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Posts posted by Sdf-1

  1. Space Harrier is emulated. Dunno about Splatterhouse.
    I played already Splatterhouse. I can't believe how sick games I've seen as a kid! :blink::lol: Space Harrier speech samples were totally gay. :p
    And I DO understand why they don't refresh every time you load by default(I( suspect there's an option somewhere to enable that behavior).

    The more games you have, the longer it takes, and MAME supports a couple thousand ROM image sets(somewhat less in terms of real games since there's multiple clones and revisions of many games and many gmaes that just won't run). A refresh with 2000 zips in the rom image directory would take a LONG time.


    Yeah, that's true. I found the refreshing in mame frontend anyway.

    These games are too difficult. Designed as currency eaters as evirus said. They would be a lot better if they were balanced for humans. I remember how some people spent coin on those. I never played but 1 or 2 credits. Except there was an arcade where you paid a certain sum in advance and could play for few hours, which games you wanted. Not a big selection though. Oh those times. No. These games ruin your sanity and make you epileptic. I blame HG. :wacko:

  2. Sorry guys, I meant only to suggest the video clip & screen cap thing. I should've said it more clearly. I was interested in video clip, because I haven't been able to see the whole game, except small screen caps and very low res clips. Sorry again. :unsure:

  3. I was thinking the engine bells are better modified (carved) so that they can be attached later. That's what I'll do when I start making Valks. I tried to do one once, but I hadn't enough skill and it was ruined. Years ago. :rolleyes: Haven't started one since then. But I will in the near future. I completed the fast packs by masking the bells, no need to do it that way. You can also modify them to be in different angle horizontally, like they should actually be IIRC.

  4. Yeah, I was thinking that's what those frontends were. Couldn't translate that word well, and I kinda ignored and forgot it. :lol:

    These old school games are insanely hard! I can't believe the amount of stuff flying around the screen. Qwerty doesn't make things any easier. :rolleyes:

    At least we can afford playing those arcades nowadays. Hmm, I was thinking about some of my childhood favourite arcades, the few I knew. I already found out that Altered beast and Narc are for MAME. I'd like to get Sega's Space Harrier too. I got to check if it's a MAME game. Oh yeah, and Splatterhouse. :p

    MAME32 didn't refresh visible the new games I moved to ROM directory. I had to set the path everytime to do it. That alone was pretty annoying. Not to mention that Macross didn't work at all.

  5. I downloaded the official command line version and it works good, with sound. I created a good old .bat file for execution. Too bad I don't remember how to make options on those, so I could make a game select menu. It was like 12 years ago when I played with that kind of stuff last time. :p

  6. No, didn't help. :(

    Edit: Ok, I downloaded the game also from another site. Doesn't work. There's something wrong with my mame, I guess. Now I need to find it from some other place...

    ...It works now on this (3rd) mame32 I just downloaded from another site. But there is no sound. Someone tell me where I can get a good mame32... <_<

    I hope I got no viruses from all those mames...

  7. No, I waited quite long, and tried many times. The other games load quickly. It's possibly just that those emulators/games don't necessarily work equally good on all systems. In Amiga, Snes etc games/emulators it's quite a big percent which don't work, but they might work on some other computer, or so I'd believe.

  8. Its on now.  :p


    This means...SPACE WAR 1!

    I am writing this letter in simple English in order that everyone can read and understand my words. Let me start by stressing that I am not attempting to suppress anyone's opinions, nor do I intend to demean Zentrandude personally for his beliefs or worldviews. But I do aver that I must give our young people the values that will inspire them to guide the world into an age of peace, justice, and solidarity. Griping about Zentrandude will not make him stop trying to con us into believing that he is forward-looking, open-minded, and creative. But even if it did, he would just find some other way to enslave us, suppress our freedom, regiment our lives, confiscate our property, and dictate our values. I challenge all of the unbalanced, power-drunk quidnuncs out there to consider this: The purpose of this letter is far greater than to prove to you how soulless and inerudite he has become. The purpose of this letter is to get you to start thinking for yourself, to start thinking about how he says that he is entitled to blitz media outlets with faxes and newsletters that highlight the good points of his polyloquent blanket statements. This is at best wrong. At worst, it is a lie.

    Is anyone else out there as struck as I am by Zentrandude's utter disregard for morality and humanity? The reason I ask is that it is not uncommon for Zentrandude to victimize the innocent, penalize the victim for making any effort to defend himself, and then paint the whole yellow-bellied affair as some great benefit to humanity. Did it ever occur to him that maybe the idea of letting him feed us a diet of robbery, murder, violence, and all other manner of trials and tribulations is, in itself, mudslinging? Dream on. What if we collectively just told his peons, "Sure, go ahead and palm off our present situation as the compelling ground for worldwide imperialism. Have fun!"? That would be worse than pathological; it would bombard me with insults.

    I want to delegitimize Zentrandude. That may seem simple enough, but we have a dilemma of leviathan proportions on our hands: Should we strike at the heart of Zentrandude's efforts to organize a whispering campaign against me, or is it sufficient to drive off and disperse the warped turncoats who exploit the masses? I'll tell you the answer in a moment. But first, let me just say that I could go on for pages listing innumerable examples of Zentrandude's illiterate metanarratives and predaceous fairy tales. I have already written enough, surely, to convince you that someone once said to me, "I will not stand by and let anyone twist my words or change my position in order to serve some capricious political strategy." This phrase struck me so forcefully that I have often used it since. I am, of course, referring to a recent occurrence which is so well-known, it requires no comment, except to add that you may be worried that Zentrandude will provide silly, indelicate prigs with an irresistible temptation to convert houses of worship into houses of obstructionism before the year is over. If so, then I share your misgivings. But let's not worry about that now. Instead, let's discuss my observation that Zentrandude does not merely call for a return to that which wasn't particularly good in the first place. He does so consciously, deliberately, willfully, and methodically. Finally, if this letter generates a response from someone of opposing viewpoints, I would hope that the author(s) concentrate on offering objections to my ideas while refraining from attacks on my person or my intelligence. I've gotten enough of that already from Zentrandude.

    I wonder when this will be locked... :rolleyes:

  9. Too bad, Macross 1 doesn't work. Others do. Now I need a pad.

    Super Nintendo's Scrambled Valkyrie is fun too btw.


    macross 1 for MAME works.... just the sounds are a little off


    Not on my system. It freezes on loading and there is just a screen full of zeros. :(

    Emulators need sometimes tweaking. I didn't check out which kind of options there are for that, yet. I hope I'll get it running.

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