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HG Blows

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Everything posted by HG Blows

  1. I'm looking for a quick fix to making my Yamato YF-21 FP look more blue than purple. I was thinking of spraying a coat of clear blue over it. Do you guys think that would work? Some suggestions would be nice. I just dont want to do another full blown repaint.
  2. I agree, chest cannon would of looked much better on Justice cus it seems to be lacking for a new model. Looks like Athrun got screwed, but at least he's getting all the ladies...
  3. Ordered mine from HLJ on the 18th, and got shipping notice today. Three days isn't that bad. Now comes the two week shipping time. But I was surprised it even shipped because it was listed as backordered when I ordered it.
  4. Hooray, a new Providence! But jeez, another Gundam made by Zaft? When's EA gonna crank out some new ones? Eternals back too, huh? I guess Lacus got sick of being just another bridge bunny, she's gotta have her own ship again.
  5. Hmmm, have the prices gone up on MSIA? These are the early bird prices, and they're already more than the price of recent MSIA. Plus, Justice is more than all of them? Does that imply that it's gonna have a crazy amount of armaments?
  6. I was about to mention those scars...too slow I guess. Nu-Freedom looks better animated I must say, but where the hell does he put the two rifles when he's using the beam sabers? maybe they fit between the slot of each wing?
  7. Kira get owned? By Shin? I can't see that happening. Has Shin shown any ability that would indicate he could scratch Freedom? Man, that would just be weird after Kira owned everyone in ep. 23. I think a more likely situation would be Kira jumping in front of a blast to protect someone else, or Kira getting gang raped by everyone at the same time. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Not diggin the gold bling bling, stomach gun (bit low to be called a chest gun), and butterfly wings. Hopefully it will look better animated.
  9. Here's another pic of new Freedom I got from animesuki boards...or rather, fuller version....
  10. Whoa, is that real? Cus that explains a lot. Well, all it explains is Rey isn't a homo, but significant none the less.
  11. Did Kira sense Neo or something? He did the newtype ping look without the little spark and noise, and then they cut to a shot of Neo. I might add it was nice to see Zaft get beat up a little, considering they been kicking EA's ass the whole series. But then again it was Kira doing all the ass kicking, not the EA troops.
  12. Did you have to do any painting? I always wanted to do that, but the thought of trying to match colors keeps me from trying.
  13. Caught it at the Landmark Nuart Theater last night. It was alright. Animation was good, story was so-so. I'm a little iffy with anime-with-characters-with-round-noses to begin with, so I was pleasantly surprised.
  14. Boy that looks ugly. How about ep. 22 though? Just watched the raw, and man I feel robbed. I thought Freedom would kick some ass in this ep, but I guess it'll be another week. Shinn needs an ass whooping already. This boo-hoo filler is killing me.
  15. Question, where might one go to get the torrent for the Haro^2 releases? Up until now, I've been using animesuki, but those days are gone.
  16. Destiny G looks interesting, a little too fancy me thinks. It doesn't really blend in well with all the other MS. It's the like the red headed step child of the SEED universe.
  17. That's what I was wondering. Rey just gave him a big ol gay looking hug out of nowhere. Weird...
  18. Cool, can't wait for ep 23. 21 and 22 sound kinda boring though, don't really care much for Shinn. You'd think being a trained soldier would hammer some maturity into you, man that guy is such a whiney baby.
  19. I agree. I had issues with UPS, but at least I'd get my stuff within 7 days. Nowadays, It takes about 20 business days to get my stuff.
  20. Wow, finally saw ep 16. Small observation, Lunamaria took yet another hit. All you Lunamaria fans should brace for her eventual death. She reminds me of Nicol, not quite as good as everyone else. And I bet she'll probably die the same way, jumping in front of blow meant for Shinn (his recklessness will put him in a bad spot). Just my guess, that would help Shinn evolve a little more as well, makes sense.
  21. I agree, it's too one-sided. But you figure that just shows how much better coords are to naturals. It's a qualitative/quantitative thing.
  22. And the MSIA train keeps a moving. Lunamaria Zaku, Guaiz, and Dagger MSIA already up on ebay.
  23. Hey, do they sell those clear stands for MSIA? I could use a few.
  24. They have a bunch of those at the KB by my house. I think they're on sale for $10 too. They also have the deluxe aile strike for $6 and regular msia for 3 for $10.
  25. Just saw ep 14, and man, the new op and ed songs stink...on a lighter note Yuuna is hilarious when his chickenshit side is unleashed. You think he's this hardnose, cunning politician, and then he starts squirming like a little girl. Good stuff.
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