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Posts posted by Opus

  1. I don't quite understand why "canon" matters so much. I take what I like and disregard the rest. I don't really care who's idea it is, if it's good it's in.

    For everyday fans, it's not really an issue. Canon only becomes an issue when a fan comes to realize some fact given in a Star Wars product contradicts another well known fact. When such a contradiction occurs, it's really nice to know just how to resolve it using the canon policy.

    So what you're saying is that real fans are like sheep who need to be told what to think rather than deciding for themselves?

    I think what he's saying is that an artist's intent must be taken into account. Now, in the case of meanings and artistic influences, I'm not sure the artist can have the final say because he himself may be unaware of subconscious influences. But, in the case of chronology and plot points, I do think the artist has the final say. You can tell the artist that he has been influenced by Shakespeare, and still believe it even if he says he doesn't think he was. But you can't tell George Lucas that Vader wasn't Luke's father or that a ship that he expressly stated was the Millenium Falcon in fact wasn't. He's the ultimate arbiter of what happened and what he intended to convey. But he can't be the ultimate arbiter of what it means to you.


    I get what you're saying Hurin, but Mr March's post came across as more of a veiled attempt to insult me as though my individual beliefs somehow made me less of a fan. <_<

  2. I don't quite understand why "canon" matters so much. I take what I like and disregard the rest. I don't really care who's idea it is, if it's good it's in.

    For everyday fans, it's not really an issue. Canon only becomes an issue when a fan comes to realize some fact given in a Star Wars product contradicts another well known fact. When such a contradiction occurs, it's really nice to know just how to resolve it using the canon policy.

    So what you're saying is that real fans are like sheep who need to be told what to think rather than deciding for themselves?

  3. I have a question that is pissing me off

    Is Captain Antilles related to Wedge Antilles?

    they look alot alike but it makes me angree he would change Wedge.

    Isn't Captain Antilles the dude who gets his neck snapped by Vader in the first few minutes of ANH.

  4. I havn't seen the SE version of RotJ but I rather liked Boba Fett's death in the original. It conveys the simple fact of life that even the biggest badass can still die like a bitch.

    I didn't really care about conehead or the blue chick's deaths. They conveyed the point well enough. My fav Jedi was the bug-eyed rasta-tenticle guy anyway. He had the honor of being slain in combat by the Emperor himself. ;)

  5. Regarding how Anakin was conceived (Sith involvement?):

    "Lucas: The midi-chlorians have brought Anakin into being as 'the chosen one' who brings balance to the universe." - The Making of Episode 1, Random House, 1999.

    There was some debate about this about 30 posts back with more details.


    Yeah, but that was six years ago and if we know anything about Lucas it's that he changes his mind more often than an incontenent man changes his drawers. <_<

  6. I didn't feel like reading through all of the posts so please forgive me if you've heard this one before but I've got a kooky little theory for you all.

    Palpatine alludes to having been the apprentice to a Sith who can manipulate life and metachlorines(sp?) in the way in which he delivers the story to Vaderkin. He later IMO confirms having this ability when he touches Vader's head after the lava scene. Therefore it is my opinion that Palpatine created Anakin's "immaculate" conception by manipulation of the Force. Palpatine then planted the prophecy to decieve the Jedi. The next step was to contrive the events that unfolded in the prequels in order to groom the ultimate apprentice.

    I have no doubt it'll take you experts no time to shoot this full of holes so fire away. :)

  7. Don't forget Alan Quartermaine (Indian Jones knock-off).

    If I may be a know-it-all for a sec. and show off my knowledge of Victorian literature:

    Jones is more of a character inspired by Quartermain. 'King Solomons mines" was written in 1886 with a movie adaption being made in 1950 which probably inspired Lucas and Spielberg in the creation of Indiana Jones.

    Battlestar Galactica is a good example of cashing in on a Hollywood trend. The vipers, cylons and general plot of good guy underdogs struggling against souless evil domination are obviously ripped from Star Wars. Even so It was a pretty good show.

  8. anybody know where I can watch the last episode of that 70's show? So is that the last one for good? No more that 70's show? or are they just gonna show it without topher grace? :huh:

    Eric left for Africa. The show is still going on next year.

    Topher Grace as a villian.... uh ya...Who will he be? The Nancy Boy or Dumbass.

    Why... Professor Asshat, of course. :rolleyes:

  9. Thanks!

    I'll nominate Ed Coli and nightmareB4macross too. Both payed super quick and were a pleasure to deal with.

    Opus is already on the list, but he kicks major arse too :D

    Aww poop! I knew I forgot something. Cube is the king. Thanks for a awesomely fun transaction. :lol:;);)

  10. Not to confuse things further, but Bruno could possibly be called admiral, general since the ARMD's are each independent ships they'd have thier own captains making Global/Gloval in charge of the whole group. My money is on general since generals and admirals don't exist in the same service. But his position would be somewhat like a commodore. A captain in charge of a ship and a group of smaller boats commanded by lieutenants. Maybe they'd call him admiral instead. I duno. Thinking about it makes my head hurt. :unsure:

    Just pick one and go with it.

  11. How bout this'n ?

    M: You rescued me, didn't you?

    H: I...I'm Valkyrie Skull Squadron pilot, Hikaru Ichijo...2nd Lieu...

    M: Thank you, Mr. Lou

    H: No problem at all. I'm a big fan of yours.

    M: I'm pleased to meet you. Do you listen to my songs?

    H: Y...yes. All the time.

    M: I guess everyone is worried.

    M: So, Mr. Lou, do you know where we...

  12. I can't believe it, am I the only one here that has watched his first movie 'The Duellists'?

    Nobody else seen it and think it's a good movie?


    Is it the one where Harvey Keitel(sp?) is a Napoleonic officer hell bent on killing Keith Carradine? If so, I remember it being pretty good.

  13. Yup, nothing here in VA but rednecks and rebel flags. Except for my awesome ass. ;)

    You have an awesome ass too!? Cool. Most of the time I am so taken with my pecs or biceps to really appreciate how great my ass is, my GF really likes it though.

    My herculean physique is so dazzling that I was forced to grow a thick layer of fat over it so as to not distract the common folk from thier daily toilings.

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