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Posts posted by Opus

  1. Lets review folks.

    HURIN, your post is exactly why i think you're a FAG!

    i think i'm going to go back and change every single post i've ever made on MW into, "Hurin is a FAG". then you can provide all the links you want to. what a fockin loser.

    you say you ain't a troll yet you're doing what a troll does.

    Considering how much of a cock-sucker you are I figured it was appropriate.
    Would be hard for her to give her opinion when her mouth is full.

    Maybe she can just write it down or something. 

    For a forum that tries to maintain the image that collecting toys and other paraphernalia from a 20 year old cartoon is a hobby for mature individuals, all of you are really doing a bang up job of acting like juvanile 12 year olds.

    I congratulate you all.

    Eh, blow it out your ass Mr. mature. :rolleyes:

  2. look at what i dug out of the closet.

    a mini-motorized maladroid.

    VOLCAN - The maladroids newest weapon. small, swift and able to travel on the earths surface. cute appereance belies their vicious nature.

    at the top left, it's got a tatsunoko productions sticker!

    And to think toynami used the same moulds for their SD pullback valks...ur...veritechs. :lol:

    Nope. The Toynami version is larger and crappier.

  3. I've got another wacky out-of-the-box theory for you. Maybe Luke wears black and kicks ass because he is the balance to the force that was forseen in the prophecies. The Jedi were too good, the Sith too bad, but Luke walks right down the middle keeping traits and abilities of both. :D

  4. Kanata, there's also the Chinese bootleg 1/55. It's based after the 200x reissue line and comes with a removable clear canopy. IIRC, the paint scheme is almost 100% accurate. It's very rare here in the USA, I've only seen it once on ebay and it the bidding started at 49.99. Funny because it sold for the equivalent of $5 in China.

    Speaking of which, that reminds me, someone here might still be able to get one. Need to PM him.

    Is that the one with the LEDs in the nose?

  5. Hey, if you look closely at the bottom of the packaging, you will see Select's copyrights are in New York and Japan. I wonder if Harmony Gold had some evil intentions behind this? Anyway's, I think I may get this!

    Edit: What I even find funnier is that while the package says he is there to destroy all humans, in the fighter mode you can see the little human pilot. :)

    I'm pretty sure these were imported before HG got a hold of Robotech. I never had these but I had a bunch of other Converters including the SD valks with friction motors and I'm pretty sure it was before Robotech just like Jetfire.

  6. Do 1911 slides release automatically when a loaded mag is inserted?

    1911 slides don't close on mag insertion. But just like any auto you can pull the slide back a little with a mag in and it'll slam home same as if you hit the release. I feel your pain I have small hands too. Luckily I'm left-handed and I work the slide release with my index finger and the mag release with the middle finger. It works out quite nicely in the end. :)

  7. If I may quote Moderator Roy Focker from a previous thread:

    If anyone wants to send a PM to the Moderators saying "ban this guy" go head. Do not open up such a topic in public. Instigating the public on your side to go against another will not be tolerated. How often do we side or approve of mob rule?


    If you really want this guy gone then spare us the drama and PM a mod. :rolleyes:

  8. yoda's would be a good size for the off-hand use for those interested in duel-wielding their sabers...also katana and wakizashi....hmmmm, a daisho of lightsabers!

    I'm there!

    Luke did that in the Marvel comics after RotJ. One long and one short, it was pretty badass. B))

  9. Hmm... My eyes keep wanting to focus on the background. I think it's because your ships are blurry and the backgrounds aren't. If that's intentional maybe you should try reversing the effect. Sharp detail on the aircraft and a blurry background would give the effect that the pic was taken from another plane moving at the same speed.

  10. If you're going recoiless then why not dig out one of those old 'nam era Ontos fighting vehicles? Those things packed six recoiless rifles on one chassis and allowed for faster repositioning and aiming without shooting a marking round. Plus they are armored like a tank to give you better protection in case old rexy gets a tad friendly.

