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Posts posted by Repiv_Onex

  1. VF-1S 1/60 Roy Strike Valkyrie, my very first macross toy, and I just love how it looks, the bubble canopy on the 1/48 is a bit dodgy

    OT- Aside from the size and box design, personally I prefer the 1/60 VF-1S' proportion and look more than its 1/48 scale(except the '48 kneecap looks nicer).

  2. I dont know the Anime, only the Models. This is not important fo me.

    But I want one with good paintings und nice details. The perfect one! ;)

    If that's the case, VF-OS/A would be the nicest so far ^_^

    Personally I love it way more than my VF-1(w/o FP)...

  3. Nice!

    You may want to add some blur to the Earth and to the moon respectively to give the illusion of depth and distance.

    I'd suggest loosing the distant sun as it makes it seem as though there are two suns in the image. The one shown and the other shining the light on the fighter and planets out of frame...

    Some background stars might help as well.

    Just a few suggestions to consider.

    Great work though...

    Hi, your suggestions are very good. :) However, I think that's the best I can do...

    The Earth, Moon, Sun and VF-1J are added individually. Thus u can see a very obivous round sun reflection on the Earth around its center which comes from its original photo. I have tried to make it less noticable but failed. <_< As for the VF-1J, the lighting is taken the way u see, though I could use the exposure thingy to even out the lighting/reflection to make it looks more real, but I still feel that this inaccurate direction of lighting seems to be nicer. :D Since the light/reflection/shadow in this picture totally make no sense(e.g As the sun is behind the earth, the earth should be pitch drak and neither the VF-1J would be so bright.) so I have gave up the idea of blurring the earth though this will look more realistic as I really love this piture of Earth alot and don't wish to reduce its clarity.

    Anyway, thanks for your nice sugguestions as well as eugimon's, please do post more suggestions in the future if I ever upload new wallpaper. ^_^ Thanks!

  4. I not sure whether this only applys to me... but I really think the little fastpack for the legs and shoulders makes the 19 in Battroid mode so perfect!!!

    I had had decided not to buy this 19... but now my mind is struggling because of the little FP picture Graham posted... argh... now I understand what's the meaning of a small change makes a big difference. :wacko:

  5. Seriously speaking; just don't put too much expectation and thoughts of this would be another LOTR and the show will be a nice one. ^_^

    My friend, a fan of LOTR, whom thought this is another LOTR movie, keep !@%$#!@#^%! after watching the movie with me..... I had a terrible time with him, not the movie. :D

  6. Hi guys, I have a noob question; is the Dark Vader FX Lightsaber seems to be much dimmer than the Anakin LS? I have checked through some photos and videos but it seems to be inaccurate by comparing them in photos or videos. So can someone who own both of them tell me how bright the Dark Vader LS is? e.g 70%-80% of the Anakin LS brightness? I appreciate any help. THanks ^_^

  7. Eden obviously killed herself to prevent Sylar from getting her power. I think Mr. Bennett was using the Haitian to nullify his power when he visited Sylar. When Eden visited him, the Haitian was with Claire.

    Speaking of which, man I want to see what's up with him going against orders to wipe Claire.

    Oh, and best line: "I really need to get that sword."

    That's the weird part; if Haitian wasn't around the prison that Slyar was in, Slyar could have break through the prison anytime eariler. Why would he waited till Eden visit him? And if it was really haitian present that nullify Slyar's power(I do believe so, it's the only explaination), how would Mr. Bennet missed such an important part and asked Haitian to be absent from nullifying Slyar's power??

    btw, how Slyar got ppl's power?

    And yeah, I always qouted a best line from every episode as my MSN personal message. My best line for this episode is "How do u stop an explosing man?!". I like your best line too.

  8. Whoa!! Where did this idea that Sylar eats people's brains come from? He's a super villian, not a zombie. Wait!! Maybe he's a super zombie villian!! :p

    lol omg I always thought he ate the brains! So he just look at the brains to learn their ability??

  9. Thanks Wes... so it's really 7 weeks before the next episode comes. ;)

    Does Slyar still be able to possess Eden's power(by eating her brain) as Eden had blew her own brain off?

    btw can someone explain why did Slyar was able to break out from the prison when Eden came to see him? Why don't he get off eariler?? Sorry, I'm not smart :mellow:

  10. Actually, they are quite typical. But most networks haven't made an issue of it till recently.

    In Asia, most television programming is made in a single continuous block. An entire series is made until it's done. There's only a break in programming if there was a pre-scheduled preemption. In the US, it's a little different. Television works in seasons (normally September to April/May, December to February, late May to October). This keeps a series going on for years and years because only half a year of weekly episodes are shown within a year. There are periods where the networks have special programming for that time of the year. These preemptions are normally during times of the year where people are likely to take a vacation, i.e. summer, or during Christmas or during a big sports event, etc.. So during this time, networks will delay showing a program until that time has passed. It's very common, but only recently have networks begun to make an issue of it. It's also used to avoid showing reruns of a season. Battlestar Galactica is not an exception to the rule. BSG purposely delayed the start of it's season to avoid facing a mid season hiatus and reruns. A side effect of BSG's schedule is, that it will end it's season much sooner than most other shows (by early April). People wanted no reruns, and few interruptions so expect the season to end sooner than most other shows. Heros will return next year after the Christmas/New Year's time has passed to finish of it's season.

    wow, thanks for the explaination above, now I understand. ^_^

  11. Next week will be the mid-season hiatus. Heroes will restart in the new year. The weekly online comics will still continue.

    I thought they said next week is the last episode before the x-mas/winter hiatus. Unless, that's what you meant

    I'm from Asia, can someone explain to me what's mid-season hiatus or winter hiatus and how does it affect the series Heroes?? Is it mean that we don't get to see Heroes until next year? Sorry, just not sure of "how things works" in the US. ^_^

  12. Hit it hard against something soft, like your bed. That's how I test mine. That way there is little or no chance of it breaking.

    If it continues to have trouble, contact Master Replicas. Their customer service is fantastic and they will get you a new one free of charge. (you just have to send the old one in, they provide the shipping label) At least that is how it works if you live in the US. Singapore may be different.

    Good luck.

    Thanks, it's just my luck :( Never mind, at least I won't hit the blade(just to hear the clashing sound)

    btw, nice pool rack above!

  13. does anybody have decent solution for displaying their

    sabers? The stand that MR FX come with are ok, but i

    wanted to display about 8 sabers at the same time.

    And having them lay horizontaly doesnt work for me.

    I'd prefer to have them vertical, more like Pool sticks.

    I've seen individual stands that are vertical but not for

    multiple sabers.

    Maybe u can have one of those Racks

    Btw I just received a sealed brand new Lightsaber today. However, it doesn't has any "clashing" sound, I wonder am I the only one that has this problem? Or was it simply that I didn't hit it hard enough though I believed I hitted hard enough. My motion sensor seems to be very insensitive too, not to mention my on/off button is kinda faulty... I appreciate for any replys, thank you.

  14. Repiv, is that a "mint" color or more of a teal?

    oh, I have uploaded the wrong file, that's teal. Anyway I feel that this scheme, regardless of any decent colour, is a nice scheme afterall. B))

    Let's pray hard together for a Stealth 19... and hope Yamato chooses the right colour :D

  15. It seems that quite a number of Macross Fans here doesn't really care about VFX scheme... I wonder who else like the VFX scheme just like I do? It's nice isn't it IPB Image

    Somehow, I'm not so attracted by this "original" M+ colour scheme. I really hope they will make multiple colour schemes. Yamato pls make us at least 1 more scheme, STEALTH 19!!!!!!!!

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