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Posts posted by Podtastic

  1. 3 hours ago, Roy Focker said:

    Boba carried a scoped blaster rifle.  Even a Jedi like Luke can get distracted in battle.  Fett almost had him before a wild swing from Han struck his Jetpack.  If he only sniped Luke from the deck of the sail barge this whole would have been over.  Instead Boba jetpacks over to fight a Jedi within reach of light saber. 

    I used to think Boba had all these great adventures before his demise.  Where he outsmarted and out fought all of his targets.  Now I think Jango died before completing his training.  Young Boba most found Jabba's name in Jango's address book and got hired on spot.  He's been there for decades.   Absolutely horrible at his job.  Jango's armor kept him alive.  Jabba knew he had a rookie but saw value in having Mandalorian on the pay role.  Thought of a Mandalorian being sent after you has to keep most smugglers from trying to double cross Jabba.  That whole line from Vader saying no disintegrations wasn't a comment on his killer reputation but on his cowardness.  Fett over kills because he's afraid.   He was going to shoot Chewie before Vader stopped him.  Vader needed them alive for his trap to work.  If Chewie was killed Han and Leia would have fought to the death.  Boba wasn't thinking about the plan. He was acting on fear. 

    In the Book of Boba Fett he tells Fennec that he needs his armor and ship for his plans to succeed.  He also wants her on his team because he needs someone with brains and brawn.  She has both.  Fett is at least smart enough to know he's neither.  He does know that his armor and rep is enough to create the right appearance.  Fett gotten his ass kicked nearly every fight in this show so far or he talked his way out of it.  He hasn't grown past the need for violence he's just afraid of being exposed as a fraud.

    Didn't he out smart Han by following him to Bespin?   Han not the smart either.  Fett tagged along other more competent Hunters long enough to pick up a few tricks that Smugglers like Han try to pull.

    He tried to fight Luke up close.  Would a coward do that?  If he was flirting with the Special Edition Dancers earlier that day he would.   His secret was only known to Jabba.  Everyone was expecting him to be a badass that day.  The fear being exposed as a fraud was too much.  After losing that fight he became even more cautious.

    Fett looked pretty bad ass fighting those Stormtroopers in season 2 of the Mandalorian?  Don't they share the same DNA?  All of them bumping their heads.  Stormtrooper armor limits visibility and mobility.   Stormtroopers are trained to fight against modern combatants.   Ewoks bested them because of the weren't trained against primitive tactics.  Just like they had no training against Tusken Raider stick fighting.  Once Fett got his armor the odds were against the Stormtroopers.  Even a fraud can seem to kickass when fighting alongside 2 real bad asses.   Mando and Fennec are like Hikaru and Max.  They keep the dead weight alive (most of the time).

    He'll have his chance to proven himself real soon, but we all know that he's going to spend most of the finale riding the Rancor. He just has to hold on and let it do all the work.  Fennec really should really be in charge.  Fett needs to learn that he's just a figurehead.  Dude is so caught up in his legend he's going to get them all killed.  At least that my opinion of the character after watching this series so far.  I hope the finale ends with Fennec saving his ass and slapping him.  She should remind him that he's just a puppet.  An ending like that would really upset the fanboys but would make so much sense after all of his cowardly and dumb actions.  It would really subvert those expectations.

    I'm sorry but I have to laugh at all of this.

    Sure Fett underestimated Luke, who no-one actually believed was a Jedi.

    However the man dared to speak up to Vader and wasnt immediately killed. Nor was he even threatened with dire doom. Instead Vader reassured him. Clearly Vader respected him, and Vader wasnt a fool. 

    Logically the Galaxy has to be full of bounty hunters but Vader personally instructed a small handful on the bridge of the Executor. I'd say those were the best of the best.

  2. 7 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    half a billion or more.

    Yes so how much more is the question. Its the 500 million (assuming that the imperial billion is not being referred to) that I'm referring to as being somewhat conservative.

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    IIRC, we've talked on this point before about the Palladium Books Robotech and Macross II RPGs claiming that the Zentradi (and Mardook) kept all the rank-and-file Zentradi soldiers in cold sleep between combat operations and how it's not actually based on anything in the anime itself.

    Yes we have but in the context of warships, not the fortresses. The point as I recall was that it would be too inefficient and impractical for frontline ships to store troops and mecha in decanting/assembly required fashion.

    Here its about mobile fortresses. Is there any reason why they wouldnt have cloning and troop storage facilities aboard? The Zentraedi must be getting their troop replacements from somewhere.

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Zentradi are practically unthinking organic robots with no capacity for more than the most basic social interaction.

    I've never agreed with that. Firstly the Zentraedi would then not have been suceptible to having their suppressed emotions reawakened, and secondly we see them engage in the Zentraedi version of "office politics" 

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Or that the Zentradi are constantly high on combat drugs.  Or that the Zentradi rank-and-file are only conscious for battle and spend the entire rest of their lives in cold sleep

    That brings us to the question of the Zentraedi genetic enhancements. Is there any listing anywhere of these?

