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Posts posted by Kelsain

  1. I think it’s cool that Ms Marvel is getting a series. My biggest problem with all of this is that it don’t have time to keep up with it! I still haven’t watched Stranger Things 3, and am working through the Expanse.  Am I going to have to keep up with all the series to follow the films? And there’s also the Star Wars shows...

    I haven’t even seen Far From Home yet...

  2. 9 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    I'd have loved to see the AoZ kits in the RE/100 line, though. I thought that was the whole point of that line, was to feature more obscure designs with simpler but still high-quality engineering.

    I’d love it if they keep giving us the weird ZZ mecha. So far in the RE/100, we’ve got Glemy’s Bawoo & Mashimere’s Hamma-Hamma. Can we please get something for Chara Soon? Or how about a Doven Wolf? You could P-Bandai that into a Silver Bullet / SB Suppressor.

    Edit: and you could also P-bandai a Gundam Mk-V...

  3. 25 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Well, he was being bullied from the early trailers and it just so happened that he found out that he has superpowers so I understand that it made him go the 'angry, evil kid' route. Kind of like the movie 'Chronicle'.  IMO, it is an interesting concept especially on what's going on nowadays.

    The question is, will they explore that concept beyond just being the setup for Superboy torture-porn? 

    (rhetorical - it'll most likely just be torture-porn)

  4. While I enjoyed Ant Man & the Wasp and Captain Marvel, I do wish that they'd done a movie in between Infinity War & Endgame that actually took place during that time. You could have still set it after the first act of Endgame without spoiling that. 


    Watching Endgame, I really think the 5 year gap would be an interesting period for the Black Widow movie. Rather than a 10 minute sequence of getting Hawkeye back into the group, wouldn't it have been interesting to see this thread as a BW-driven story? Seeing her in charge of the Avengers in a changed world, trying to cope with the loss of half of her "family," tracking down a violent vigilante and ultimately revealing that it was her best friend, pulling him back from the the abyss? 


  5. 1 hour ago, Dobber said:


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    so then why not go grab Black Widow just before she sacrifices her self or just before the time travel mission. That way you have pretty much the exact BW that you lost? It’s like they are having it both ways. It matters and then it doesn’t


    As I understood it:


    Returning the Infinity stones and Mjolnir was not really about correcting the timeline. Per the Ancient One, as the Avengers went back in time they created additional realities with each slight change. Returning the stones was to protect the stability of the alternate realities, but would not erase them.

    Loki escaped NY with the Tesseract, & Cap was left mind controlled in the altered 2012. Howard Stark was given new confidence & Hank Pym suffered a decent research setback in altered 1970. The Asguardians are already on alert and Jane Foster possibly traumatized by the presence of a dangerous alien rabbit in their midst in altered 2013. In altered 2014, Starlord was foiled in getting the power stone, while Nebula, Gamora, Thanos & his whole army were transported into the main reality. This means that Quill wouldn't encounter Gamora, Rocket & Groot on Xandar. The Guardians might never form in that reality. OTOH, Thanos and his army are no longer players in that reality and Ronan wasn't aware that he was hunting an Infinity Stone until after the battle at Knowhere.

    I don't think Iron Man sent Thanos & crew back in time, but erased them from existence in the same way Thanos did in IW. If he did, it would create another reality where Thanos had learned of his mistakes, and aim to destroy all life in that one. 

    So Cap has to go back to those points and put the stones back, not to make sure that everything unfolds the same way, but to make sure that they are present in the alternate reality to keep it stable and preserve the lives of those who live in it. I'm sure there would be a new plot about chasing down Loki - would he go back to Thanos, or run away? Would Howard be a better Dad, or Hank's research be adversely affected? Would Ronan ever figure out the power stone, would the Guardians team up? Who can say, the details don't matter, just that the stones are present.

    It's feels more Doctor Who than Back to the Future to me. Less about preserving the integrity of events, and more about doing some good in the moment and maybe making things better for the future. (except for the "fixed point in time" caveat that they added in for certain subjects)

    Still trying to work out Steve, though.


  6. Drat, missed the preorder for the Cold District. But, looking at the differences more closely, I think I can adjust what I don't like about the Command's head very simply. And for about half of the overall price... The only thing I wonder is whether it would have a Type C head packed in, like the GM-II did.

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