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Posts posted by grss1982

  1. All this time, watching SDFM, DYRL, 7 and Zero, the Protoculture was always that all-powerful entity that was unrivaled throughout the galaxy in terms of technology and civilization. They created new species, for chrissakes, and they could be considered as gods, more or less.

    But with Macross Frontier, that aura of superiority seems to have been thrown out the window. not only was it made clear that the PC was also subject to the limitations of fold faults, but we have an entirely new species that have no such limitations. Also, the Protoculture were in awe of these species, considering them superior, to the extent of modeling some of its technologies after the Vajra Queen.

    Enter the humans and the Macross Frontier fleet. First of all, the humans developed instantaneous fold technology on their own (with a little help from studying Vajra crystals and carcasses). Then they actually defeated the Vajra. More than that, they were able to actually communicate with the Vajra (something which I presume the PC were never able to do). And now, they have landed on the Vajra home planet and are poised to co-exist with them as co-equals. And with the lines of communication now open between the two species, the Queen might even openly share her technology with Humanity, thus making instantaneous fold the norm.

    I think, yes, Humanity has already surpassed the Protoculture at this point. what do you think? :)

    We don't have 1,000 Gorg Bodozle like fleets yet. :ph34r: If we had that THEN we can talk about surpassing the P.C. :)

  2. Since the inevitable end for another macross series came....

    i was thinking of some things/activities for me to withdraw from this macross syndrome thing...

    i was planning to watch other forms of anime ( definitely not hentai ) :lol: lol

    so whats your plan

    Hmm...for some reason Hentai sounds good right about now. :lol::ph34r:

    Anyways in my own way...I'm in the middle of SDFM right now. :) I'm up to episode 27 so far. Went through Episodes 8 through 25 of SDFM just a few hours before gg's released of Episode 24 last week. :)

    I'm still contemplating about taking a plunge on Macross 7, but past comments by people here and Agent ONE are holding me back. :( I'm sorry, I just don't really like valks with faces. :( Although with me finishing SDFM & Mac F series finally over, I might just have to suck it up and just watch Macross 7.

  3. A while back (i forget in which thread), there was a short discussion about there being SW-1 but no SW2, and what it would take for a conflict to be considered a SW2.

    Considering the Vajra managed to reach and (almost) attack Macross City on earth (and Macross 11, and I presume other fleets), do you guys think this will be labeled SW2?

    It probably won't be tagged as SW2, since the Vajra that came to Earth and Macross 11 weren't actually shooting, as far as I can tell. Most likely the Vajra's public appearance will just be like the Sharon Apple Incident, but in the case it will be called "The Vajra Incident." :ph34r:

  4. Normal Pack?

    Notice that it doesn't even have a GUNPOD!!! :ph34r:

    Ladies & Gentlement I present to you the Macross Quarter Kamikaze Squad. :ph34r:

    But seriously.....I've mentioned that before either here or on the Episode 25 thread, and I'd like to blame the shortage of Super Pack parts on Alto. :lol: IIRC, not only did he managed to loss 2 VF-25F's and a VF-171EX he also managed to loose (by the end of the series) 2 Armored Packs and at least 3 Super Packs. <_< He's lucky that Mr. Bilrer has his billions. :wacko:


    He's an Alto fan and is so eager to be like him that he started jettisoning parts before the battle even began (begun?).

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. I called the ending except the part where Lelouch really dies. I would've thought he would have fulfilled his contract with C.C. and gained the code from her. Or at the very least make a dramatic end apologising for not fulfilling his promise to make her smile as she dies.

    and after watching the end it might be this was the case. But meh...i dun really care if he was dead or not. Its just that the whole C.C. arc was left open and to ppl who were too busy bawwwing, might have missed that C.C's code might already be transferred in that 2 months Emperor Lelouch got the Damocles.

    Beh who knows now.

    About Nunally touching Lelouch as he was dying and seeing his past, i wonder if that was a sign that the immortality code was transferred since it usually shows the person who touch the immortal his past, not the immortal's past?

    Overall I think i loved Code Geass' epilogue more than Macross Frontier's.

