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Everything posted by chyll2

  1. that markings/tampo (some of it are excessive though)
  2. That part is stressed out every transformation. Even on loose yamato toys, I have observed that it is being lifted by a few mm before snapping into place. YOu can glue it but when you transformed it again, it will snap again.
  3. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    When I last checked. YAJ is already closing for 50k + yen. Yeah. I'm glad NY delivered my 31A
  4. it was discussed a while back, proxy/forward services vs NY. NY was the better choice until this.
  5. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    looks like Arad is selling well for mandarake and they went and dare. Selling it for 25,000 yen https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1093306265&ref=list FYI. NY is still at 23,000 yen.
  6. goes to show you cant please them all. When it was being done before, People hate it When NY stopped it, People missed it (at least they can get piece of mind to having secured one) Now they return the practice, only for people to hate it, again
  7. Must be a US thing. I am from Philippines and here is the quote 注文内容 商品の小計: ¥ 18,000 配送料・手数料: ¥ 3,455 輸入税等前払金 ¥ 5,266 ご請求額: ¥ 26,721
  8. CDJAPAN the power of upfront payment haha
  9. NY is not sold out yet since new customer cant even add it on the cart. Good luck to all of us. Hope we all get at least one
  10. finally. NY is a success! I was frustrated when the confirmation was loading I got server error. Then I got email confirmation! All good
  11. loading to step 5 at NY. please dont get cart jacked
  12. NY Wheel of death sigh.. please be successful
  13. wheel of death
  14. i cant believe I was able to get one at amiami. it never happened to me once in 2 years of PO madness (it is either NY or HLJ)
  15. slowdown happening now. haha imminent crash in a few mins
  16. the current prototype shows folding fins and with tab and slot. I am sure this toy is SSP and GBP ready. It is just a question on how they will release and when.
  17. amiami placeholder not loading for me edit: false alarm, it is just a server slowdown
  18. that is why I am monitoring this thread and not the sites.
  19. Amiami placeholder has this. Pre-order (Release Date: Dec-2018) Sales Period Jul 27, 2018, 15:00 ~ Japan Time
  20. I am really bad converting timeline but being 1 hour away from Japan, 3pm japan time is approximately 35mins from now.
  21. They care now. So please be mindful.
  22. if you are referring to HLJ, use advance search, normal search wont yield new items. hobbysearch and amiami has placeholder for items Best bet is usually monitor this thread.
  23. Good luck guys
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