    Now you're talking my language. :D

  11. Flame Tank = different story.

    Didn't those things have about a hundred gallons of glycerine? I've heard one of those 'nam era flame tanks could light up a city block. The only difficulty with a flame tank is keeping the flame on target, those old turrets didn't traverse too fast from what I remember.

    I think the area we are all going to is that the large dinos should be treated not as animals but as enemy vehicles, and should be engaged as such. A good RPG I'd think would shape-charge it's way through a T-rex rather well.

    T-Rex looks like he's built for speed. I think an RPG would have a hard time hitting it. ( unless it's in the hands of an experienced Mujahideen. :huh: ) Maybe a recoiless rifle woud be better.

  12. The SPAS got a nasty rep for being a finicky shotgun but they are tanks if you know how to use them.

    Give me a Benelli M1, M3 or Remington 870 anyday over a SPAS 12. Too many damn knobs, dials, levers and buttons to operate on the SPAS 12.

    Not to mention it is a boat anchor. The SPAS 12, while complicated, used to be the only animal of it's kind when it came to specialized police breaching weapons. Nowadays items like the Beneli M series have replaced it. Have to remember the SPAS design is over 25 years old... and as reddsun1 pointed out they are mean-ass looking things and are a hollywood favorite because they are just so "evil" looking compared to normal shotties.

    I'm suprised that nobody has suggested the M79 or M203 40mm grenade launcher as a solution for taking down dinosaurs. True it's only single shot, but if it hits, the dino is down.

    The fuse on a 40mm grenade is armed by the spin of the round and most of the time they are set to arm after about 50 yards or so, so a M79/M203 would suck for close range fighting. The accuracy against a moving target at range is average, even for a marksman. Most of the time 40mil grenades are pumped through doorways or windows or over sandbag walls. Only possessing a kill radius of about 10 meters they sure as heck would harm the bajeebus out of a dinosaur but once again I think they'd lack the brute force to knock one down in one hit. Basically the things are frag grenades launched from a tube, very good at anti-personell... then again humans are quite frail targets, get a little shrapnel in one and we go down but a big dino like a T-rex or a brontosaurus I'd imagine could shrug off a shrapnel wound until it bled to death.

    As for the flamethrower, while an impressive weapon to see in operation they are actually quite limited in capacity and killing power. They are more or less a "shock and awe" weapon. The dino might be scared sh!tless of the flames but even if you got a good full tank of burn on a T-Rex (and a full tank on the last generation of flamethrowers used by the US was a measly 20 seconds or so grand total) all that would happen is the T-Rex would light on fire, scream a lot, and probably stomp around for a good 30 seconds or more and set everything around it on fire as well as possibly continue to assault you. Fire and flame weapons are a usually a bad choice for offense. They pack a mean punch when used for what they were intended, clearing trenches and bunkers, but they are all but useless on open ground against moving targets.

    OK I'll trade in my Flammenwerfer for one of these. :D


  13. The SPAS got a nasty rep for being a finicky shotgun but they are tanks if you know how to use them.

    Give me a Benelli M1, M3 or Remington 870 anyday over a SPAS 12. Too many damn knobs, dials, levers and buttons to operate on the SPAS 12.

    I'm suprised that nobody has suggested the M79 or M203 40mm grenade launcher as a solution for taking down dinosaurs. True it's only single shot, but if it hits, the dino is down.


    I'd take a Saiga over any of previosly mentioned shotguns. The box mag gives it a definate advantage.

    I think grenades would be relatively useless against a small fast raptor type. They'd be all over you before the first grenade went off. A light machinegun like an M240 or M60 might be better. A jeep with an M2 would be best.

  14. There was the one he used as a youngling Jedi padawan in Phantom Menace. I'm not sure what it looks like, but I'm sure it's just a standard saber issued to young padawan. It's low powered and is not lethal, but still hurts when you touch the blade.

    i don't remember young anakin having a LS at all in TPM? am i crazy?

    I don't remember him having one either, but I am crazy. :D

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