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Posts posted by Repiv_Onex

  1. I think the best thing for you to do is set yourself a long term goal - if you get the OS, then you obviously have to get the OA as well. And if you get the OA, then you must get the OA with Ghost. And while you're about it, maybe the OS with Ghost as well. And if you're going to get the UN valkyrie from zero, then CLEARLY you need to get the SV-51. And obviously you need both Nora and Ivanov.

    And suddenly - whamo - you have the ENTIRE collection for Macross Zero. Only four fighters.

    Oh - wait - then there's the cannon fodder SV-51. Maybe you can skip that :)

    You missed the 0A Shin. So with CF SV-51, there're 6. *Hides* :ph34r:

    My point here is, however, that it's kind of pointless to get all worked up over which one you should get. Get one of them now, another one a month from now - maybe get whatever you can find at a bargain?

    Just get :)

    Ok, back to the very first page and first post of which to get first... :unsure: But I have to agree with VFTF1, just get any of them now!! :angry::lol:

    Maybe next month there will be a thread tittled SV-51 vs VF1S ver2. :lol:

  2. I got a malaysian Frontier DVD set from ebay that is pretty darned good and cheap with Chinese, Malay and English Subs. The English Subs are actually quite good.

    Just that the Cover of the dvd box wrote Macross Seven which borders me, and they make the letter "O" of macrOss frontier to look like the Macross Zero design makes me feel like they were so desperate to sell it.

    Anyone knows when the original with Eng sub for DVD and BR will be out? Not those one disc per packaging like now, can't afford that. ^_^

  3. Leon's hair has gone through falling debris, into a pool of water, and wrestling with zombies, but his hair remains PERFECT througout the movie.

    Well, maybe that's a wig, a very expensive one. :ph34r:

    Anyone else thought Angela looks like Angelina Jolie?

    Yup, kinda alike, maybe that's why she called Angela hehe.

    This time they introduced a new character Angela to team up with Leon, I like definitely like her(her looks, character development etc), but I felt it would have been better if Ada or Claire would have team up with Leon for more actions and homage.

    I missed Ada, she was so cool and sexy in RE4.

  4. Just finished watching it. It's awesome consider all the actions packed in this 90min movie, maybe I think it's good because I don't really have high hopes for it before watching it.

    Was disappointed that Claire doesn't have as much screentime and character development as the new felme character named Angela. The lead roles were more of Leon and Angela than Leon and Claire, Claire was more like a supporting role.

    Will definitely buy the DVD for collection.

  5. Macross F O.S.T 3 娘たま♀ is out, you can search it in SHARE.


    I have downloaded the ost3 from another source, and all the songs doesn't have its name, so...

    can anyone pls tell me the name of the Extended version of the previously 7min+ Nyan Nyan Service Medley?

    o btw the ost 3 doesn't have the Nyan Nyan Service Medley isn't it?

  6. ep 25

    1)Battle Galaxy's head gets blown up, appears again, then is missing again.

    Here Canaria blows Galaxy's head/bridge to pieces. (Yet we don't actually know its missing yet.)

    2)Quarter is about to do the Macross Attack, we can clearly see the head/bridge is still intact.

    3)Battle Frontier is about to do the final blow right after Quarter's Macross Attack... oh wait where is Galaxy's head?? All that's there is a little stump.

    From what I can tell is though Canaria did hit Battle Galaxy's head, the head is still intact throughout the whole show showing no evidence of the head being separated from its body. B))

    1)Head got hit, but still intact.

    3)Yupe, the head is just leaning back a little.

  7. I'm going ^_^ for S$5.

    btw I have checked the website a few times but didn't get any info on the S$5 ticket, I know we have to get the $5 ticket on the venue itself, but will the ticket be sold out fast? There are 380 tickets for the VIPs, but how many for $5 tickets? May'n sings at 7pm, I hope we don't need to be there early in the morning to queue for purchase of $5 ticket. :huh:

  8. You beat me to it.

    That was the exact same reference I was gonna use. That's the best non-BS rendition of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku I've seen.

    He does 5 kicks in total there (if you count the one while crouching as the starting kick of the technique). As long as they don't put in more than 4 in the live action, it should look decent.

