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Posts posted by Excillon

  1. the way I see it, is that a transforming revoltech vf-1 will save legions of children from having to play with these.....



    LMFAO! I remember that, I had one...I broke it in a day. Actually, I've been hunting for the Mugen Calibur from that line, I think he was named "Wheels" or something lame like that.

  2. Ohhh....this is going to be epic. I mean the price as well! :blink:

    I'm guessing about high 500-mid 600's myself. Unless it's a G-system product, I won't pay for it, no matter how painful it's absence from my collection is.

  3. > Just received my two YF-19 Prototypes 3 & 4. These definitely look very nice and the pics we've seen online thus far don't do it justice. Hell maybe I'm biased since I'm a huge YF-19 fan. Will post some pics. <

    That would be great. Money is tight now, and I'm a HUGE 19 fan...but the price is making me question if these two should be added to my collection.

    I hear you. I'm debating the same thing myself.

  4. There are people who buy the G-System 1/35 scale EX-S Gundam, Im sure there are people who would buy a large scale SDF-1.

    I'm actually seriously considering the EX-S 1/35 myself right now. Only because it's a once in a lifetime chance for MASSIVE mecha goodness. If this was made into a resin kit, it'd have to be a limited run, maybe like 15-20 tops. Personally, I'd only buy it if it was variable or in Storm attacker.

    Anyhow Maverick, I agree with the rest of the people here, YOU MUST FINISH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell, might as well go for it and do the whole thing.

  5. I have the TFC versions of both. I am particularly fond of the Insecticon Box because of the three energon cubes it comes with - very nice! :) (borat voice) :)


    I have the TFC versions too. If TFC was still around, I'd probably still be collecting G1 reissues. I loved the bookstyle packaging...I've even considered making custom ones for Encore/ehobby reissues, but what the hell would I put for the Japanese writing?!

  6. Just put that 00 Raiser on the back of the back burner. You don't need it. <_< Can't stand 00...

    Anyway, I have beaten backlog. The way to do it is to stay off of MW. :lol:

    Touche...however, it's Gundam, it's 1/60, so having that completist compulsion means it must be bought and built. And with the amount of posts you have vs. the time you've been a member means apparently you aren't staying off MW all that much!

  7. I meant Non-Gundam mechas in the Gundam franchise. Like the Geara Doga for example. I know there is a HG but i want an MG version.

    What about all the GM variations, R-Gz, Zeon mechs, and you know there will eventually be a Guncannon 2.0...I don't know, I only do PG's and 1/60's now anyhow.

  8. They need to make more Non-Gundam MG's.

    Never been a fan of the gundam designs except maybe one or two. I find them too generic and boring looking. But there is a lot of unique and interesting non-gundam mecha's i'd love to see get the MG job.

    Meh. Dunbine kit was cool, but the Patlabor kits sucked balls. Frontier kits are basically MG's though, at least that's my opinion.

  9. Dem Fighting words

    "NOT HI-NU CRAP"!!!!!!!

    Hi-Nu isn't bad, but for a PG, I'd prefer the regular Nu.

    As for your inquiry on the Red Frame PG, it's badass, of course. It's a retool of the Strike, and that design is the best PG kit bandai has to offer at this point. And that's fact, not opinion. The frame is super articulated, super high detail, awesome gimmicks. The Red Frame is not as articulate in extreme poses though, as the armor interferes with certain joints that the Strike's armor doesn't. Still awesome though. But if I had to choose, I'd choose Strike over Red Frame.

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