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Posts posted by Excillon

  1. Hasegawa, like Fine Molds, is a true model kit manufacturer: their crispness, attention to detail and ultra-fine recessed panel lines have never been matched, let alone surpassed by Bandai, who, for all intents and purposes, merely make highly-detailed toys that one must assemble one's self.

    This isn't to say that Bandai is bad or inferior; I myself just love their Perfect Grades (and have snapped together more than a few with much pleasure) but if you stop and think about it, a PG is really just an overly-elaborate Kinder Egg toy... Without the awesome chocolate outer shell ^_^

    I'm going to have to respectfully (and I say that because your skills far surpass my own) disagree. While yes, it's an action figure, at the same time, I treat Hasegawa kits and Bandai kits as entirely different things. It's like a Green apple vs. a Red apple. Here's why:

    Hasegawa kits are models, in the purest most traditional sense. Yes, they're detail is unmatched, however, construction is VERY simple. Even battroid kits, which have movable joints, are simple, even more so than the most basic 1/100 Gundam kit. Hase puts more emphasis on appearance, painting, etc.

    Bandai PG's look great as well, even without paint. Unless I'm doing a custom scheme, I don't even paint mine, just washes/weathering. However, Bandai kits, especially MG and PG, focus more on the assembly side of things. Moving parts, very elaborate, more sturdy, and yes, made for light play. Personally, my paint skills are average, and I enjoy the construction more than painting and detailing, so these cater to me more.

    Bottom line, PG's aren't 'toys', just a different form of model catering to a different crowd. I love building both types, but I'd never dare to call a PG a toy. I think that you just can't compare the two really, except to give both credit that they are models.

  2. Not unless we pepper it with bits of Macross :lol:

    What really? Which PG gundam had springs?

    As for the PG VF in Gerwalk model, if they place most of the weight a little bit behind the center of the craft right between the legs, it should be able to balance. Unless they include a stand as a "fix" for Gerwalk... :\

    The kit for sure has to come with a stand though.

    What I'm wondering though, is how they're gonna make it not sag with all that weight.

    Actually it shouldn't be a problem if you think about it, however the only ways to pull it off is make the inner frame modular, and connect/disconnect in various modes, or more likely, a torso that can split in half vertically on a hinge, flattening out for fighter/gerwalk mode. I guess actually you could make the frame REALLY skinny, but I don't think that would work given the weight of the armor, let alone FP/armor/etc.

  3. Gundam talk is banned from Macrossworld :lol: :lol: :lol:

    A-ha, but not in this case! I'm using gundam PG's as comparison against the possible PG VF...and if someone asks me a question about a Gundam kit, that would be just bad form not to answer... :p

    Bottom line, I really hope it's an improvement over the 1/72. Without a true inner skeleton, it's pointless and I won't waste my time.

  4. Why the Raiden hate? I thought MGS2 was the best of the series until 4. I think Raiden is an interesting character, especially after 4. Just because Snake has been tied off doesn't mean there aren't other baddies needing attention. And they could bring back Snake, I mean, it's all about the clones, right?

  5. Wow... Now, I REALLY want that Strike...

    You should snag one. It's badass in Aile mode with the stand, the grand slam is awesome, and even though the Red Frame is a retool/update of it, the Strike still blows it out of the water. Pretty much anyone who has built even 2 PG's will tell you the Strike is the best one, and probably the best representation of an MS period. And the stickers make the kit, really. The Beecraft design is incredible. The armor even "shifts" and moves to allow more posing without interference. I would think to make a transformable PG VF you would have to use this method on a scale this size. I hope they also include metal parts/springs like on the Gundams, it really helps them by weighing down the legs. I think Gerwalk might be difficult though, it would be really off balance unless they found a way to shift parts of the skeleton to the approriate places to balance it.

  6. Oh, I did not know that.

    Did they ever go back and update the kit and fix any of the problems or are they using the same mold to this very day?

    It's not really a bad idea to wait and see for the perfect Perfect Grade. But I don't know if they'll actually do a line...

    Not that I know of. Both my built Zero's are ver. 1, and I haven't seen or heard otherwise. I'll have to check when/if I build my Pearl mirror ver., as that's the latest version made. I doubt it though, as I built the EVA PG and the extra coating EVA (another cheap buy at the time), and it's been a while but I don't remember any changes, and that kit needed them badly.