    *dodges pots and pans thrown at him*

    *fires Mikhail's Sniper Rifle at wolfx*

    Forgive for I'm slow at times when it come to "reading between the lines," but was that Lelouch driving the carriage that C.C. was on? :huh: or did I just get trolled by the director of CG? :huh:

    Also I'm wondering about Kallen's reaction when Lelouch got stabbed with the sword, did she know that instant that lelouch was doing this for her sister and all of them? The reason I ask because IIRC in one of the episodes we were shown character stats of members of the BK and sad to say Kallen wasn't really high when it came to intellect.

    EDIT: Spelling. :)

  6. With a Mask. Of course.


    Oh Great. :rolleyes: First a Gunship that can be used as a Beam Saber. :rolleyes: Now a dude with a mask. :rolleyes: Let me guess he flies a RED VF-27 and has several loli hench women. :rolleyes:

    NOTE: I was just joking about that. :lol:

    But seriously I finally had a look see at the episode again, and it seems people were right not only did the Koening Monster's leg get damaged by the the left cannon/hand as well.


    Also.....rewatched the episode again...and did Alto just do the rapid eye targeting thingy like Ozma & Roy before him only much much faster? You know I tried moving my eyes like that and I felt dizzy. :wacko:

    Anywyas....I just realized though that in Roy's case in MZ, it wasn't really rapid eye targeting compared to Ozma and Alto. It looked a lot slower to me. :lol:

  7. I noticed this on the day it aired... <_<

    The sniper rifle ended up behind the left shoulder, attached to the armor, so it didn't magically disappear. sniperriflexo7.th.jpgthpix.gif

    You know whats bothering me about that is that just a few seconds before that scene BOTH the Standard Gunpod & Sniper Gunpod were in the centerline station of the VF-25 in fighter mode:


  8. Perhaps that should read "There's no way Sheryl will have unprotected sex with Alto".

    Presumably they still have condoms in 2059, or perhaps by then the technology exists for the more secure 'pin-point-barrier-doms' (PPBD). :p


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    DARN IT!!!! I just feel off my chair laughing so hard at that one. :lol:

    Thanks Graham that REALLY made my day. :lol:

  9. Actually no. Quarter's cannon grazed the macross cannon and they let go of the cannon. Frontier's gunship more or less took a direct hit but was damaged rather than completely destroyed. After landing on Vajra homeplanet (which i would like to now call Planet Frontier for ease) their cannons are still intact and has abit of damaged look to it.

    Unless of course its a blooper.

    Animation Blooper??? :ph34r:


    WTF!!? Gunship is back? :blink:

    From the look of my earlier pic, it seemed to have been blown up. :mellow:


  10. Just wanted to say that Orange-kun is officially the most badass character in R2. :D

    He ejects a knightmare out of the Siegfried to go after Anya, blows it up on top of Mordred, and then he himself leaps out and lands on top of it. And then as fitting end, he becomes grower of ORANGE Trees!!!!! :D AWESOME!!!!

    All Hail Orange-kun's Farm Grown Oranges and Orange Related Products!!!!! :ph34r:

  11. Actually no. Quarter's cannon grazed the macross cannon and they let go of the cannon. Frontier's gunship more or less took a direct hit but was damaged rather than completely destroyed. After landing on Vajra homeplanet (which i would like to now call Planet Frontier for ease) their cannons are still intact and has abit of damaged look to it.

    Unless of course its a blooper.


    Looks to me like Battle Frontier's Gunship was a goner when Battle Galaxy fired. :( BUT, Macross Quarter's Gunship seems to be intact. :)

    Anyways at least we get an excuse for using an NMC-sized 'Falcon Punch" later on against Battle Galaxy. :lol:

    Battle Frontier: You Broke my TOY. :angry: NOW I WILL BREAK YOU!!! :angry:

  12. Well, a clip movie might fit the bill here, then. I agree that it's too new to do a remake already, but there's two ways I read the movie news: Either they want to do another story in the Frontier time frame (which is what I'm sure we're all hoping for), or they're doing a theatrical version of the TV series in order to get even more exposure (and increase the return on investment for all that expensive CGI, of course ;)). I'd say it's about 60-40 at this point.