    Surely there must be some form of structural and systemic enhancement to cope with dramatically increasing the scale of the humanoid body.

    Being able to withstand low atmospheric  pressure better than humans must also be one (based on Ranka), and I would expect resistance to high-g. Also given the stress of constant heavy combat isnt it likely that they would have been gene engineered to cope with it in some way?

    I like the cold sleep idea only if it allows a dramatic increase in troop complement. Who wouldnt want the ability to field more Zentraedi soldiers?

  3. On 1/20/2022 at 1:42 AM, Seto Kaiba said:

    A ship several times the size of the entire Japanese archipelago like the TV version Fulbtzs Berrentzs-class mothership likely has a gargantuan crew appropriate to its size.  (Japan in 1982 was home to 118 million people, a ship several times its area could easily be home to half a billion or more.) 

    Isnt that rather conservative?

    Given that those 118 milliion are only living on the surface and not in the volume.

    And that many Zentraedi could be comprehensively packed in stasis storage for later decanting.


  4. On 1/12/2022 at 2:54 AM, mikeszekely said:

    It was influential in shifting Batman away from the campier Batman of the '60s, '70s, and '80s,

    I dont remember Batman being campy back in the 70's and 80's. That was when he was awesome, and wearing the iconic blue and grey. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Knight26 said:

    I'm with you on the Midi-Chlorians, and really felt that they were mishandled.  They could have been better explained as a parasite that exists in all things but prefer the force sensitive, and therefore are found in greater numbers in their blood.

    The sound in space and slow lasers yes, that is pure nonsense, but in the OT could be written off as part of the times.  However, everything else could explained with a simple, theoretical, concept, Negative Matter.  Not Dark Matter, but Negative Matter that has negative mass and is actually postulated as part of General Relativity, but is minimally studied for a variety of reasons.  I went down the rabbit hole on researching it in college but ran into tons of dead ends so dropped it, until I played Mass Effect.  Element Zero is basically a means to harness negative matter, though in universe they say dark matter.  Thanks to the new Disney movies (R1 and Solo) we see almost definitively that the majority of SW tech is based around crystals (kyber, coaxium, etc...) and if they are somehow able to harness and utilize negative matter it explains pretty much everything, from why their ships maneuver the way they do to why light sabers don't immediately set everything on fire and their behaviors.  Even the DS Super Lasers, and smaller combining lasers, using kyber crystals fits the system.  Does it fix everything?  No.  But it does bring it more in line with proper, still softer, sci-fi.


    I must do some reading It seems.

  6. 11 hours ago, Knight26 said:

    Star Wars back into Sci-Fi instead of Space Fantasy,

    Well Star Wars is a mix of both, but its never been hard sci-fi. We have slo-mo-jo lasers and sounds in space after all.

    Now I appreciate the odd technical manual that tells me how blasters, TIE fighters and Deathstar Superlasers work as much as the next person, but there is such a thing as going too far.

    I refer here to the Midi-Chlorians, which seemed to me an attempt to retro-rationalise the quasi-mystical nature of the Force away by people who "cannot allow the supernatural a foot in the door."

  7. 50 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    Wait...you didn't watch Solo?  Han personally kickstarted the Rebellion with a huge infusion of cash money!  He was a selfless do-gooder!....:lol:

    I did watch it...and instantly forgot it.

    Nothing in it was worth my time, other than the scene featuring the Imperial Naval Troopers. And then only because I hoped it meant Hot Toys was FINALLY going to make the Death Star Trooper.🙄

  8. 9 hours ago, Mog said:

    And Han shooting first?  Seems like something a “good guy” would do. </sarcasm>

    Han wasn't THAT much of a good guy a first, he was a cynical world wise smuggler who primarily looked out for number one.

    Shooting first was perfectly in character, and meant that he read the situation and got the drop on Greedo.

    Allowing Greedo to shoot first makes him look like an idiot who was super lucky that Greedo can't aim at point blank range.

  9. 34 minutes ago, derex3592 said:

    3 episodes in and I agree that something just feels "off" about this show.  I'll keep watching, but it definitely pales in comparison to The Mandalorian thus far.  Things I like so far, Boba's interaction with the sand people, the new rancor and Danny T, Fennic, and the Hutt twins. That's about it. Not sure where this all going, but I'll keep the faith for now....  

    Not the big black Wookie which is a nod to the comics?

  10. 1 hour ago, tekering said:

    They wore ridiculously clean and fancy clothes, rode ridiculously clean and shiny bikes, and sported ridiculously clean and shiny cybernetics... like a bunch of rich kids from Canto Bight got lost on their way to Coruscant. <_<

    They should go back to Cyberpunk where they belong. IMO anyone who voluntarily replaces an organic body part with soon-to-be-obsolete technological junk is a moron.

  11. 2 hours ago, captain america said:

    The resolution on the line-art I had wasn't high enough to determine the finger count, which is why I resorted to the animation.

    I still prefer 3 fingers myself because it kind of goes with the triple everything theme of these Bioroids. Are options a possibility?

    And how many fingers on the Scout then?


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