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Posts posted by justvinnie

  1. Eh, Pizza obviously has lots of issues and is using his obsession with RT as a focal point to channel those issues. Unfortunately with mass communication so readily available, it is inevitable that the lunatics are often heard from the most.

    Based on his grammar, spelling, and unique colloquialism, I'd say either he is not very educated or English must not be his primary language.

    There is a certain irony in the fact that he thinks we set a bad example for Macross fans.


  2. I happen to like the RT novels up to The Sentinels. The whole Karbarrans (Care Bear creatures) or Captain K'rrk and his crew on the N'terprs (or whatever ridiculous spelling they used) and the awful Moebius time loop plot in EOTC made me want those hours back. I always thought the novelization of RT was better than the actual show and I still consider it the canon RT whenever I think of RT. I still have those books around. somewhere.

    dr vinnie

  3. Those are at least fair and debateable crits. I'd be very interested in seeing SR get finished, preferably by the team that did SC. I've enver understood the big deal about taking comics, esp superheroes and such "live action" when animation is the superior venue for such storytelling.

    Does this mean your a fan of RT:SC? If you are a fan then, you sir, have lost all credibility in my eyes. I want those 1.5 hours of my life back. Watching RT:SC is akin to watching a train wreck about to happen in slow motion. You know you should stop and yet morbid curiosity prevents you from averting your eyes.

    Drop the whole "must defend RT" and save yourself angst and time. Plenty of RT fans on this board who don't have an issue with the community at large.

    dr vinnie

  4. vinne, while I do agree that it's a waste of time to debate the merits of Robotech on MacrossWorld, this thread was specifically created for "HG and Robotech Debates," so Capt Christopher Donovan is in the right place. If he wanted to discuss Robotech on other portions of the site, well that would be another story.

    I was not suggesting that he should go discuss RT elsewhere on the boards, but rather to just drop discussing RT totally (that is, the dead horse) and go participate elsewhere on the boards. For instance he wanted to discuss the size of the SDF-1. That would be better facilitated in another thread than this one regardless if he is referring to RT or Macross. There are many elements to discuss that are immaterial as to whether you're a fan of RT or Macross or both.

    I merely implied that his continued exclusive participation in this thread would be an indicator that he is here only to defend RT as opposed to contributing to the general community.

    I was also curious, to be banned over at RT.com, does MEMo and Mav have the power to ban arbitrarily or do they have to consult the admins first? I know that here at MW, a banning generally requires a consensus among the mods and approval of the admins (or at least it used to). It would seem like the mods at RT.com should have some form of oversight by the admins regarding banning.

    dr vinnie

  5. I still have the (as yet unspoken) question that started me on this hunt to begin with. It's neither and both a Robotech AND a Macross question, as it involves the SAME footage of the object in question, namely the SDF-1.

    I had need of a good size estimate for the ship, and after perusing what material I could find online I was unsatisfied with the "official" answer being presented (1200m in length). I don't feel that it jibes with either the exterior Macross Island scenes OR the rebuilt Macross city interior scenes. Nor did I feel it jibed with certain dialogue elements, such as Fokker's statement that many parts of the ship had been closed off and "abandoned", and yet it still held 70000 people with a great deal of "wasted space" as originally presented.

    I was hoping to find a good debate on the topic of SDF-1 size that might give me more insight, and a better figure than the "official" one...

    Dude quit wasting your time beating a dead horse deader than it already happened to be when you found it. Nothing you say is going to change anyone's mind here.

    You've done nothing but post in this particular thread to defend RT and associated entities when there's a plethora of knowledge and talent to be had on the rest of the board. If you persist then the only viable conclusion to be drawn is that you came here with the express purpose of waging a holy crusade for RT. If that is the case, please leave.

    There are many RT fans on this board who partake of the rest of MW outside of this thread and are perfectly happy. Hell there are RT fans who partake in this thread and are perfectly happy. You will be too when you just accept that this is first and foremost a private board devoted to Macross and thus is bound to have many Macross fans who will be critical of anything and/or anyone that detracts from Macross. If you can't overlook that then also please leave.

    dr vinnie

  6. Robotech re-wrote the scene. I haven't watched in a long time but I believe the animation shows sand blowing across the desert before Ray falls. In Robotech the sand was said to be "spores from the flower of life" and it's breathing the spores that give Rand his dream more than it is the dehydration.

    FYI, flowering plants do not have spores. The point of flowers is seed production.


  7. If you're going to bash MEMO, at least bash him for something he can control... like his constant, obnoxious, parrot-like repetition and provably-wrong interpretation of the Harmony Gold company line. His physical appearance has nothing at all to do with what he posts.

    I agree. I am only prejudiced against stupid people. The picture was uncalled for.


  8. Where is Kevin McKeever and his STHU speech for the week in a topic like this? This would be around the time he comes in and does damage control.

    I really wonder about HG's hiring practices. The last time I saw anything from McKeever (formerly known as bankofkev), he wasn't exactly a shining example of human intelligence. Though compared to CAPS boy, he's like a freaking genius. If a team is only as strong as its weakest link, I'd hate to be on HG's team.

    I used to try and reasons with these people until I realize how stupid it was to do so. Who's the bigger idiot? The idiot or the person arguing with the idiot?

    Here's my prediction: the RLAM will be a minor success with most reviewers giving it a C to -C rating. Enough to warrant a sequel that will be so craptastical that the series will be buried.

    Not that I really care. I have important things in my life now.


  9. Parkman wiped Sylar's memories & programmed in Nathan's identity. Since Sylar has the ability to absorb memories from objects he touches, he will be unconsciously obsorbing Nathan's memories from objects that Angela will most likely provide.