    A visual reference is always best.


    The HK version of Street Fighter live-action movie, @42sec of vid they shows "hurricane kicks", @1:12 Hurricane Kick vs Scissor Kick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVQDa5Yj1gk ...Be prepared...

    Hope this movie will be a better one.

  9. Back in South East Asia, ticketing information for May'N's concert has been released.



    Victor is probably charging hell alotta cash to the organisers to bring May'N down to Singapore cause those ticket prices for a less than 1 hour concert (guessing from 7 song limit) and to shake hands and get a signature from May'N , is this normal for cons? Jeeez.

    Listen to May'N sings = S$8

    May'N's Autograph = S$60

    May'N's Handshake =S$50

    It would be awkard if very few people are buying the $68 or $118 tickets. I could imagine the emptiness of the VIP rows... and a whole bunch of crazy lots behind the VIP rows. :blink:

  10. Zero region Macross Frontier Vol. 1 DVD out. 1st thirteen episodes with English and Chinese subs.


    That's a terrible Bootleg(1 disc for 13eps), actually the full version of the bootleg have been out there quite some time. 3 Discs of 1-25eps.

    I got the Aquarion dvd bootleg from the same Manufacturer of the MF dvd bootleg previously because it was very cheap, and the Aquarion dvd of 3 discs had quality that's worse than original vcd quality.

    Just don't buy that bootleg from Malaysia. ^_^

  11. Sorry for posting this kinda off-topic question, but I would really like to know before I buy the PS3. :rolleyes:

    I need a mkv to mp4 converter, and I came across the mkv2vob converter someone mentioned when I searched the forums. However, I have tried to install several versions yet all failed to install. Then I found this AVS Video Converter which seems good, but it cost $60. My question is, is there any other good mkv to mp4 converter(whether they are free or not)?

    btw is there any places to download America TV series like Heroes and Terminator:SCC in mp4 format using bittorrent? From the sites I know all those are only avaliable in mkv format.

    Once again sorry for the OT questions as I really really need the answers. :huh:

  12. Whoa... This means the VF-171EX is called Nightmare Plus EX?


    Just hope it's not called Nightmare Plus Plus

    VF-27 "Pink in the Day, Purple at Night" :ph34r:

    Isn't it strange that there's no official name for the VF-27 yet? Does any of the Valkyire in Macross history that doesn't has a name yet too?

  13. I also wondered why future Peter has a scar and how he can die.

    The future Peter has a scar simply because we, the audience needs to know which is the present Peter and which is the future Peter. ^_^ Future Claire did clarify that future Peter was just "dead" temporarily due to the Haitian is still around which makes Peter unable to heal.

    Also why is it that every time the victim knocks out a bad guy, they run away? Especially with someone like Sylar. The hero always makes the mistake of not finishing the job. 1) Mohinder not grabbing the gun and shooting Sylar in the head when he was knocked out after he killed Peter. 2) Hiro and Claire not cutting off/ stab his head. 3) Noah not shooting him in the head. WTF is wrong with them?

    Because if they did, we might not even have S2.

    Sylar wanted to have all that power to satisfy his "hunger" so he killed. Peter doesn't need to kill to obtain power so why would Peter need to cut Nathan's head open?

    Peter doesn't have full control over the abilities that he have aborbed, thus to fully satisfy the Hunger, I guess he have to fully understand how each ability works.

  14. So true. Getting sick of "Oh the future's so screwed up, let's fix it in the past" storylines.

    First of all, please pardon my English.

    Personally I feel that the "Oh the future's so screwed up, let's fix it in the past" storylines are the tradition/core/main plot(sigh, can't find a right word for this) of Heroes, just like Terminator (whether movies or series), it's all talking about Skynet and how to stop or prevent it(That's why ppl loves it and hates it, bcos they are the "same"). It wouldn't be Terminator if they use other plots rather than John Connor or Skynet as the main Storyline. My understanding is Heroes will always adapt the idea of "Future, Present, Past".

    Just my 2cents.

    O and let's hope S3 will be better, S2 was awful. :ph34r:

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