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terry the lone wolf

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Posts posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. And now we are back to reruns.  They always do this, you get to a great episode then load up the reruns..

    Yeah, that's a bit of a pisser. <_< I was getting all jazzed up for a run of good episodes and we get a rerun. At least it was the Booster Gold episode which was mildly amusing. The next episode was supposed to be "Double Date" with Green Arrow, Black Canary, the Huntress (I think) and some other dude who probably has never had screen time before....

    He's the Question; he's the League's resident "Fox Mulder". His real name is Vic Sage from Hub City and he wasn't a original DC comics character. The Question was from the old Charelton Comics line along with Captain Atom and Blue Beetle. They were acquired by DC when Charelton went belly up. The Question made his first appearance on the episode about Supergirl's assasin clone Galatea.

  2. I think that there was definitely tension, but I think it was more of the "who's the alpha male/female here" kind. The real sexual tension is between Bruce and Diana which should be interesting to see played out this season since it seems like Bruce has become less enamored with the entire concept of the league. I'm not a big reader of comics these days, but wasn't there a JL storyline where Bruce systematically took out members of the league?

    In that storyline, Ra's Al Ghul stole Batman's files on the members of the Justice League. These files showed ways of defeating the League in very torturous ways. Batman created the files in case the League ever would go renegade against the world. Ra's created traps from these files and the members voted to expell Batman from the League.

  3. i cant believe they didnt even give ultra magnus a new head :(

    definately a pass.

    why would they give magnus a new head? under the armor he looks just like convoy...?

    First it was Black Convoy now presenting.....White Convoy!

    In the old Diaclone days Ultra Magnus was called Powered Convoy.

  4. I think I found out why the Cylons are following Helo and why they set Sharon up with him. Now this isn't a spoiler; it's something I'm feeling. The Cylons want Sharon to conceive a baby with Helo. Number Six said she wanted a child with Baltar. They're setting up situations so that Helo would fall in love with her.

  5. Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians? WTF is that? Was it an 80's attempt to make what they are now doing with Justice league or just a rename of the old JLA/SUper Friends? Interesting that the ship has the SDF-1 bridge section and all of the race was minaturized, hmm, oh my god it's a true macross crossover those people are the Protoculture!!!!

    Please ignore me right now I have a cold and evil blind drunk monkeys are telling me what to type.

    Actually, HB renamed the Super-Friends to the Super Powers Team to coincide with the Super Powers toy line. I think the reason why the Macross appeared because a Korean anime house did the intitial animation.

    As for those monkeys, I forgive you. They appear every time I drink a pint of Guiness warm. Remember kiddies, always drink your Guiness Stout cold!

  6. What the heck is that from?

    It's an episode of the Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians. The title was called "Ghost Ship".


    While being chased by Darkseid in a region of space with a orange sun(whose rays cut Superman's power in half), Superman, Firestorm, and Cyborg find a desserted ship. In the ship they discover a ghostly female who believes they're intruders. She tries to kill them but stops when she realizes who Superman is. She tells the heroes that she is a princess who is the last survivvor of her people. Her race were miniturized into a pendant she wears around her neck. The ship will deliver them to a planet that they could repopulate but the ship is off course.

  7. But really, I don't it was ever planned to be a sequel to Mospeada or Southern Cross. Carl Macek goes into depth about the creation of the Sentinels in Robotech Art III and as far as I can remember, never mentions plans to use it as a sequel to either of those series.

    I think the visual similarities between the Sentinels and Southern Cross come more from Tatsunoko's direct involvement; their desire to use unused designs and perhaps viewed it as a spiritual sucessor to Southern Cross. Given how poorly Southern Cross was received, I doubt very much a sequel would have been feasible or even worthwhile.

    Go to this link; it'll explain all:sentinelsfaqs

  8. Er, what? Do you have a source for that?

    Neither Mospeada or Southern Cross were really successful (Mospeada enought to justify a OAV, but Southern Cross just got cancelled early).

    From what I remember, Tatsunoko was going to release Robotech 2: The Sentinels(under a different name) in Japan and they were partners with HG and Matchbox. Matchbox pulled out because of the decline of the yen. This caused production to cease. So, Tatsunoko recuperated by using the production stills (that were already completed) for their Zillion series. You have to look around on some of the Robotech faq sites.

    Also, there was going to be a sequel to Mospeada; it was Megazone 23. Artmic planned on doing series connected to Mospeada but a major sponser pulled out. So, the planned 20+ series became an OVA. On the Megazone 23 pt.one disc they explain this.

  9. To date, we haven't seen any thing to that effect, either from HG or in the Japanese anime press.

    Not disputing that is a possibility, but have no proof as yet it is going to occur.


    That was the plan for "Sentinels" if that was going to be sucessful. Tatsunoko was going to release that series as a Mospeada or Southern Cross sequel/prequel.

  10. Actually...the company that did the new Voltron (Kickstart Entertainment) is not animating the new Robotech. Dr Movie is doing the CGI portion and its unknown at this time what animation studio is actually handling the cell animation.

    I always thought it was Tatsunoko or a subsidiary of Tatsunoko but that's just me. :huh:

  11. I have DYRL subtitled edition with the Macross Flasback 2012 ending and I have a dub of Clash of the Bionoids. I know Clash is a butchered version of DYRL but it still has a special place in my memories. Clash was the first version I ever saw.

    "Shut up! You can still fight when you're drunk!" (Major Roy Focker) :lol:

    Truer words have never been spoken. :rolleyes:

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