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Posts posted by grss1982

  1. You know I just realized that with the awesome performance of the Quarter in the last episode would it be in the realm of possibility that within the Macross Universe we will be seing Macross Quarter Class of warships?

    So in essence:

    SDF Class

    New Macross Class

    Macross Quarter Class

    I really hope to see more of the Quarter or its sister ships in future Macross movies', OVA's and series'. :D

  2. Yay, you're da OZMA B))

    FIXED. :p

    i totally missed that, the action was so awesome but also so condensed for time that your eyes see more than your brain processes.

    A felt the same too. :D

    Just finished the first viewing together with my son. Epic & awesome are two words that come to mind.

    I already posted this over at Animesuki and nobody seemed to care (probably due to the rage over the unresolved L.T.) so.......


    Meet EPIC & AWESOME. :lol:

  3. The last episode was sick! Though i gotta say, while SDF:M felt a handful of episodes too long, Frontier felt a handful of episodes too short, though if a movie truly is in the works hopefully it'll provide that extra bit of resolve that was slightly lacking. That was some extreme mecha porn, every mech design short of Destroids had some clear cut shoot em up screen time.

    Actually the destroids did have their chance to shine this episode.


    Daedalus Attack!!! :D Well in smaller scale though. :D

  4. I wished there was more development for the Pixie Squad and other people in SMS. We know SMS is a pretty big outfit but we only see the main casts in action which gives the impression only they are in battle. (No CF VF-25 action).

    I'm with you on this one. I felt deprived at not knowing other SMS people besides the main cast. :(

    Also I did not like that there weren't more key people from NUNS. Heck I even don't like how we are left in the dark about how NUNS came to be?

    The reusing of footage too was at times frustrating, especially the reusing of footage for the LAST episode. I wanted all new footage for that one.

    But despite that the series as a whole was enjoyable for me. :) I'm especially enjoying it more right now because of all the EPIC RAGE (especially at Animesuki and Random Curiosity) over the unresolved Love Triangle. :lol:

    ALSO to SK:


    Well Played, sir. Well Played. :D

  5. Just saw the RAW, and didn't understand a darn thing........but I'm still gonna post some pics...... :D

    This is the result of Alto's bad habit of always ejecting those Super Pack and Armored Pack Parts. :lol:


    VF-25 with only the Leg Parts of the Super Pack? AND WTF!!! No Gunpod?



    AWESOME!! Just Awesome!!! :ph34r:


    pwn3d!!! :lol:


    I wonder what squadron this unlucky dude belongs to? Note that insignia on the back of the Battroid.

  6. Exercising F5 button on Tokyo tosho now..... :lol:



    Cool, sounds awesome. I'm not all that into *too* much romance in my Mecha so harem ending doesn't bother me.

    Animesuki on the other hand, is imploding. :lol:

    The action sounds AWESOME thought, I can't wait till the RAWs are out.

    And of course the reconciliation with the bugs was inevitable, I just hope NUNS keeps up on their weapon research in case they decide to get onry again.

    :lol: They wanted to resolution to the triangle but they did'nt get it. I bet Random Curiosity is imploding as well. :lol:

    I'll say BG blow BF gunship first, after that comes the Machida punch NMC Version xD


    NMC-sized Machida PUNCH FTW!!!! :lol:

    WOW.... There was a scene in the last episode of E7 when Holland charged his brother's ship, that one scene filled me with such a rush. It is by far my favorite Mecha moment in the whole series. The last episode of frontier had me on that rush for nearly the entire episode. That's tough to do, I still think that moment when Shin and Nora were twisting it up in the last episode of Zero had more intensity than nearly any other Dogfight in the series but the Episode as a whole just blew the doors of everyone else.

    I loved Alto's salute to SMS-007 as she went down. I guess words can't even express the thanks he had for that bird. But that's three fighters he burned through in this series, is that a record?

    I think it is. IIRC, Hikaru only lost two birds in SDFM.


    Kakizaki death as of yet btw.

