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Posts posted by grss1982

  1. Mileina: Are you two in love?

    Setsuna & Marina (in sync, most straight-faced, deadpan response you've ever seen): No, we're not.

    Mileina: :mellow:


    I really ROFL-ed at that one. :D BUT

    I absolutely OMGBBQWTFPWN at Graham Aker's codename........"Mr. Bushido."


    Quite sure it will have a beam saber hidden somewhere. Doesn't make sense not to have one. I'm just wondering if it is still GN-004 Nadleeh underneath that armour.

    And as for Cherudim, I always wondered what's the ugly "tail" on his ass. Looks like it deploys into some kinda riot shield. :rolleyes:

    About the Cherudium's shields, I'm getting the OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius (From GW) vibe from those shields.

    LINK: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/OZ-13MSX2_Mercurius

    The Mercurius was designed with defensive strategy in mind, and was armed with a small beam spray gun and a large shield, called a "Crash Shield," which had a powerful beam saber integrated into it. It was also equipped with a set of ten planet defensors, which were small disc-shaped objects which projected an energy shield to protect the Mercurius or another mobile suit from virtually any attack. The shield is powerful enough that it could even block a shot from XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero buster rifles, but a subsequent shot would would prove too much for it. They were stored in a rack on the back of the Mercurius, where they were charged by the suit's reactor.
  2. Who also did Reika in Aquarion. Here a gattai pose with Kawamori. Maybe there's something more as to why Kawamori said his favorite character for the night was Cathy :ph34r:


    Pardon the ignorance, but could anyone explain to what "gattai" is? I thought they were one of the first subbing groups for MF.

    Also, IIRC, Cathy's VA also voices young boys/men same as VA Romi Paku (Edward Alric from FMA & Loran from Turn-A-Gundam & Toshiro Hitsugaya from Bleach).

  3. It seems that I am one of the people here who has some serious and genuine dreams of his own and fully comprehends how it is like to be oppressed and generally hated just because I am who I am and love what I love no matter what those around me try to force on me. I really identify with Alto in a deep level, accept of course for his denseness when it comes to women. :D

    It is easy to say he was running away from his family imposed "destiny" and all that nonsense when one has no dreams like he does. He loves to fly and that's who he is and always will be. His family background of course makes him a very competent actor, but that is more training than anything else. It is no wonder he misses his mother so much, since she must have been the only person in the family that fully understood and appreciated his dream of boundless flight.

    All this reminds me of why I'll always love Macross as long as it stays true to what it is. To pursue and live one's dreams as hard as one possibly can, to love and to cherish.

    For some reason I can identify with Alto as well. Except of course for his "wastefulness." <_< At last count it was 2 VF-25F's, 2 Armored Packs & 3 Super Packs. :rolleyes:

    Geeze....Alto must be the most hated person by SMS's logistics people. :lol:

  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/31319140@N05/...57608016144402/

    ZOMG!!!!! :ph34r: Klan-Klan WITH Super Pack!!!! :wub:

    Thanks for the pics, Tochiro. ^_^

    If only some Zentraedi would cause a ruckus where I lived so that May'n and Megumi would have to be flown in for some culture warfare. :ph34r:

    Psstt.....Zentraedi wont be coming until next year. Hope all MW'ers can make it to South Ataria Island, and hitch a ride with SDF-1. :ph34r:

  5. Definitely 3 hard points per wing on the VF-25.

    The very early promo movies even showed the VF-25 with wing mounted ordnance similar to that carried by the VF-171.


    Its actually two per wing. :p


    The reaction missiles were attached to the fastpacks and not the wings per se IIRC.

    As for internal hardpoints, probably go the same route as the YF-21. Micro missiles. :D

    See picture above. :)

    You are actually talking about the Armored Pack and not the Super Pack. ;)


    When an Armored Pack is used it seems the entire wing is encased in armor thus not usable for mounting additional weaponry. ;)

  6. I'm liking UVERworld's opening theme and Chiaki Ishikawa's (of See-Saw fame) ending theme. It's not making me cringe.

    Wang has a funny way of making sure CB is prepared for a fight. Leaking info to Ribbons, who leaks it to the A-LAWS.

    rumor/spoilers via a Chinese forum through 2ch.

    Some of it has proven true. I do wonder about the rest of the spoilers.

    There is no way in hell that SHE is gonna be singing, since this isn't Macross. THIS IS GUUUUNNNNNNDAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!! :lol:

    BTW... some of the rumors did happen, but I think some of this are just to hilarious and impossible. :p

    Hmm, Zeta vibe here

    A-Laws -> Titans

    Kataron -> AEUG

    Saji -> Katz

    Louise ->Sarah

    I also heard the gattai thing is just a false rumor (I hope it stay a rumor).