    Aside from a clip movie or a continuation of the series. they could possibly do a side story 8th MS Team style with grunt pilots of the VF-171 with perhaps Machida & Diamond Force & even Battle Frontier included? OR maybe 8th MS Team style with other pilots aboard the Macross Quarter.

    So, I believe the question now is, will the movie either be a retelling (Do You Remember Deculture) or a sequel (The Galaxy is Deculturing Me)?


    I really ROFL-ed at the possibility of such a title: Macross Frontier: The Galaxy is Deculturing Me :D

  13. Most of the New Macross Class ships do not look alike. Almost all the NMCs we've seen so far have been different from each other. Other than a few cosmetic differences, the Battle Galaxy looks like a NMC to me. It's the proper size, the proper shape, has all the proper features (like the long legs, the docking bay torso, and the carrier deck forearms) and lastly it has the same gunship as all the other NMCs. The biggest differences seem to be largely stylistic, such as the bridge. The port and starboard amidships (which become the shoulders in Attack Mode) also feature one big cannon each, which is probably the most significant weapon difference from other NMC vessels. The Battle Galaxy is certainly an NMC.

    In the real world this would be like the difference between Aircraft Carriers of the Nimitz-class, yes? :mellow:


    hmm didn't u guys say the same thing? :mellow:


    NOPE. :D Check here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...&pid=665293

    did Battle Frontier do a "dedalus attack" on battle galaxy just after Macross Quarter did the attack on Galaxies' cannon?
  14. When the Koenig Monster goes to shoot Galaxy's head it gets its left arm cannon destroyed along with its leg but a few frames later she's shooting around with both arms in tact but a still damaged leg, will try to grab screens of it later.

    Actually If I'm not mistaken only the Koenig Monster's Leg was hit, thus causing on to crash land on the Macross Galaxy's Gunship. Don't have the episode handy right now so no pics to back it up.

    Wait.....just found one online....check this out:


    See only the leg was destroyed both arm cannons are still intact. :)

  15. There were some need DYRL moments in that one too - I loved ALto saluting in his VF-25, and him shooting Grace felt reminiscent of Hikaru shooting Bodolza ! Yeah !

    Actually Alto taking down the queen back in Episode 14 was more reminiscent of Bodolza Assasination from DYRL. :)

    Anyways I just wanted to point out that ONCE AGAIN Alto has ejected an Armored Pack. :rolleyes: Seriously I think the supply/logistics people of Macross Qaurter are having a bout of EPIC face palming at this dude's antics of ejecting all those parts. :lol:

    BTW.....how many Packs has he actually discarded I'm counting 2 Armored Packs (14 & 25) and 3 Super Packs (Episode 7, 13 & 14). And don't get me started about those VF's he manages to loose throughout the freaking series. :rolleyes:

  16. I would like the movie to be about any of these...

    1. Prequel, what happened on 117th, Grace rise to insanity and Sheryl rise to stardom

    2. Sidestory of another character (Machida?) with alternate retelling of Frontier

    3. Aftermath of the series and colonization with coexistance with the Vajra

    4. Find out what really happened to Megaroad-01

    5. Solve the damn triangle, I accept Alto not being the one picked between Sheryl and Ranka, haha

    Number 1 is unlikely since if we go that route we won't be seeing VF-25 pr0n. :mellow: They need to sell more VF-25 toys. :D

    Numbers 2, 3 & 5 though are very much possible. :) Don't like the idea of 4 though.

    Anyways.....any ideas when the movie will released? :mellow: I'm having this bad feeling that it will be released somewhere in February 2009 to coincide with the start of Space War 1. :unsure:


    DAMN!!!! I'm currently watching SDFM right now, I'm up to Episode 25, and after watching that many the only thing I wanted in that series was DEAD Kaifun. :angry: But, alas it was not meant to be. :( I hate it when punks like him get to live after SW1. :angry:

    The best scene of this episode :lol:


    BTW, what happened to Dulfim?

    WOW!!! :ph34r: That image totally screams....pwn3d!!!! :lol:

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