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Posts posted by Pontus

  1. 38 minutes ago, Test_Pilot_2 said:

    Thanks man, I have the jettison videos of the old school GBPs. I'm looking for the jettison of Zettai Live! Armor parts on the VF-31AX. I appreciate the link to the GBP videos. I simply cannot find anything on the Zettai Live! movie aside from brief clips =/. I'm subbed to multiple anime channels and cannot find the movie, either :(. Otherwise, I'd love to watch it and reference the jettison from the movie.

    Oh duh.  You said Hayate not Hikaru.  Doh, sorry, I was distracted by all the beautiful shots of VF-1 GBP above. I actually just purchased the movie with english subs from Amazon here if you wanna buy it.

  2. 3 hours ago, Test_Pilot_2 said:

    My VF-31AX Armor just came in. Does anyone have a snapshot or better yet, short clip, from when Hayate jettisons his super armor available? I also just got my shipping notice on both my Armored VF-171 renewal AND my white Moshowtoys Takeda. Very excite!

    SDFM or DYRL?  If the former, episode 9, "Miss Macross" @17:50 in this youtube video.


  3. 1 hour ago, twich said:

    So, I contributed to this at its most basic level. I guess I was unaware that this would not be arriving in our hands until December 2024. Probably my ignorance of these things, as I had never been on kickstarter before this, but didn’t realize the timeframe. I am super excited that I will get a 4K copy of Macross 2, to go along with my old copy of Animego’s Super Dimension Fortress Macross that they did……


    I'm pretty sure I remember seeing that it initially had a planned release of March if basic goals were met, but they stated that would extend if more funding was reached in order to add in features.  Now that 4k and dub and all the other goodies are funded, it's going to take a much longer time to make/add them.

  4. Clearly, BBTS takes preorders and then tells Bandai how many they sold/need.  Simple, confident and easy for the customer, and maxes profits.  WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD ANY STORE ONLY OFFER A LIMITED NUMBER OF POs ON AN UNLIMITED RELEASE?!!!  This crap makes me not want to use Amiami anymore, but it sounds like ALL the Japanese stores do this.  WHY?  This makes zero sense.

  5. I think this is my favorite valk so far.  This acquisition continues my goal of collecting at least one of every valk number as well as every recon model.  I'd really love to get a 171, but I've yet to see one that isn't really expensive for a very yellowed toy.  But I love the 25+ style, the recon disc and tail, and it happens to be my favorite color.  I've loved this color ever since I was a small child when, for the first time ever, I finally got my hands on the BIG box of Crayola crayons and saw "Sea Green."  My parents were too cheap and would never let me get the big box with the sharpener, which was the biggest draw for me.  

    Also, I love Mandarake!  This was listed for 24kY but I only $220 WITH shipping.  I do not see ANY of the claimed "package damage."  At. All.


  6. 2 minutes ago, Corrinald said:

    Afraid to open my Max figures. DHL obliterated the box


    Did you fall for the "no signature delivery" scam?  Even if you don't, they still just toss it on your doorstep without a second thought.  I highly doubt they'll do anything to make it right.  But it's not like any other shipper is much better about it.  I work for a large, global company, and we never even bother trying because it's not worth the trouble.  

  7. On 11/12/2023 at 10:50 AM, jvmacross said:

    PO'd one of each....

    Hope this means a limited run of the Alaska Base VF is possible....they can now release an -A and -J version! LOL

    Just one?  By my calculations, any decent collector would need at least... 17 I think.  There's 5 birds in the show, you need one for each mode, so that's 15, plus one to keep MISB, and one just in case.  Am I doing my math right here?  ;):p

  8. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    To be fair, the site did and still does have the general rule "No Robotech"... and it wasn't exactly unjustified for Macross fans to take a dim view of supporting a company that was, at the time, actively working to keep legitimate Macross releases out of western hands. 🙄


    Section III: Robotech

    Robotech may be discussed only as it relates to Macross. We do not want this forum to be another Robotech site. Macross World and its forums are dedicated to the original Japanese vision of Macross before Robotech changed so many aspects of it. Please do not just come here to attack or to defend Robotech or things related to it.

    I guess I interpreted that as relating to discussion ABOUT Robotech, not toys that are identical in all other aspects (especially considering the inconsistency).  Some toys are only available as Robotech branded (like Kitz figures).  I guess the only real inconsistency was Toynami, but I didn't realize that they didn't start out that way and were sorta grandfathered in.

    Anyway, sorry if I touched on a sore subject, and I'll shut up now.  Thank you to everyone that makes this site awesome despite all this Robotech doodoo.

    On a side note, I had no idea there even were Robotech forums because why would you even go there if you knew it was just a hack job of Macross, lol.  Didn't make any sense to my brain, so the possibility didn't even enter my mind.

  9. 1 hour ago, jenius said:

    Convert this to a poll thread and let's vote if Robotech and KO toys should all just go under one 'toy' section.

    I assume you would put Mospeada in 'other anime' still? 

    I considered that for a minute, and I see the wisdom in letting the community decide, but this seems to have been addressed solely through moderation, not community, or else everyone would complain whenever an offending post is made.  So far, I haven't seen any of that, so obviously the community at large doesn't really care.  And since this seems to me to be a common sense issue, I don't think asking for a poll will do anything except cloud the issue when it could just be decided by common sense moderation and done.

    It seems like the frustration and dislike for HG or Robotech is being taken out on forum members who buy the stuff despite these past issues and just want to discuss them with their peers.  Closing threads without merging and telling people their posts about Macross toys don't belong in the forum pertaining to it only serves to alienate and lose members that I don't feel we can afford to lose.

