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Posts posted by nanashino

  1. Where do you get "Mina the Moon Rabbit Girl" from? I only see onnanoko written on Gainax's design sheets.

    Mina the Moon Rabbit Girl => the female anime character in Japanese Drama, Densha Otoko, Opening theme

    The clip shows where Mina the Moon Rabbit Girl from the Opening theme comes from... Very Otaku-ish, Very kuso, a must watch for Densha Otoko's fans.


    Even Marcoss is in this video.  :lol:


  2. Very nice work!

    Should you have painted over the headlights, etc. though?



    Finally finished the cursèd thing, about a week or two after I'd expected to. :/ I think this is the first commercial resin kit I've finished - I've cast stuff of my own in resin before, but that's obviously not quite the same.

    I've tried to make it a little more dynamic than the original, there's a progress page on my site with pictures from start to finish.



    There's a couple of places that mould-line filling/sanding didn't come off perfectly (and I didn't notice 'til after I'd painted the camo), I reckon in retrospect I probably should have filled and sanded flat the markings on the nose and painted them on instead, and shouldn't have mixed warm and cold greys on the base... any other critique I'm eager to hear!


  3. That is good. I am glad that you are making it more like the offical sources rather than this one. Your sketch is more accurate in various ways (missiles hatches, nose, canards.) Are you going to make the control surfaces movable? hehe The model will probabaly be too small to do that. Those QF-3000E has inverted two spoilerons/air brakes inside of the landing gear bay doors on the bottoms surface: http://www.macrossmecha.info/aerospacecraft/qf3000.html (bottom image) which are similar to the Super Bird's four: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospc.../superbird.html (top image)

    Thank you!



    Thanks Nanashi, another view of the same subject and quite different from what I´ve come up with.... gave me quite a headache yesterday! ;)

    I´ve redesigned my nose (well actually not mine even though it could be a tad smaller :D ) I mean I´ve changed the Ghost´s nose more to what is seen in this lineart.

    What I´ve found out is that this Fan-Art is closely based on the preliminary concept sketch as featured in the Miyatake book. Still, I´m sticking to my slightly beefier, wedge-like appearance as this does match the "official" lineart more closely. And remember this is supposed to be a lifting body design, it should more ride on the air than cutting through it.

    I´m almost through with my own 3-views now, it was quite difficult to determine the width of the craft. In the lineart it looks kinda slim but  it has to accomodate the lading gear and two big airbrakes side by side on the underside PLUS it gets wider on the upper side.

    The upper/down-view looks OK now but I have yet to draw a matching front/rear-view - hope this will look OK. It´s easy to draw a Ghost freehand but if it has to be "nailed down" in a plan it is getting difficult....

    I mean each time Miyatake drew a new lineart he seems to have changed all the hull curvatures, angle of the fins etc.  and for a physical model it has to be something in the middle of it.... it´s very challenging even before I get to build anything!


  4. I believe it was 3000 or 4000 Yen plus express shipping.



    dang, really?  how much did you pay for yours?  I don't even like to think about how much I paid for mine.


  5. Darn it! Just when I thought I had the whole set I find out about the YF-19 Limited. This is going to drive me crazy.

    So, how limited was this version and where was it initially sold?


    I am not certain how limited it is. But, from what I hear they (only a handful ?) were raffled off at one event Wonder Fest (or perhaps another Hobby convention in Japan)-I think. Not certain. If anyone knows more about it please tell me because I am interested in knowing the exact details myself. Also, I wonder if there was a limited YF-21 to go along with the YF-19....



  6. Looks pretty good....

    I wasn't going to show this, but what the hell. First, let me say that this is not official, not [completely] accurate, and it is fan-made.... it is however a side view of the QF-3000E Ghost drawn by the doujin group called MAT (Macross Attack Team/Multi-configuration Analysis Team)





  7. Hiya,

    I have been meaning show these off for a while....

    1/144 VF-1A Valkyrie DYRL Hikaru-Type

    1/144 VF-1S Valkyrie DYRL Focker-Type

    1/144 VF-1J Valkyrie TV Max-Type

    1/144 VF-1J Valkyrie TV Millia-Type

    1/144 YF-19 Macross Plus

    1/144 YF-21 Macross Plus

    1/144 VF-19A Excalibur Macross VF-X 2/VF-X Ravens

    1/144 YF-19 Macross Plus Limited Event Only Metallic Version

    BTW, FYI Wal-Mart is now carrying a keepsake case/frames for only $20 each (4 different colors available). It has the perfect depth to store all the Doyusha Macross die-cast toys that there are. Check it out:





  8. Beautiful artwork!

    You are truely an artist in multiple respects.



    The trouble with my garden is that it is a few kilometers away from our flat (we only have a small balcony) so I better take all things I need with me...

    well this time I got the kite right, and most of the bigger details are done. As for the angle of the fins, I found out there are some sketches with "rabbit ears" and others with much more angled fins <_< but what you see on TV HAS rabbit ears and I start to like them....

    Next will be finer stuff such as panel lines etc.. and I guess I should make the scene "busier" by adding some more Ghosts or maybe Hikaru struggling in his VF-1D in the background for some colour variety...



  9. That's right Graham. We do not know that the HAIM-95A is anything like the real life Hughes AIM-95. We know that they are the same thing. The Hughes AIM-95 was a short range missile meant to replace the Sidewinder, but the program got cancelled. Perhaps in the world of Macross [Zero], the program or one like it was [re]started. I only included it because it may be an inspiration for the model designation. There is no more official data available as yet.


    Nanashi's Information Group


    I don't know.... The AIM-200As are medium range and are fairly large already. Four missiles/pod would sound about right.


    Well the HAIM-95 is not that big judging by the photo on this page. But The pod on the VF-0A's wing is pretty huge. IMO it certainly looks large enough to hold more than 4 of the HAIM-95 missiles. And don't forget that 4 missiles is just Nanashino's guess, not an official figure from Kawamori or Big West.



  10. Very nice.

    Don't forget that a red "flying kite" in a white circle is supposed to the symbol of the U.N. Ground Forces. Are you going to include some type of technical write up with it?



    That makes 20 Jasonc thanks for the order!

    Honneamise, I told you this would be popular!  Too bad it's been a bit contentious, don't get discouraged,  I'm sure we are all going to love whatever you come up with.


  11. I think Grayson72 correct about the gear. The left gear strut does not seem to be fully- deployed yet.... Hey unmanned fighter, hurry up and get that gear down! hehe

    You are welcome. I am glad I can help. I'd want the model to be right. Are you make the air brake/control surfaces movable? They act similar to the Superbird's....


  12. Another quick note.... I believe that the Ghost's landing gear are completely down in the Studio Nue sketch. I think this is so because the arresting hooks would probably not be down unless it was landing and if it is landing at that height off the ground (see shadow) the gear would be fully-extended. That's what I think anyways.

    Can't wait to hear more on the project.



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