? Why just TK?


  8. From what I understand, the people of HG have tried to contact members of the original Japanese talent for projects (most notably, the Shadow Chronicles). For a number of reasons HG has been unable to obtain these original maestros so they've been forced to make do with what they have. Now, you might all be thinking that sounds crazy but you'd be surprised how hard some of these Japanese artists can be to find, let alone engage in any sort of business discussion with. Rumor had it that HG was so desperate to get into contact with these people that they were sending some of their reps to Japan to attend things like signing events. The fact is the name Harmony Gold means nothing to these original artists since Harmony Gold hasn't had to cut any of them a check in the past (and probably doesn't have much of a budget to do so now) and you get HG scrounging to make something worthwhile through the collective efforts of a bunch of fans and amateurs. So, I've got little hope of HG doing much to be proud of but maybe WB will dump some resources into this.

    EDIT - Grammar

    Last I recall, HG has yet to acknowledge anyone outside of TP for their contributions to Macross. I do believe, though I could be wrong that none of the remastered discs, nor their website acknowledges Kawamori (Mechanical Design, Story), Itano (Animator), Ishiguro (Director), Mikimoto (Charater Designs), or Miyatake (Mechanical Designs). These people were the heart and coul of SDF-Macross.


  9. I don't know about knights or messiahs, but what about the fact that they employ Kawamori and the talent that is the creative force behind Macross? The people that actually have bled what we, as fans clamored over. Not people who sit around and expect a piece of the pie or pump out muck like Shadow Chronicles. How has Big West been the speed bump to bringing people Macross Frontier when it's them that sold the license to Bandai? As far as we know Big West has settled for the Japan market and is still able to produce better toys and and better shows. What has HG done with it's Robotech license and it's distribution rights for the rest of the entire world? As I said over and over, I loved Robotech as a kid and if they were able to match that level of excitement with the stuff they're coming out with now then I'll be behind them 100%. But the crap they expel towards their fans now is kinda just insulting. I'm glad Toynami found their place is the toy world as a distributors of Japanese produced toys. That seems to suit them better than being the designers.

    QFT. Ever since AL became BFF's with the boys over at HG, he's seems to have lost that understanding. As I see it, HG is a looter, having no real productive value, but rather trying to leech off of the original creative talent.


  10. We almost did a week by week review of Macross F (actually recorded the one for the first episode), but I listened to other podcasts that do week by week episode reviews for Bleach and stuff and it just gets really inane and repetative after a while. I think a big overall review works a lot better because you can dig into the meat and themes much more effectively. Also it's a bit late for a week to week for Macross F. :)

    As for Bendo:


    You want:

    02/02/2008 11:30 PM EST 1:00:03 responts to dx destroy all pod cast review part 1 "C"

    02/02/2008 11:15 PM EST 1:01:52 responts to dx destroy all pod cast review part 1 "B"

    02/02/2008 11:00 PM EST 1:00:23 responts to dx destroy all pod cast review part 1 "A"

    Yeah. That's right. "responts". This is a reaction to our review of SDF Macross from Christmas, mostly little out of context quotes and followed by him calling us "fags".

    that was really painful.

  11. You guys in CA are so lucky! I can't find a single retailer that has all the Macross stuff I want, especially at the prices you are listing.

    If any of you are feeling charitable, I'd be willing to pay a small buyer's fee and S&H for the following items if you can get them for a reasonable price.

    WAVE 1/5000 SDF-Macross Movie Color

    Yamato 1/60 VF-0A Shin with Ghost Pack

    Yamato 1/60 YF-19 with FAST Pack

    Yamato 1/60 Sv-51 Gamma Ivanov


  12. At least people here are reasonable. The Herpes dedicated forums are full of fan wanking to explain the large loop holes in the plot instead of accepting the fact that the season one finale and season 2 blew massive chunks.


  13. I guess, once upon a time, i had hoped that heroes would pay attention to stuff like that.

    So did I. TK is way too powerful in this show. It's probably stronger than Nikki's super strength which is why Peter didn't use it to rip the vault apart, right? Seriously, they need to learn that EXTREME super powers ain't cool and that there needs to be a cap. How the hell did Peter generate the massive amount of energy for a nuclear detonation?


  14. I wonered if they knew Adam's blood is a miracle cure, why didn't they stockpile it in the 30 years they had him in captivity? I imagine that after 30 years, you'd have a pretty good about of blood.


  15. Oh yeah, I do agree, Adam was a great villain even if they had to spend way too much time on him being Takezo Kensei. If I was alive that long, I'd probably be more jaded and cynical than him. Sylar as a villain sucks. He no longer has that air of mystery and that takes away the menace. He's just a greedy little boy who wants all the powers he can eat.


  16. Have I mentione that I would have been sooooo much happier if Peter, Nathan, and Sylar had died at the end of Chapter 1? :ph34r:

    Instead both Peter and Sylar will be even MORE super duper powerful. They're going to suffer from Fantastic Four syndrome and eventually we'll run out of disbelief to suspend. If we haven't already.

    QFT. There's just too many damn loopholes in Season 2.

    Peter has mind reading powers but never does so on Adam to learn the truth. He could have just phased them through the vault but didn't do so. The fact that not 1 not 2, but 3 people tried to convince him that Adam was evil wasn't a big enough of a tip off, two of which he knew to be good guys. It took a fourth one, his brother, for him to be convinced. What are you, stupid? Why didn't he go in and get the virus instead of Adam? His god-like status makes it necessary that he be stupid to advance the already boring story.

    Mohinder ducked under Sylar'a arm after the latter shot Maya to get to Molly when he could have disarmed Sylar instead. Play that scene again and tell me there are at least 12 ways to disarm Sylar from that vantage point. What idiot doesn't password protect their computer especially if it contains sensitive files? Why the hell does he carry around so much of Claire's blood when one dose is sufficient? Where the hell are all the people at the lab? Why didn't he take Sylar to a high security lab? Why is Maya STILL alive? Why is Mohinder STILL alive?

    Two mind readers in the room and neither could detect the killing intent of the assassin? Shouldn't Peter's blood have healing powers?

    It's all mind bogglingly stupid. Suspension of disbelief was oh so much easier season one. Peter and Sylar MUST DIE. When will Tim Kring understand that with their god-like abilities no real interesting story can be told. Unless they retcon a way to cap those two's power or they create some fatal weakness, the stories are going to suck unless both them are dumber than dirt like Peter was this season. I call this the Superman effect. The might as well turn this into DBZ-styled powering up contest.

    The finale was a valiant attempt at salvaging a lackluster season, but it was doomed to suck already.


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