    As for Mospeada... it might be a non-canon extension to our beloved OG Macross through HG BS we don't like, but a lot of us grew up on that.  I don't see why we can't evolve as a forum to include it (I'm personally not a fan, but I'm open to allowing it).  Almost everyone who's a fan of Macross is also a fan of Orguss, Mospeada, and Southern Cross.  Perhaps we could create forums for those since there certainly seems to be enough love for them here.

    Or, conversely, perhaps including Robotech and evolving as a forum would upset so many people here that THEY'D leave, and the status quo would be better.  So perhaps forgive me for saying as such, and I won't bring it up again.  As far as I'm concerned, do as the forum will, and I'll still keep posting if allowed.  I'm just perturbed about it I guess, not trying to create drama, just trying to see us evolve to be more inclusive (and less confusing). 

    At least make the rules clear about it... but wouldn't that seem like a silly thing to sit down and write out what toys you can and cannot post about?  That's my point.

  10. I've yet to see any rules as such, and even if so, it's obviously not even consistent, but why is the Toy section only for official "Macross" toys and not Robotech/HG?

    We have threads in the Toy section for Toynami which is clearly not official.  There's even a morally questionable gray market thread in Toys.  And the recently purchased thread is full of non-macross.

    So why the mixed messaging?  @Stampeed Valkyrie just had his post about the latest release of Caliber Wings closed.  I realize that was because there was already an existing thread, but it's not in the Toy section just like his KitzConcept thread (and why not merge them instead of closing it).  I've totally missed these threads until recently because I didn't know they didn't belong in "toys" for some strange reason.  I would think that Kitz and Caliber should be moved into the official toy forum.

    Sorry if I'm being rude or ignorant here, but it just seems odd and causes people to miss things in an unexpected forum (or at least it did for me).  I understand some people don't like HG for good reason, but they're still Macross toys.  That just seems pedantic and silly.

  11. 42 minutes ago, MKT said:

    Hmm rarely take head-on frontal Fighter shots, as I find phones have very limited depth of focus (hope I'm using the right term).

    Try using a bit of zoom and getting farther away.  That'll increase your depth of field/focus, altho mostly digital zoom is bad for quality.

  12. Oh, and I don't have pics of this because I was too infuriated to take them, but one shoulder refused to seat properly.  When I took the arm back out from under it to inspect and adjust, it pretty much fell apart in my hands, but it wasn't broken thankfully... until I tried to glue it back together and the glue grabbed before the tab was inserted fully!  GAH!  Then I tried to force it before the glue fully grabbed, aaaaaaand snap.  Had to carve out the tab so I could glue it flush, but I think it's good now.  I should not have to do this for a new, $80 valk, but it's better than dealing with returns to Japan I guess.


  13. I got my Kakizaki in the mail yesterday.  I specifically did NOT request that signature confirmation be skipped after reading the fine print saying that if you do, DHL is not responsible for any shipping damage.  They tossed it on my porch and ran anyway, lol.  No damage tho.

    I am a bit disappointed in quality on this one.  I was compelled to get out the ol' zacto to correct a few issues.  But hey, at least it comes with a proper stand adapter for fighter mode!   But it still doesn't fit. 


    After some back cutting on the attachment clips:




    Also, the tail wings don't seat properly in fighter (either side), one knee cap never closes properly, and the gaps are horrible:




  14. 1 hour ago, treatment said:

    Bandai really witholding his steak, eh...

    Hopefully someone can make a 3d print of a larger pilot cuz that's ridiculous!  And I still maintain that omitting the XL Steak as an accessory is a gross oversight!

    57 minutes ago, Anasazi37 said:

    Don't want to wait too long to complete the squadron. 

    We've already waited... hmm lemme check when this thread started... 9yrs... even more if you include the original hi-metal line.  And then to make Kakizaki's valk a web exclusive,  AND NO XL STEAK!!!? Shame Bandai, shame.

  15. On 10/15/2023 at 2:15 PM, Lolicon said:

    Starting with the OG Macross on the top row...

    6 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    I know some prefer the TV livery for our heroes while others prefer the movie versions.

    I'm just being silly and facetious here, but I take issue with OG referring to the Movie versions... because TV was first (thus OG), and the movie versions suck!:p  I only say that though because the TV show was so damn good!  I've actually never seen the movie if I'm honest. :ph34r: I've never really understood the concept of making a great show, but then making a movie to retell the same basic story... badly/abridged.

    Seriously tho, nice display, coming along nicely! :good:

  16. 16 hours ago, badboy00z said:

    It's late for the 1st Prime day but they have this for $183.49 right. Not sure if it'll carry on to tomorrow so grab yours now. Wish I hadn't bought it at full price when it first came out...


    Still up and a darn good deal, tempted to get another at that price.  Sure is a beautiful bird!

  17. I went looking for this in the toy thread, and was surprised to find out that there doesn't seem to be any recent threads there for anything Kitzconcept.  Seems odd.  Why is this here and not in the toy section?  Do people not like Kitz for their valks at all?  I don't personally own any valks, but I love their figures. 

    Anyway... they're running a really good deal on the ENTIRE Vermillion squad, all 3 for just $190.  I was actually about to pull the trigger when I noticed the shipping was $121.  :shok:



  18. 1 hour ago, Slave IV said:

    Yes.  Yes I do. 

    In other news, they must be listening because they also just released the bandaged version of Hikaru with a tuna head.  They're also selling the tuna head by itself in BOTH fresh and boiled versions (but not skeletal).  


    And, if you're interested in their valks, they also have all 3 for sale for just $190!

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