    That was my understanding. That's why its messed up. If he can do that, then he should still heal. "Nathan" should freak out when he gets hurt next because he's going to heal right up just like his "daughter". Some powers are voluntary like TK and electric manipulation. Healing is involuntary (and apparently clairsentience is too).

    I agree that it will become a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde scenario.


  10. You know what really bothered me this Season? All the great character moments and stories that were lost.

    -Hiro's touching moment with his mom and the responsibility of keeping the catalysts. 10 minutes later he loses the catalyst.

    -Peter gaining Sylar's intuitive aptitude. Loses it next episode. What was the point of getting that power? Nothing.

    I agreed that when writers try to cater to the fans instead of writing truly creative and unique stories, you just get crap.


  11. Battle of the psyches? I think we are forgetting that individuals with healing powers can reverse the effects of mind tampering. Peter did it. Linderman fixed Ma Petrelli up. Hiro's mom fixed him up. So basically, we're just waiting for the mind healing to kick in for Sylar to come back, no mind games necessary.

    Besides what's "Nathan" going to think when he gets hurt and heals up instantly? The healing factor isn't voluntary as has been shown numerous times. They said that anything that was missing "Nathan" can pick up by using Bridget's powers. So obviously, "Nathan" has all of Sylar's current powers. If he accidentally uses any of those powers, he's going to be like, "What the hell?" That and he doesn't have true flight anymore. He was telekinetic flight which doesn't seem as powerful as true flight. Why else would Sylar use cars to travel unlike Nathan who just flies places at supersonic speeds.

    It was a nice ending if it weren't for all the earlier screw ups that makes this ending implausible.


  12. Loved the episode. It's gone back to it's roots. It's not about the powers, it's not about the plot devices, it's about the characters and how they deal with the world around. It's gone back to "ordinary people with extraordinary ability". I don't think we're the only ones noticing either. As can be seen from those two links I've provided, both upbeat and positive about the direction Heroes has taken now. I expect I'll find more such links if I did a search for recent Heroes news too. I believe there's a positive groundswell now that Fullers back and the critics, who influence what people watch, like the direction it's going as well.

    Yup. Fuller had the right assessment in the interview. I started disliking and not able to connect to any of the characters. They were all stupid and unlikeable after Season 1 until now.

    Definitely a watch as soon as I can show again. Season 1 was to watch it as soon as it aired. S2 started that way but slipped to whenever I had time be it a month or so down the road. S3 started as a watch during the weekend, slipped to practically once a month but as soon as Fuller came back for Cold Snap it's practically back to Season 1 watching habits.

    I don't think they should kill Sylar, just downgrade him to a guest star and have him pop in and out of the show wreaking havoc when he does appear. Danko needs to stay as HRG's nemesis. Everyone should be able to agree that HRG is bad ass. Danko seems able to be able to play his counterpart well and it would make for a nice chess game between the two. Peter can stay now that they've reduced this powers. I hated him when he was the ultimate reset button for the writers. Now that he's not Superman with the ability to fix whatever stupid situation the writers have written themselves into they seem to be writing better stories and Peter seems to have stopped acting like a dumbass. Hiro....eh couldn't care what happens to him. Sure he embraces his powers but he acts like sure a spoiled brat most of the time. He pays lip service to having taken responsibility for his actions but then runs off and screws things up by acting and not thinking things through because he wants to be a hero. The positive side is that he does bring levity to the show and uplifts the characters when they're down. At most I see Hiro as a Sidekick not a Hero.

    Eh, Sylar is overpowered. He's shown that he can resist other powers such as mind reading, persuasion, puppet mastery,and hypnosis. He can be anyone he wants, and he's still collecting new powers. Yet somehow, he's not badass like he was in S1. We just know too much about him. A good villain is one we don't know. That's what makes them frightening. Sylar's like a declawed Himayalan cat. Cute, cuddling, and annoying.

    Danko's an ass and an idiot trying to make up for his small manhood. I mean, seriously, team up with Sylar, the most dangerous of them all, feed him new powers just so you can take down people who can blow bubbles and breathe under water. Stupid people need to die.

    Peter, sure his powers are now limited, but he's still annoying emo guy. That and he is clueless on how to effectively use his power. I mean he's got like the best power in the world and he's too retarded to use it properly. If I was him, I'd go knock out the Haitian and take his powers. Then go shoot Sylar, hook him to some powerful sedatives and take his powers. All of them. Then kill the bastard and become super emo villain.

    I hate Hiro to no end. He hasn't grown up or learned from anything. I fault the writers. Future Hiro was so much better. Don't the writers know that that's the Hiro we want? Again, stupid people need to die.

    Characters I enjoy: Angela and Sandra. Also good are Noah and Tracy. I like Doyle also, don't know why.


  13. Wow, what a difference just one talented writer can make. The episodes have gotten good since "Cold Snap", supposedly the first ep that Fuller had a hand in this season. Each subsequent episode was been better. I'm starting to like the characters again. Tonight's episode was stellar. I really enjoyed Angela's story. Not as good as "Company Man", but there's only so much you can do to start turning the ship around.

    Now... Sylar needs to die. Hiro needs to die. Peter needs to die. That'll fix most of the issues with the show. Oh yeah, the Danko needs to die too.


  14. so i'm confused. I thought that the toasters were already at war with the colonies when the final five arrived. I thought the toasters agreed to end the war if the final five created humanoid cylons. but daniel (#7) is already planted as an agent from the trailer. so what's the chronology?


  15. All I can really hope for is that Toynami has learned their lesson and takes it to heart. I hope all their subsequent toy exclusives that they design themselves are of this same high quality and not a back-slide to being more Alpha's.

    I thought someone said that Aoshima did the design and engineering? It looks pretty good in the video but kind of simple.


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