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Posts posted by nanashino

  1. I´m planning to scratch build an Oberth Class ship as a project for the next few months. Just based on the sketches/plans in Perfect Memory with some additional paneling and small details to get a better feel of the size of the "real" thing. But this is where I start wondering just how big is this ship??

    UN SPACY Database and some other sources say it is 215m in length while some Robo****-sites claim it is 390m. I´d say I dont´t believe in Roboyouknowwhat and go for the 215m, but If you check the Perfect Memory Cover there are four ships depicted, Oberth, ARMD, Prometheus and Deadalus. Assuming these are the same scale the Oberth will be indeed closer to 390m than just 215m.

    Do any of you guys know what is the real size? Have there been any "official" stats? Please help me!

    By the way, I am new to MW and I hope this topic has not been already discussed do death somewhere, but If so, feel free to remove this post.

    There are no official specs for the Space Destroyer.

    Here is the Nanashi's entry:


    What is shown on the cover of Macross Perfect Memory may not be to scale.

  2. There are two different main engine interior designs.

    One features a spreading cluster of rounded-rectangular main engine 'burners' and the other is just a plain circular 'burner'. Whether one is a finall/official design or perhaps the difference between the FF-2001 and the FF-2001D has not been stated to my knownledge.

  3. Unfortunately, in none of the artbooks are those chest tubes labled. The only piece of lineart that has any writing next to them is in the Hasegawa YF-19 instructions.


    Well Graham , since Kawamori usually labels weapons, verniers and sensors, it may be say to say that these "battroid mode double lower chest" parts aren't anything anymore significant than any of those non-weapon/non-sensor/non-verniers components. Perhaps they are mechanisms that lock the machine in fighter mode.

  4. Hik's first valk is the VT-102 but we know it as the VF-1D. Was the VF-1D originally intended as a trainer but became a fighter due to the needs of the fierce combat with the Zents?

    The VF-1D is a dual-seat variable fighter. The VF-1D version is not specifically designated as a a trainer model. The VF-1D that Hikaru was driving was assigned to training duties and was designated VT-102.

    - Nanashi's Information Group

  5. A few months ago, there was a thread where we discussed what is the function of those two tubes on the underside of the YF-19's chest.

    Some people thought they are chest guns, while others (me) thought they might be part of the transformation mechanism to lock the mecha together in fighter mode. In the end, there was no evidence either way to reach a firm conclusion.

    I personally dispute the chest gun theory, namely because no chest guns are mentioned on the Macross Compendium, which is the most accurate and official English language source of information on the YF-19 and a direct translation of Japanese source material.

    I couldn't find the old thread, so thought I'd start a new one as I possibly have some new information.

    Yesterday, after a couple of years of procrasinating, I finally broke down and purchased the Hasegawa YF-19 model. On the instruction manual, I was surprised to find what appears to be some lineart of the underside of the YF-19's chest area , which looks to be drawn by Kawamori and has some writting perhaps explaining what the chest tubes are. See pic below.

    Perhaps Renato would be good enough to translate, so we can end this mystery once and for all.



    The text reads "double lower chest at the time of Battroid mode".

    - Nanashi's Information Group

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