    I think they will do a line of them, like I said, it would really only require different headsculpts/decals for the most part (except Luca). Unless they do a GP01/Tallgeese 1/100 HG type kit, with parts for 2 different valks and you build what you want. Hopefully there are waterslide or dry transfers though, I've never understood why a PG kit would come with stickers. However, they are pretty sheer and with some trimming look ok.

  7. Th- THREE?!

    Well, well, then. One for Kira, One for Mu, One for... Damn, there were only 2 Strikes...

    You paint your pilots? If not, do one in Kira colors, one in Mu, and the other in red. :lol:

    Yeah, Strike is my favorite Gundam in any series. It's so multi- functional, that's why I love it. I'd even buy a forth if they came up with sword and launcher packs. The RD versions just fall flat to me. Anyhow, I have a regular straight build Strike, one I airbrushed into Deactive mode, and another I got on the cheap and display with just the skeleton (Although I'm thinking of battle damaging the armor). I guess I actually have four if you count the Strike Rouge. I also have 3 Wing Zero Customs, but that was an accident. One that I bought, one I battle damaged ala EW, and unfortunately a 3rd my wife bought me, the awful ass pearl mirror coating (I hate special coating models) that's still sitting unbuilt. PG's/1/60/HY2M/G-system are my main collection focus, and seeing as how we just got a new one after 5 years, it means you end up with duplicates, and in some cases triplicates. The G-system conversions are nice as well. Next I want to build an entire platoon of PG Zaku's.

    Back on topic, try not to be to hard on the first kit in the series. My first PG build was the Wing Zero, and it's no secret that the kit sucks compared to the others (Finicky LED's, really tight joints, super back heavy), I will probably buy one of or all the MF PG kits, however, unless the first gets a stellar review, I might wait for Ozma or Michel and give them a chance to work out some bugs before I go back. I really hope the same design team for the Strike builds these, I'd hate to see another interlocking type frame like the MK.II's, with a bunch of needless crap. The Strike frame is perfect, simple, yet VERY effective and functional. My only bitch is I build them too quick, my first Strike I built the Skeleton in one day.

  8. I can see Hasbro maybe doing a straight to DVD movie or something, maybe a series of them. That would be nice, maybe even show them on CN as specials.

    The ending wasn't terrible, although I agree way to many loose ends to tie up. Especially the Dinobots, that really pissed me off. They could have at least showed them fighting with the autobots, even done a G1 homage to "Me Grimlock kick butt" having him take a chunk out of the clone's rear end. If they do continue it at some point, I'd love to see one of, or both of Prowl's G1 brothers come into the fold, I think that there are a lot of possibilites in that from the way they left the ending, and Smokescreen and Bluestreak's paint jobs would look great on a bike. I was also hoping that with the addition of Dirt boss earlier in the season, we might see a couple more constructicons and hopefully a Devastor. Animated gesalts would have rocked...

    Anyone else think that Optimus Prime's 1st jetpack looked strangely like the Gundam GP01's backpack?

  9. I freely admit it.

    When I first saw the Unicorn in closed mode, I was like wow, a decent looking Gundam and they've actually had the courage to break away from the V-fin and tradtional Gundam type face.................................but no, then I discover that the head opens and .........yawn......same ol' Gundam face and V-fin.


    What about the Turn-A? :lol:

    Anyhow, I get what you mean, Gundam is my favorite, and it does get old. In most series lately, I like the enemy/misc. suits more. I mean really, Gundam did give us the ultimate mecha (Sazabi) and the GM's, EZ-8, Zeta etc. are different (at least face wise). Also, you have to give respect to 00 because it's pretty refreshing in terms of design, especially the Exia itself and the Union Flags. I don't know why your bashing V-fins though, I remember getting into a debate with you over "clown feet" on gundams before, I thought they were your big thing against Gundams.

    Does anyone know if there's an official english site up yet? I haven't had any luck so far.

  10. Strike is really solid. I saw it, once, on the front of one foot, in a crazy pose, completely solid.

    Also, I wanna get the PG RX-78-2. That's been selling for 10 years, so it must be good.

