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Posts posted by Kelsain

  1. 26 minutes ago, Knight26 said:

    Yes too Ashoka centered, and because this is being released out of order there won't be much, if any real dramatic stakes in any Ashoka/Maul battles.

    True. If this had come out as planned, prior to their appearances in Rebels, we'd all be wondering if this would be the death of either Maul or Ahsoka - maybe both. If it does overlap with ROTS, I am very interested to see how Rex handles it. (again, another bit of suspense removed, thanks to having his later story filled in)

  2. A couple years ago, I purged some of my old models on eBay, including some of the simple Robotech branded 1/170 kits like this:



    My kids are now getting into models, and my son really wants a Gerwalk kit for Xmas.

    He's too young for a Hasegawa or Bandai kit, and I'm realizing this would have been perfect for him.

    Has anyone on the board got something small, easy, and cheap like this that they'd be willing to part with?


  3. 3 hours ago, Dobber said:

     I really want that new big Star Destroyer...but I can’t justify $700 to myself! Lol. 

    Yeah, my 6 yo son saw that in the catalog and put it on his Xmas list. And I had to be all "Buddy, we all love you; but it's never gonna happen..."

  4. Great job, CrossAir! I forget, are these supposed to be modified X-Gears for regular size pilots? Or modified Valkyries for macronized pilots? Either way probably works...

    Although, given those eye decals, I'm surprised I haven't seen one painted up as Cattra yet.

  5. 13 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:

    This is the one scene from the trailer I'd like to see on the big screen. It is nice to see the Falcon with it's old school radar dish back. 

    Image result for rise of skywalker Rebel Fleet

    I definitely see ships from the same class as:

    Ghost, Shadowcaster, U-wing, Nebulon-B, Pelta, Hammerhead, goofy E8 star bomber, and various Mon Cal ships, including the one from Rogue One. Obviously, these are all existing assets in their library. Hopefully there are some prequel-era ships in there as well.

    I'm hoping for a good one. I've mostly enjoyed the new trilogy; 8 did let me down in several ways, but I don't want to get into it. I will definitely be seeing this in the theater. It might be my son's first SW theater experience; and I'm sure he'll love it, if he's not too scared. Fingers crossed that, even if it's not great, this movie will bring the fan reception out of its continual loop of gloom.

    I think that's what's brought my enthusiasm for the franchise down, more than the films themselves - the fact that EVERY Star Wars discussion thread I've seen over the last 2 years continuously repeats the same cycle of annoyances, angst, arguments, attacks and bickering after about 10 posts. It's just not that fun to share in the community of Star Wars anymore. 

  6. I guess we may just have to see if they do a wider release, if these sell out quickly. 

    With the continued availability on the international sites, I imagine this isn’t anything like a Macross preorder situation. 

    Honestly wish it was a kit like the 1/12 Star Wars or FigureRise ones. Ultramarines have never been my thing.

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