    HE DIED, AGAIN? :o Hope it wasn't due to a barrier overload. :rolleyes:


    WTF!!!! Nekid Grace ....... :lol:




  7. Thank you for pointing this out. The Lunar Subs (which I watch) just had it as "pride."

    But now it makes a bit more sense - and indeed - her facial expression and general demeanor demonstrated iji and not mere pride/jealousy/vanity... so now it makes more sense...


    Keep in mind that Lunar did give as the "Remation Eater." :rolleyes: Thus, I'm a bit apprehensive at times with their subs of MF. I've actually downloaded episode 15 to 23, but I have never watched them. I watched gg's subs, instead.

    Anyways, I think since Lunar's the only one out of with *.avi's we can be really choosers. :lol:

  8. one hour before the airing of ep25, a zentraedi fleet folds into earthspace and attempts to make contact; but then a huge blast of energy from somewhere in the south of japan fires towards the fleet. and because of this, all broadcasts from japan and all over the world are indefinitely postponed.

    question! do we scream,





    I honestly don't know how to answer this. :p

    Uhmmm....the Zentraedi will be folding on earthspace next year. :mellow: Feb. 7, 2009 if I'm not mistaken. :mellow:

  9. Finally... ^_^

    Well, what we have here?

    I increased the size of the pics and it seems that:

    1) The first pic has Battle Frontier being saved from a Vajra carrier by a shot from the Quarter apparently...

    2) The second pic has Sheryl back at singing. I noticed there's a huge fleet in the background... Was the Frontier fleet that big? (specially after the Vajra counterattack during Ranka's culture shock...). Perhaps the rumors of NUNS reinforcements weren't wrong afterall...

    3) The third one has Battle Frontier attacking surrounded by a huge fleet and Canaria's VB-6 Monster in the front... I guess this means that the SMS pirates will return to Frontier to help fight the Vajra...


    Doesn't the last pic look familiar?

    From the OP:


    Image courtesy of ReddyRedWolf of http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p...p;postcount=567


    The first pic reminds me of a scene from DYRL, during he final battle with Bodolza fleet, a Zentran gunship rush into Macross while opening its main gun and was shot down before it could fire it.

    Hmm, I'm expecting captain Wilder to announce "This is Macross Quarter, from now on we will protect Battle Frontier, anyone else who is listening to Sheryl song, bring culture back to us" :lol:

    :lol: That would be AWESOME!!! :D

    and where's Alto?

    Maybe, like DYRL, he flies into the Vajra's nest and blow the "APHOS lookalike" to ashes! :ph34r:

    I hope he comes into the the mothership with an Armored Pack that is still intact. :ph34r:

    BTW....Alto for the love of all that is holy in Macros DO NOT EJECT Parts when using any of the PACKS!!! :angry:

  10. CG mecha scans from the new November 2008 issue of Hobby Japan Magazine.

    Note the various versions of the VF-171EX.

    After about a month, I will remove the pages from the mag to file them and then I can do better scans.


    Thanks, Graham. :)

    So the Luca's VF-171 CAN transform. I'm curious though as to why the Gerwalk mode for Luca's is not shown. :blink::huh:

    YAY!!!! Battle Frontier pic. :wub:

  11. I was thinking Galaxy was hidden behind that giant Ranka hologram(?) as well, but then that makes you wonder how it got there without anyone noticing it..

    No Vajra unit attacked the Dulfim when it got near the "Queen's Throne" as well.

    BTW... I had just had this crazy idea....could we be possibly getting an ending where Frontier completely exterminates the Vajra ? :huh: IMHO, the Vjara have'nt been really developed as anything but mindless bugs or "tools" in the series.

  12. And I think there is still time left to play another Macross Zero homage: the NUN reinforcement shows up late and determine to annihilate Vajra to take all credit. Ranka and the Vajra fold away... :rolleyes:

    Super Ostrich

    Speaking of Macross Zero Homage does'nt this image remind anyone of Macros Zero:


    It reminds me a lot of the bridge of the Asuka II at the point when the C.O. says that Operation Iconoclasm has been given the go signal.

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