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Posts posted by Kelsain

  1. 2 hours ago, Dynaman said:

    Grandpa!  Well, I guess I could be a Grandpa now but if my kids wait 5+ more years that would be  better.  

    This is a picture of my game table and some of my games in the background.  The blog is all about my gaming activity for anyone with insomnia.


    Haha, predominantly the vintage WWII games. He served in Europe during the war, and maintained an interest in cardboard pusher strategy games. He then passed this onto my dad, who was into more sci-fi versions of the same, like Ogre, etc. 

  2. 9 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    Oh yeah, what edition?  

    I played 2nd way back when, but was like 8, and it didn’t make a lot of sense to me. We play 5th now, which seems more streamlined. We’re running in a custom world from my DM.

    1 hour ago, vladykins said:

    Collect (and play when I have time) rpgs, war games (lots of Avalon Hill), and selected board games. Here's shots of some of what I have:






    Man, this first pic looks like my Grandpa’s closet!

  3. Lately, I’ve been trying to get some home improvement projects off the ground, building some Gunpla, and playing D&D. I hadn’t played that since I was a kid, so getting back into it was fun. We’ve been playing over Discord since lockdown, which doesn’t have the same energy.

    My other big hobby is to plan modeling projects; knowing all the while that I don’t have the time, money, or talent to actually complete them. Sometimes I enjoy it more than actually modeling.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Dobber said:

    So I got the preorder announcement email for these from BBTS and at first I thought they were going anatomically correct with Ahsoka and she had a “wardrobe malfunction” in this picture! Lol :unknw::lol:


    Dang, and now their site is down for maintenance. I guess they got swamped for Beskar Mando preorders...

  5. 11 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    So not as Rex but Boba Fett it seems.


    However, Rex & Boba would be about 45 by the time of Mandalorian. Given Rex’s accelerated aging, he’d seem closer to 90 years old by that time. 
    I’m ok with letting his ROTJ retcon cameo be his final entry. They didn’t even show him during the Rebels epilogue, so he may have just hung up his helmet after that.

  6. Yeah, I was eyeing an Elegoo Mars before this all went down. Kinda wish I’d had the chance, but with the current uncertainty, I’m probably gonna hold off. 
    OTOH, my daughter was just about to start a 3D printing unit at school and seems to know more about it than me. I may be desperate for something new by the end of April!

    If I’m lucky for the time, I’m aiming to finish decaling my MG Zeta Gundam. Maybe start something Macrossy.

  7. 22 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:


     Think of the times we all said "man I wish I had more free time work on my model kits", well here we are with plenty of free time now. As long as the hobby shop stays open we're all good! B))

    That’s the part that bums me out. Between working from home, parenting, and helping them with their offsite school work, I don’t have any time left! I’m a little jealous of those who do have the time to model; but I realize that I’m lucky to still be earning a paycheck. 

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