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Posts posted by Podtastic

  1. 7 hours ago, sqidd said:

    Did you miss the part where I said I can't read on a Kindle? That would suggest that I have tried.;)

    That's sad.

    I find the kindle and e-books so useful coz:

    • you can read your books in the daytime without worrying about them turning orange
    • you can take almost 100 books with you on holiday, on business etc
    • you can download immediately without having to wait and pay for customs and shipping
    • no having to hold the book in weird positions as you get tired and it gets darker
    • no trying to find space for all your books, defending against silverfish, and lugging/sweeping around heavy containers
    • etc

    Of course there is a downside to e-books:

    • DRM (but there are workarounds and some books are sold DRM free😁)
    • your kindle/ hard drive crashing or getting a virus
    • your kindle getting smashed/lost/stolen falling in the washing tub due to an improbable chain of accidents
    • you accidentally deleting something
    • etc
  2. 14 hours ago, DewPoint said:

    While I was never a big fan of DS9, that show in particular, showed the biggest change on direction. The story concept was initially way too restrictive. Everything was to happen on the station or with runabouts. That show eventually turned into a shooting war. The show seemed to hit its peek of popularity at that point.

    Indeed. It went from "Its boring, there's nothing happening" to "Am I watching Star Wars this is so good?" from the end of season 3 onwards. The conflict involving all the different alien factions made it a visual treat for a change.

    14 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Usually, you'll hear that the even-numbered movies (Wrath of Khan, Voyage HomeUndiscovered CountryFirst Contact) are the good ones and the odd-numbered movies (The Motion PictureSearch for SpockFinal FrontierGenerationsInsurrection) range from "less good" to "just plain bad".  It wasn't until Nemesis - the 10th and final Trek movie - that the pattern finally broke with a lamentably bad even-numbered movie

    Undiscovered Country is the best of that list. But I wonder about the red-pink Klingon blood inconsistency thing. Was there ever an in universe explanation?

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Deep Space Nine balanced it with a lot of character-heavy breather episodes in the Dominion War story arc

    OTH I see the momentous events balancing out all the "character heavy" episodes and preventing them from making the series a drag. Ultimately the same thing I guess.

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Voyager's story got criticized a lot more heavily for its increased emphasis on action in later seasons

    But not for Janeway's lousy decision making and the endless technobabble? 

    BTW as a "lifelong Star Trek fan" do you know if there is a novelisation of the "Scorpion" episodes? My Voyager interest is centered around Species 8472 and the Hirogen.

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    The space battles and other action sequences were a lot easier to justify when it was the TOS crew under Jim Kirk, since they were always more a "cowboy cop" outfit

    For all its quaint and dated effects, and lack of Troopers and Starfighters, I was still able to enjoy TOS to a certain extent.

    8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    When he slipped the leash and secured full control of TNG in its development the staff really struggled under his rather dictatorial edicts as he took the utopian concept to its illogical extreme by mandating that the crew were all just such consummate professionals that interpersonal conflicts weren't a thing anymore

    So is it true that Roddenbury was a bloody commie?

    The Federation Utopia seems a lot like the communist utopian fantasy (LIE) sold to the gullible and naive. (Its beyond me how anyone can be conned into believing that losing their property rights and autonomy could ever be a good thing.)

  3. On 11/26/2019 at 6:17 AM, Seto Kaiba said:

    The stupidly fanfic-y USS Vengeance wasn't a warship per se, she was an instrument of genocide... meant to launch a preemptive decapitation strike against the Klingon Empire using advanced weapons that could engage from beyond the range of any Klingon retaliation.  It's basically Admiral Marcus's My First Death Star.

    A remarkably interesting thing for the Federation to do. Isn't their normal strategy to bore everyone to death with peaceful diplomatic away missions to wrinkled nose alien eunuch cultures? Or to flap on in tedious technobabble about space anomalies as if anyone gives a a damn about these things?

    I vote we replace the Federation with Species 8472 as they were in "Scorpion".😁




  4. On 2/12/2022 at 10:22 AM, Tober said:

    Sorry to break up the 1/72 talk. But it looks like the 1/12 ACTION FIGURES SERIES - DANA STERLING WITH SC AMOUR has been pushed bect to December 2022. :unsure:

    Its much of a muchness, given that nothing is shipping from Hong Kong until the CCP decides it suits them anyway.

  5. On 2/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, tekering said:

    Bug-Eyes is a more difficult subject to tackle, given its dearth of screen time and poor-resolution line art, but there are some relatively straight lines separating the individual panels that make up the face:


    Yours is vaguely similar, but not at all what I was expecting.  Those bulging cheeks just look wrong to me. :unsure:


    Keep at it, Cap!  We know you can do better. ❤️


    The head of the small pic in the top right corner above looks right to me.

    This weirdly simplistic rounded observatory turret below does not.

    14 hours ago, tekering said:




  6. 13 hours ago, Mog said:

    t’s clear there’s history between him and Boba

    If there is I've never heard of it. 

    11 hours ago, TehPW said:

    2) on the subject of DVDs resulting from a completed series

    2a): Are DVDs still a thing?

    Better be DVD or Blu-Ray. I don't want to have wasted my time watching a fart in the wind.

    10 hours ago, Roy Focker said:

    Many fans only follow live action stuff.  We don’t read all the books, comics or watch the cartoons

    Which is why hollyweird and others get away with butchered live action versions of comic classics.  They have tabula rasa they can sell their inferior garbage to.

    10 hours ago, Roy Focker said:

    If additional homework is needed to understand things that means your show is lacking.

    I get it, however...

    Are fans really that lazy nowadays? Back in the day half the fun of comic collecting was tracking down the back issues to learn what you did not know about your favourite series.

    Now we have the internet which makes that "homework" not only quick and easy, but also free.

  7. On 1/21/2022 at 5:40 PM, Dynaman said:

    LotR is Black and White.  Bad guys are bad and good guys are good (except when their mind is being controlled or manipulated).  

    Hardly surprising given that Tolkien was Christian and suffused his work with Christian themes, such as the concepts of absolute good and evil.

    The portrayal of good and evil matches the Christian conceptualisation. Evil is seemingly very powerful at first and many succumb to it, but ultimately its a cowardly and spiteful perversion that ultimately falls before righteous  judgement.

    Most obviously, you surely cannot miss that Eru Illuvatar is modelled on God and that Melkor/Morgoth on Lucifer/Satan.

    CS Lewis, whom Tolkien was highly instrumental in converting from atheism to the Christian faith, modelled Aslan on God/Jesus.


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