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terry the lone wolf

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Posts posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. When did people stop reading to their kids? Kids are smart they'll figure what they like and don't like. When I was a kid I watched alot of PBS like The Electric Company(every friday Spiderman,yay), Reading Rainbow, and 3-2-1 Contact. Then I'll flip it to Super Friends, G.I.Joe, and He-Man. Don't stress it, if kids have questions about anime they'll come to you.

  2. I definitely remembered the bucket head Breetai. They took this cool character, and made him look absolutely ridiculous.

    It's a double edge sword; Tatsunoko didn't want to use Macross designs(because they didn't want to be sued by Big West) and a major flaw with the Sentinels(among other things) was that the characters didn't look like their Macross counterparts. "Damned if you do and damned if you don't".

  3. Vince Grant is Claudia Grant's younger brother. In the original storyline he was a Destroid commander.

    Ah, you mean Edgar La Salle? :D

    Did he at least die in that POS of a movie or whatever it is ? if Edgar died then that would be only good thing HG came to produce.

    OH WAIT IT AIN¨T EDGAR !!! :rolleyes: , Silly me , it´s just a ripped off copy like everything else from HG :p

    How can Vince be a copy of Edgar if he was created over 10yrs before Edgar?

  4. I'm happy to report that I have absolutely no idea who Janice Em, Vince Grant, and Alex are. I'm also content to remain in blissful ignorance  :D


    Hey Graham I'll tell you. Janice Em is a android singing partner for Lynn Minmei in the Sentinels series. She was created by Dr. Lang to amplify Minmei's singing powers in case of attacks from renegade Zentradei(hmmm...sounds a little like Sound Force's sound boosters). Vince Grant is Claudia Grant's younger brother. In the original storyline he was a Destroid commander. Now, Alex is newest character;maybe the new "hotshot" of the show?

  5. Heard Robotech was going to come out with something called "Shadow Force".  Is this connected with Sentinels or a completely new story line.  What else is suppose to come out and what is it about?

    I think it'll be loosely related to the "Sentinels" because that OVA isn't considered canon in Robotech. Janice Em and Vince Grant's first appearances were in Robotech 2: The Sentinels. As for what's it about, Scott Benard and a expedition from the SDF-4 will search for the long lost Admiral Rick Hunter and the SDF-3.

  6. You'd bite somebody's ear too if you kept getting head-butted all night.

    Uh, would I????

    I gotta imagine he wasn't the first boxer to feel he was getting head-butted all night long but he's definitely the only that springs to my mind as taking an ear. "This isn't revenge, this is punishment!"

    I'm not disparraging the boy though. He put his name on Punch Out and that's one of those few games that actually made me as manly as I am today. I still go jogging around the neighborhood in my bright pink sweats occasionally.

    Actually he isn't the first, Evander bit somebody during a sparring session. This happens alot and more than you hear about. The media blew it up because of Mike's reputation. Anyways, Mike fought Evander twice; in both fights Evander headbutted that man something terrible. The negotitation for the second fight included a no head-butting clause.

  7. If you're a true boxing fan you can appreciate what Mike did for the sport. Mike was one of the youngest men to ever win a championship belt. Also, Mike unified all the belts of each sanctioning orginization. He was one of the hardest punchers I've ever seen and responsible for many of the fastest knockouts I've seen.

    Was he the first one to bite someone's ear off in the ring?

    You'd bite somebody's ear too if you kept getting head-butted all night.

  8. If you're a true boxing fan you can appreciate what Mike did for the sport. Mike was one of the youngest men to ever win a championship belt. Also, Mike unified all the belts of each sanctioning orginization. He was one of the hardest punchers I've ever seen and responsible for many of the fastest knockouts I've seen.

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