    And, I would guess it'll be a May 2010 release.

    I have 3 Strike Gundam PG's, all built and all I can say is too date it still remains the best PG kit. It can stand on one leg in a firing pose, do mad ninja poses, and that's all with the armor on, take the armor off and anything is possible. It even beats out it's retool/revamp version, the Red Frame in terms of articulation (red frames armor hinders it more).

    I fully believe that this will be a PG kit. Bandai owes us a good non-gundam PG kit after sucky ass EVA-01. As someone who has built and owns all the PG gundams to date (not including the cheezy event exclusives except Casaval's RX-78) I welcome a non PG Gundam. Plus, it's an easy buck for them, because all they really need after a solid skeleton are minor retools on the heads and whatnot to make them all. I expect super packs also to come later, hopefully in a skygrasper style, with stands included, which aside from the strike is the biggest drawback to the line not having stands. I wasn't impressed with the 1/72 scale kits (although they were OK), and the 1/60 stuff I've heard only bad things about, so I really hope they get this one right. As someone who also owns 2 Zeta PG kits, I can tell you that they can definately do it right (the transforming kit), I have no doubt about that, it's more of a matter of whether they give the design as much love as the Zeta got.

  11. Check this out: TF ROF Legends class toys of Devastator!!! They will have robot, vehicle modes & combine to form Devastator!!!


    ^_^^_^ ^_^

    If you ask me, this is still a lame attempt to make up for what should have been. Voyager/Deluxe sized ones that combine. Sucks too, Devastator was the one I was looking forward to getting.

  12. I'll bet every time you write "poor EXO" he wants to vomit. He has to have tough skin by now, I wouldn't worry so much about him. He let some whining happen and then said "Shut up and move on." so I'd have to say things are pretty much resolved.

    I'm not feeling sorry for him, just using him as an example. As I said, he can fend for himself. I know he's not the only one to go through that, I'm just saying no one here should have to.

  13. No offense Excillon but aren't you just adding to the stuff that you're complaining about:

    1) An entire long running thread about objections to a members permaban

    2) A thread that was only designed as a feeble attempt to passive aggresively bait a mod

    3) A tattletale thread about a mods comment about fast food cuisine

    4) Yet another not Macross-related thread commenting on members and the mods who have to deal with them

    I get where you're coming from but all this will pass. The mods were letting some venting get done and letting some people be playful, it's all just part of the natural cycle. Somebody start that Lion King song.

    Yeah, but it's not so much meant to complain as it is to state that apparently we ALL (who are active members) need to take a good long hard look at ourselves individually and collectively. I'm sorry, but poor EXO was getting baited and harassed. That's not right. People added input into that thread, and it was constructive, but he really didn't deserve to be treated like that. Nobody does, and had it been the other way around, I'd say the same thing. Having differences of opinion are one thing, but to REPEATEDLY go after one person, mod or not, is wrong. I'm not trying to stick up for him, he's already shown he can do that himself. However, it's still wrong. Maybe I'm getting holier than thou on a soapbox, but it's just rediculous. No one deserves aggravation when they're on a HOBBY site, member or mod.

    I don't really view this as the same thing, it's not adding to a fire. I'm just calling people on their own BS, to take a long hard look at themselves on here (mods and members), and what this site really means to them. For me, it's a way to talk to people I have something in common with, drool over mecha porn, and get away from my sorry little life for a little bit. It just seems so stupid to drag conflict into a place you come to escape from that stuff. It was just a rant from an insignificant member of 3 years with under 1000 posts.

  14. I'd like to preface by saying this is my favorite site, and the only one I post on. I owe this site a lot. I've met so many cool people, got some really good deals on stuff, and not only discovered Macross but other unrelated anime's, toys/models, etc. just by being here. Now, I'll admit Macross isn't my favorite anime series or hobby, I'm more into Gundam myself. And this site gives me more opportunities to talk about Gundam than even most Gundam forums. Pretty classy of the owners to even allow off macross topic chatter, let alone so much off macross topics like Tf's, GiJoe, Neon gen, etc. I used to love this site, and I still do, but I'm seeing trends I don't like. These trends are:

