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Posts posted by Kelsain

  1. Still no luck on the Radic Color shirts. I've found a couple of websites that sell them, but I can only get altavista to translate about half of the info. Therefore, who knows if they'd ship international, let alone how much it would cost!

    I've bookmarked engrish.com and made it part of my morning log-in ritual at work.

  2. What, it's over?

    Awww, man.... now I feel like I need to do something productive.

    OK, Mowe, Graham, back to work everybody.


    On a side note, I like all the designs that Kawamori-san has done on the VF-1 platform. I even think the Stampede valk looks kinda neat, as a space-only fighter. A few too many greeblies for my taste, but still nifty. Now, who here likes the VFS-2? It's an ugly (in my opinion :) ) bastard, but it's got charm.



  3. Err, do you guys mean "Painter's Choice" or "Painter's Touch?" I was also in the market for some new primer, so I stopped by Home Dept. All they had was Rustoleum brand called "Painter's Touch." Do I need to go to Lowe's?

  4. Ah! I'm not alone! All the while I thought I was a horrible person who was being punished for my family history of mistreatment to models!

    Now I know it's a disease!

    Seriously, I haven't finished a model since 2001. That was my Gundam Ez-8 and a Deathscythe. Since then, I've purchased a Rick Dom, got most of the way finished with a Valley Gunship, about half way through my 10 year old Starfury, and gotten to the wings of a VF-1A. 'Course, I've got visions of putting together a 1/72 Shelf of Awesomeness. But it will probably NEVER-EVER happen... :(

  5. Wow!

    At first I liked the design of the 0, but like many others, thought it looked too advanced compared to the VF-1. While I knew it was bigger I never knew how MUCH bigger!

    Side-by-side, the 0 looks so big and clunky compared to the sleek little 1.

    Now I want one of these... No! Must finish VF-1A, Starfury and Valley Gunship first!!

  6. Hey all,

    I've been searching for a while for some good lineart for the VF-1 Battroid. This stuff used to be everywhere, but now I can't find anything. Have tried searching the forums. Does anybody have a source? Orthogonal views would be ideal, but not necessary.

    I'm just planning the color scheme for my Hase squadron and want to see how it looks in B mode too.


  7. At present:

    MG RickDom which has been gathering dust since November.

    1/100 ARII Regult, modded the legs for greater poseability, but got bored in the painting.

    SD Neue Ziel - ripe for 1st airbrush kit - candy red (it reminds me of Maximillian from Black Hole) :)

    1/72 B5 Starfury - first entry in my ambitious (for me anyway) 1/72 "I love these planes" collection.

    But there's also the landscaping, the bar, master bathroom, blah, blah. Damn house - I got a lot more modeling done in an apartment.

  8. I've noticed everybody here calling all the fighters of Macross "Valkyries"

    While I love this name for the mecha, is it really correct? I know that the VF stands for "Variable Fighter," VT stands for "Variable Trainer," & I admit I've been wondering about YF...

    But anyway, I always thought it was

    VF-1 - Valkyrie

    VF-4 - Lightning

    VF-9 - Cutlass

    VF-11 - Thunderbolt


    Those were the craft's designations, and that you wouldn't call a VF-11 "Valkyrie" any more than you'd call an F-22 "Tomcat."


  9. Hey Guys,

    I'm pretty new around here, and I don't really want to be a "Clueless Seller." I've got a few macross (actually robotech) items I'm considering putting on ebay. They're mostly the mid-80's Matchbox label Robotech stuff. Among them are: Roy, Max & Millia SD Valks w/ complete FAST packs; Die cast Destroids, including the Monster; and the Macross itself, with only a couple broken antennae around the conning tower (not missing, just hanging there. Stickers were applied, but I have the boxes & styrofoam.

    In your honest opinion, are these some choice pieces? I saw that the Mac recently went for $70ish, and everybody lamented in missing it.

    Please, without telling me they're worth nuthin - ya sneaky bastages :D

  10. Hey Guys,

    I'm pretty new around here, and I don't really want to be a "Clueless Seller." I've got a few macross (actually robotech) items I'm considering putting on ebay. They're mostly the mid-80's Matchbox label Robotech stuff. Among them are: Roy, Max & Millia SD Valks w/ complete FAST packs; Die cast Destroids, including the Monster; and the Macross itself, with only a couple broken antennae around the conning tower (not missing, just hanging there. Stickers were applied, but I have the boxes & styrofoam.

    In your honest opinion, are these some choice pieces? I saw that the Mac recently went for $70ish, and everybody lamented in missing it.

    Please, without telling me they're worth nuthin - ya sneaky bastages :D

    EDIT - Forgot to mention, I've also got one of the early Jetfires lying around - the one w/ longer head-lasers & the UN-Spacy logo on the wing.

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