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Posts posted by Pontus

  1. On 11/27/2021 at 11:54 AM, Mog said:

    If you’re trying to squeeze them in a Detolf shelf, it’s definitely a tight fit and the shelf size does limit your posing options (along with their big honkin’ swords).

    But it is doable.

    Detolf pro-tip:  Replace the steel rod ladder racks with threaded rods.

  2. Thanks to @Skull One for these Zentradi ship models.  I didn't even know they existed!

    And I'm new to figure collecting, so this may be common knowledge, but these Popup Parades are really nice for just $40.  Especially considering that most figures I want/see are INSANELY expensive.  Consequently, I've taken to collecting figures I find for a good price that look cool over ones I'm familiar with.  In fact, I actively avoid buying familiar figures because that's a slippery slope that leads to having to buy expensive ones to complete the set.  Even so, not a fan of Nekopara, but... I had to have all the cute cat girls.  At this price, it's not killing my wallet.

    I usually avoid my wife's favorite collecting enabler, Hallmark, but the one time I did go in, they had an ornament of my favorite Doctor, Tom Baker.



  3. On 10/4/2021 at 6:31 PM, no3Ljm said:

    Banpresto Ichiban Kuji stuff for the upcoming Delta movie and Frontier's.




    I must have that Freyja figure!  I couldn't find any preorders, so I'm assuming this is just announced and not yet taking orders?

  4. 8 hours ago, vlenhoff said:

    Man these Gijoe figures are looking great! I wanna get one or two, but you know how the rabbit hole gets deep really quickly.

    BTW, this might be small enough to be considered a toy. 



    Wow, you managed to get one of the rare 1:1 scale toys!?  Congrats.  Mazda makes amazing toys. :good:  OOOOH, and a stick shift too!  And a hard top.  noice.  

    Uh, you might have a leak tho, behind the front wheel?  It's probably from the right arm transformation hydraulics.

  5. I was thinking of using "Plastruct" colored acrylic rods of varying sizes available on Amazon for laser beams.  Has anyone else used these?  I've seen someone make them out of EL light wire for a BotW display, but it wasn't straight.  The rods are solid supposedly, should be better if not glowing.  But glowing takes batteries so you never use it anyway.

  6. Rather than post a one off tip that gets lost, I figured I'd start a thread where we can share our scratch built effects that I've seen others do.  Please share what you've made here.

    I just posted this display over on the strike a pose thread, but wanted to detail what I did to make really cool looking con trails.  These would work really well for missile effects.  I didn't think standard white pipe cleaners from the craft store would come out very well, but then I remembered I already had some ACTUAL pipe cleaners from my pipe smoking days.  They are much more woolen and less stark white than craft pipe cleaners.  For the fan racer, I wanted to have individual streams for the tiny rockets, so I split the wire ends of 3 of them, straightened them, glued them in as precisely as I could, and painted the ends with a light coat of flat white (again so it wasn't stark white).

    Here's the brand of pipe cleaners I used.  They're cotton not the acrylic used on most craft store pipe cleaners which makes for a more accurate look imho.  Oh, and make sure you don't get the bristled kind which have red spikes... unless you're into that, lol.




  7. 1 hour ago, sh9000 said:

    @Pontus I’m guessing the pics aren’t showing up for some people.

    Fixed, thanks.  Shoulda known better than to try to play it fast and dirty by just copying and pasting from Google pics.  But it's kinduva pain on a chromebook when you have to download every pic first.

  8. So I got the final piece of this display in the mail today, the microphone... and it promptly fell apart in my hands.  So I had to take some scrap bits from my RPG Tactics minis and carve out a mic holder.  I haven't applied any decals to the angel birds yet, but I'm not sure it's really necessary.  I'm really happy with how the con trails came out with actual pipe cleaners (I used to smoke one) which aren't stark white like craft pipe cleaners and have a more woolen feel which makes for a more smoke like texture than sharp fibers sticking out.

    I took about 15 kajillion pics playing with lighting and angles, etc..  I'm not very good at it, but here's the best of the bunch.  I like what I got here with just my phone camera and living room lamps.  The forced perspective was fun to play with.





  9. 47 minutes ago, CHAVAKAISER said:

    a fully painted resin model, just need to assemble with some screws, or crazy glue


    Yeah, that's the same shapeways store I got the bike from, and the unpainted kit is $280!  Way too much for a kit imho.

  10. Does anyone have a side by side pic of the minitech next to palladium figures?  I need to see if they're marginally compatible before I drop $60 on minitechs.  Doesn't have to be the same figures.  There's just a few oddballs I can only get from the minitech line.

    Edit, nvrmnd, I found a pic.  They're a good bit smaller as I thought.

  11. 59 minutes ago, CHAVAKAISER said:

    what would be a reasonable price?



    Oooh, cool!  What is it?  The only ones in scale that I've seen were... well over $200 iirc, but it's been a while since I tried, and I may not be searching properly.  Thought I remembered one on shapeways, but it was really expensive iirc.  Considering that it doesn't need to transform or have any features that I need, I'd love to find a model kit or just a lump of 3d print for less than $60, but I'd certainly buy a full on toy for... hmm, $150ish max.

  12. So, I'm no modeler, at least not on the level some of you are.  But there were quite a few omissions from my toy collection that looked like they could be nicely filled by the minis included in the Robotech tactics RPG set, and maybe some of the Minitech ones (altho, they seem a bit smaller scale).  So I bought some model paint and the main game set.

    The first thing I'm going for is the 5 Angel Birds and fan racer in time for the Kitzconcepts Roy release to recreate the scene with my Matchbox SDF-1 where he's yelling at Hikaru as they go into a climb.

    Anyway, here's my progress so far:


  13. GAH!  I want mine already!  It's been stuck "in transit" from LA for 4 freakin days now!  I'm just about done with my angel bird and fan racer display and I need Roy to complete it (and it looks like he comes with the perfect yelling-at-Hikaru face).  Now if I can just find a decent looking 1/12 stand mic...


    9 hours ago, MKT said:

    He seems to dwarf Hikaru.. not just the height, but everything else. As if a different scale altogether..:unknw:

    Looks pretty much on point to me.  He IS a different scale: European scale vs Asian.  Humans come in a whole range of sizes for every need.  Get yours today!


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