    An entire long running thread about objections to a members permaban

    A thread that was only designed as a feeble attempt to passive aggresively bait a mod

    A tattletale thread about a mods comment about fast food cuisine

    Now, this has gotten out of hand. I'm no mod, just a DISGUSTED member at this point. I'm disgusted in certain fellow members BS crusade to fight Macrossworld injustice. I mean, this is a toy and cartoon forum. How f***ing hard is it to keep it about toys and damn cartoons?! What the hell do you think your fighting against?! All you're doing is making people uncomfortable, and running crap off at the mouth. At first, I threw my two cents in and didn't care. Then, rather than lock the thread, the mods left it open in good faith to allow discussion and debate. That got abused. Then, I see poor EXO get harassed, and although it was, as I mentioned, passive agressive BS, he stood up and responded, even to the point where he was obviously getting upset. Man, leave him alone and let him do his job. Maybe it's hard to imagine, but there are PEOPLE posting these responses and topics. This is not a way to treat people, especially people that have come together on here because of a common interest. We're supposed to be friends on here, right? At the very least, respect each other, and keep it simple. It's all about cartoons and toys, not personal drama, vendettas, and BS. It's not about politics.

    I'm sorry, and feel free to lock this thread, but I'm so damn fed up...

  15. No word on future episodes. We have images up on our frontpage of Resolute figures that were slated to be released in waves 14 and 15. Since all of these made it as far as to having molds tooled up, and some were packaged, I think we might see some in the future, but at this point, I don't know. I really, really hope we get these though.

    Well, I did notice V2 Firefly looks just like Resolute Firefly, I don't know why the hell they would make Duke and not Snake eyes. Lame. Although I just got back from the store and found all the Resolute stuff. I missed out on the 25th except for a couple figs and vehicles, and there's too much to go back and get now, so I'm just going to stick with Resolute only. I ended up buying the comic packs (The joes rock, but Destro and SS suck!), CC, 5 cobra troops, Duke, and 3 Resolute packs. It was a nice touch having the red troops in the cartoon though, now I don't just think they're lame repaints. Not to hot on the BAT though, I liked the original more. Not bad though. I don't suppose anyone here can hook me up with a V2 Firefly at less than ebay costs?

    Oh yeah, and please let them make a resolute HISS, that looked awesome!

  16. The thing that kills me though is that certain people act like the mods owe them an explanation, and they don't. They just did they're job, the job they agreed to do. I'm sure every cop has had to arrest someone they didn't want to arrest. Hell, I was arrested once and the cop flat out told me if he could he'd let me out of the car right there, unfortunately for me, I broke the law by fighting in a bar brawl, and even though it was 2 on 1, and even though I gave one guy stitches and another lost 4 front teeth and got pretty banged up myself and broke my hand, I still broke the law. I didn't even start it, but that didn't matter. Wisconsin doesn't have self defense laws, so it's black and white. I fought, I went to jail, I paid the 250 dollar ticket for DC fighting, that was the end of it. I didn't like it, but I accepted it. Most of us are mature enough to accept the consequences of our actions. Anyhow, the point is that I'm sure the mods don't enjoy banning and pissing off members, but sometimes, they have no choice. It's what they must do to preserve the order of this site. If not, people would be ripping each other off, flaming and getting downright nasty, not to mention the worst of it: Without the mods regulation, how many repeat topics, more importantly, how many f***ing ROBOTECH topics would we see on here? Think about it.

  17. Ok, I had a couple problems with resolute. I watched it all, and I had a big problem with Zartan and Storm Shadow. I don't want to wreck it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but those who have no what I mean. I also had a problem with Flint resembling a really stupid Keanu Reeves, as well as Destro and Baroness being reduced to little more than comic relief. Overall, it was enjoyable. Does anyone know if they plan on making anymore episodes, or figures for that matter?

  18. Looking for the following:

    McFarlane Metal Gear Solid 2 Solid Snake (non stealth version)

    Mcfarlane Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden (non stealth)

    Gijoe 25th Firefly V2.

    Marvel legends 3.75 Union jack

    Gundam Seed 7.5 Launcher Gundam

    Gundam Arch enemy Strike Gundam.

    Loose is cool, as long as they're unbroken

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