    To wolfx, yes, I beginning to watch this show since I'm disappointed in Linebarrels. <_<

    So Linebarrels was that bad, huh? :mellow:

    The gattai rumors started because of this: :ph34r:


    I am still at a loss as to what exactly is the function of such a thing. :ph34r:

  7. Episode 2 is out. :) Well the LQ RAW is. :D

    Anyways some pics at:


    Some of my comments might be spoilerish so I'm gona blacken them. :D

    Soma all grown up now. :) WOW loli turns into pretty HOT woman. :D


    WTF!!? Sarah Palin?


    What is it with Sunrise and splitting an oppenent's melee weapon in half. First the Knight of One in CG, now this poor dude? :rolleyes:


    She really needs to join Alcoholics Anonymous. :D


    On the otherhand this guy nees to take a HUGE dump. LOLZ!!!!


    This pics just screams....UBER POWERED!!!!!


  8. snip.......

    Kawamori on Macross Frontier Movie : The Macross Frontier movie will follow the guideline of "Do You Remember Love, I'd like for all to see Frontier on the big screen, with great sound."

    YAY!!!! :D DYRL-route. :D

    So...does this mean we get MOAR graphic violence (chopped heads, point blank headshots -->reserved for Leon :), bullet riddled bodies, etc. etc.)? :ph34r:

    I hope te movie isn't a re-editing of the series. :unsure:

    ZOMG :ph34r: SK is here somewhere lurking and reading all of our post :ph34r:

    Btw, nice job on episode 7, the episode title should be changed into "First Attack, dedicated to Macross mecha fan" ^_^

    If your reading this SK, thanks a million for bringing us MACROSS!!! :D

  9. Louisse looks likes a guy and feels like a Stellar v2.0. (god pls not like stellar....)

    And your screenshot made me realise that the federation now has GN drive space cruisers 0.o;; (if those sparkly yellow things are GN particles)

    The tech-leap in Gundam universe is really rapid and fast.

    The captain (fat dude) of the A-LAWS warship that attacked Proud did say somehting about the deployment of GN particles, well that's according to the Nyoron Subs. :)

    AND yes I totally agree the technology leap in just four years is astounding to say the least. :mellow: Well atleast it has'nt come to the point were everyone can use fangs/bits/funnels. :)

    Anyways poking some more fun at Episode 1...... :D



    Pulled this pics from Animesuki. Ladies & Gents I present to you A-LAWS:





  10. Someone on another thread mentioned it is supposed to be "ARROWS". Not sure if its true or not.

    And as for the montage, yeah i kinda realised that later...Chris was in it too. XD

    Yeah there is a raging debate in Animesuki over that one, but the boxart just like the one azrael posted earlier in the thread seems to have resolved that debate. So apparently its A-LAWS. :ph34r:

    Anyways...is it just me or does Soma and Lousie look really hot in the OP? :ph34r:



  11. That much was a given since season 1 but i think Kataron is the AEUG in this series. A-LAWS sounds stupid....i wonder what does the abbrev mean.

    My verdict for the episode. W-o-W. But i'm still not expecting much. Remember Destiny? That was pretty wow too that quickly disipated. We'll see how it goes. Some points to make:

    - in the ED which i guess will be next episodes OP, we see eyepatched Lockon? :blink:

    It sounds stupied but atleast the logo and the uniform looks kinda cool. B))


    Also, about the spoiler above....Its a tribute/montage for characters that died in season 1. If you look closely some of those CB that died in Season 1 were also in the OP. :mellow:

  12. Episode 7:

    * When Mikhail covers Alto with the Sniper Rifle as Alto is about to go inside the Vajra warship. The scene of Mikhail's VF-25 firing the rifle is similar to the scene in SDFM where we first see Max fight with his preference for battroid modes.

    I posted about it in the MF Episode 7 Thread. :)http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=639898



    Episode 14:

    * When Alto shouts "ATTACK" when launching reactions missles. It's a direct reference to Hikaru who also shouted "ATTACK" in when luanching nukes in Episode 27, IIRC of SDFM.

    * When Alto prepares to fire at the Queen, it reminded me a lot of Hikaru about to take down Bodolza in DYRL.

  13. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=651347

    As I said earlier, Menclave is as good as Shinsen. But Menclave is ridiculously slow on almost any show they work on. They know it and honestly don't care.

    BTW.... the triumvirate of AonE & Gekkostate & Menclave had a translation error in episode 1, they translated Mihkail as Frankie. :ph34r: But later on its all translated to Mikhail. :) Check out there Macross F scripts here. :D

  14. :rolleyes: He he, ok, I'm sorry guys if I'm misleading some of you, here, have some raw tuna to smack me ^_^

    How about I give you a point blank headshot for trolling us. :angry::ph34r::p



    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    But anyways all joking aside...any news on when the movie is out? Heck anybody have an idea on what we're gonna be getting with the movie. IIRC, was'nt there a magazine article posted in the News Section tha said somehting about a DYRL-style movie?

  15. BTW...I just realized that Brera's explanation in Episode 25 about where a Vajra's brain is explains a lot to why the headless Vajra from Epsiode 3 and the captured Vajra in Episode 5 where re-animated back to life both those particular Red Lobsters still had their stomachs intact. :mellow:

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