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Posts posted by Excillon

  1. What's the name of that robot toy line with huge suction cups at the bottom?

    ROBO-ZONE? :lol:

    Robo force. I think it was Max Steel's Robo-force. Cool toys I had a few of them. Had a gimmick with a button on the back you press to make their arms move, lame gimmick though, it barely worked.

    Obscure toys huh? Gundam and Macross don't count?

    Captain Power was pretty big for a while, I remember playing that stupid thing with the VCR tape and it would eject the pilot. I also remember having the Defenders of the Earth toyline with Ming, some robot type figures, Flash Gordon, The Phantom, and some Magician guy. If my memory serves, those figures totally rocked compared to any other action figure. I want to say they were part diecast, but I'm not certain on that, as my memory has escaped me a bit. Remember G.U.T.S and M.U.S.C.L.E.? I had a million of both of those toylines, including a wrestling ring type thing. I had some other stuff too that was already mentioned, I was really into Air Raiders, Visionaries, etc. Also had the Tron toys, I remember being the only kid that had those. Car Voltron was pretty obscure back then as well, everyone wanted the Lionbot, only a couple of us kids had Car Voltron, who I actually liked better. Silverhawks blew goats though...

  2. From the teaser images it looks like they'll beef up the design like they did with the Strike Gundam. Hope they relly do; 00 design just looks plain for such a big model kit.

    I hope so, I just hope that it doesn't make my 1/60 Exia look crappy the way my PG Strike made my 1/60 RD Strike look crappy...

  3. Quick question/poll:

    What color should I paint the chest missiles on my MP TC? Or should I even bother since I never plan to open the covers. I'm thinking purple (canon for SS at least) or red (since the backside of the fans when the covers are opened is red). Factory did black. They're silver at the moment, since the whole piece was sprayed silver.

    Call me crazy, but I recommend yellow. There's no reason why his ordinance has to match his paint, and I think the yellow would look nice and stand out more.

  4. Got a dumbass type problem, really need help:

    A friend of mine bought 2 Optiplex's that run on Windows XP Professional. The password is still enabled, so he can't access them. And he can't call anyone, because he bought them from his old job, and they folded. Anyhow, I looked it up when he called me, and found some things to try. Most of it says to start with a safe mode/ command prompt, but when he even tries to go to safe mode, it asks for a password and user ID. Is there anyway around this, because he can't even get a command prompt to reset everything.

  5. Wow, that's a really good question. What I would do is take a junky old kit or some sprues and try different ratios of diluted thinner. Start with the weakest mix and work your way up. I always removed lacquers and enamels with Pinesol, but I don't think you want to use that...if anyone else knows the answer to this please speak up, I'm dying to know.

  6. Nope not yet. I thought it'd be on the shelves in November.

    That's what I thought I heard as well. Not that I'm buying them, as I have the Energon versions already. Of all the combiners that deserve a new repaint/release, why hasn't Rail Racer had one? He's clearly the best combiner since Predaking, with Omega Prime a very close second.


    No love for Ver. 1 1/60's?! If you want more for less, ver.1's are good. Not perfect transformation, Battroid isn't as good looking (to some, I think it looks fine), however they have a lot of diecast, and can take a little bit of punishment. It's really up to you, but you can amass a nice collection of ver.1 valks for the price of 2 or 3 ver.2's.

    Stay away from the Ver. 2 Roy 1/60 though. A lot of them have problems with the shoulders, including mine. I was so disgusted I swore I'd never buy another V2 1/60, I don't care how good they look or if they fix the problem.

    If you're only getting one valk, then go for the YF-19 1/60 with fold booster. That's my personal favorite.

  7. You know, I wasn't even aware of this movie until 4 weeks ago, and now, I cannot wait to see it. I even put off going to GI JOE this week just to go see this instead. I have high hopes for it, because with the exception of Star Trek every big summer movie sucked. Terminator could have been good if they just lopped off that horrible ending.

    Anyhow, from what I've seen, I get the impression that humans are the bad guys. Kind of interesting. I've been saying for years that with the exception of E.T., humans are always the good guys and I'd love to see us as the villians for once.

  8. He isn't actually Nemesis Prime (aka Black Convoy), he's Convoy Black - so he's an black colored Autobot. So he's possibly a clone but not actually evil

    I don't care, I just think he'd be better with a Decep logo and purple windows. Doesn't bother me all that much, because even if I have to do it myself, one way or another he'll end up being Nemesis Prime.

  9. I've thought about this actually, building a custom Gundam because I have so many old MG and HG kits that are boxed up and I save all my extra pieces. I also have a bunch of AC kits, wonder if I should try it...

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