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Posts posted by grss1982

  1. snip.....

    Another thing:

    I thought it was kinda funny when the bridge bunnies were all surprised about the ghost V9. lol You would think with brera stern and his futuristic brainwave controlled valk and cyborg body that those wouldn't really pose that much a threat.

    Ghosts are seen getting pwned at the start of the series, so any impact that the revealing of the V-9 ghost would normally have, would now have been lessened at this point due to how the vajra themselves outclassed the drones in combat. Glad that the sniper weapon worked on them so efficiently.


    Keep in mind though that Frontier's Ghosts that were pwn3d back in episode 1 were "dumbed down" to the point that they had limited to no autonomous capability. They were used more like the present U.S. military "Predator" drones. That's why you had the scene in Episode 25 were Luca tells his three Ghosts that they are releasing them from their "yokes" in essence giving them autnomous capability to go head to head with Galaxy's V9 drones.

    IMHO, Galaxy's V9 drones seem more agressive in combat than the dumbed to Ghosts of Frontier.

  2. Don't complain, man: in my case, it takes almost a whole day, and the connection is so lousy, it keeps broke up during download. And without able to use download manager, I almost cry when that happens. :(

    Not really complaining, I'm just sad is all. :)

    Anyways my connection suddenly improved and it looks like I only need 40 minutes more to complete downloading the *.avi version of GG's sub, which was done by veffidas. ;D

  3. Yeah, I agree. The video aren't really great. In fact, my one got a faulty scene at 11:03. Do you have one?

    Yeah, I also got that faulty scene at the same time, 11:03. :(

    Also another sync problem is in the scene with Ranka, the one where she's saying "KIRA," the audio doesn't match with the video.

  4. Is it just me, or is the audio for Lunar's episode 25 out of sync with the video by 1 second?

    The worse part though of Lunar's release is the video. :mellow: Anyone think it would have been better if Lunar used the first RAW that was out [Macross Frontier - 25 End Raw (1280x720 DivX6.8).avi]? :unsure:

  5. No way anyone could have guessed. setting up Grace as a mere side character was flawlessly done. watching ep 1 again, she was literally just at the sidelines. no weird change in voice or attitude. no change in the eyes. no close-up of a misplaced smile or smirk. she was literally a wallflower. she had us ALL fooled. :)

    The OP itself had us all fooled. :lol: Especially with Grace looking like this:


    IMHO, Leon looks more sinister than Grace. :ph34r:

    Also..about the statement in bold...there was there was this particular scene:



  6. Scott covers Macross, and I give the review. Its generally spoiler free, focuses on the mains, and I tried to keep it short and to the point. Its not short, but its not the behemoth is was shaping up to be.

    This is the first time I can recall Macross being the focus of an article on AICN, and certainly this is the most coverage its gotten there (as Scott points out).

    AICN Anime - Macross Frontier - Deculture!

    edit: snipped article, go read it there and throw up some talkback. :)

    Nice article, Duke Togo. :) That was a darn good read. :D

    agreed. good writing by the Duke. :)

    but hey, I'M an eccentric billonaire, and hell yeah i say, DAMN THE COST, let's bring all this to the western world...

    ahem... well, like you said, I can dream, right? :p

    You don't happen to OWN a P.M.C., a transforming aircraft carrier bearing the number "25," some VF's, a 1/1 size train set & a giant ring with a picture of Minmei , do you? :p

  7. I don't know if you guys have seen the video with the preview of the dub version of Gundam 00, i can honestly say I'm dissapointed with the voice work, most of the voices don't fit the characters especially Graham( he sounds like a little girl, not literally). Maybe because I'm use to the japenese version, I also hope they don't take out the music.


    Coincidentally, the VA for Graham also does the voice of Alto Saotome in MF. :mellow:

  8. special thanks to gg for sticking with MF through to the end, delivering quality releases, and quickly! i particularly appreciate that as the momentum built up in the latter part of the series, gg proved reliable and delivered like clockwork, without compromising quality.

    while initially biased towards shinsen (based on others' recommendations of their accuracy), i learned to appreciate the often more poetic interpretations gg made of the dialogue and lyrics. gg's versions are what i will archive.

    gg, i salute you sirs!


    Don't forget the actual salute. :D

  9. Indeed. For those who still lurk, thank you for all of your time and effort. You guys did a great job and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we truly do appreciate it.

    Seconded. :)

    Thanks to every group who did frontier.

    IIRC, the groups (for English subs) are:

    1) AonE & Gekkostate & Menclave

    2) AiA & I-Z

    3) Seiyan (Special Mention to them for the Very First Macross Frontier 1 (Preview Version))

    4) Shinsen-Subs

    5) Gattai

    6) Lunar Anime

    7) Chihiro

    8) Kei

    9) gg Fansubs


    Anybody I missed? (Note: The list above is based on a quick browse of animesuki.com.)

  10. ...continued


    + Alto: But because we are alone...We love someone! (Never mind that he can't make up his mind as to who.) The writers have earned their pay.


    What's weird about this scene though is that the glass on Alto's helmet shattered....could that be an indication that the VF-25 is going really fast and was doing some very crazy manuevers?

  11. I'm not convinced that Battle Galaxy was destroyed. Badly damaged and without it's gunship yes, but totally destroyed, perhaps not.

    Although we see Battle Frontier do a pinpoint barrier punch to Battle Galaxy's torso, we do not actually see it explode.


    I don't know Graham. Looks like the right arm is a goner, AND the upper torso separated. I don't know about the rest though. :mellow:



  12. snip....

    + Brera's impeccable timing comes to the fore as he saves Alto, setting up the Alto x Brera charge that will be the benchmark of fighter choreography for many years to come. In that sequence, many might have missed the spectacular move pulled off by Brera: spotting another VF-27, Brera zooms ahead of Alto and shifts to gerwalk, then like a bird of prey, swoops the hapless quarry into his clutches before dispatching it as it came disarmed. Reminds me of DYRL Max grappling a Zentraedi before shooting him in the face.

    Amazingly enough...if played in its normal speed I only caught the VF-27 gunpod. :wacko:

  13. OK.....So I started early in my Macross Frontier Re-Watching Binge so I was wondering.....did anybody get the homage of Alto screaming "ATTACK?"

    I seem to recall an episode in SDFM where he Hikaru screams the same word, but for the life of me I couldn't remember which episode it was. :wacko:

    EDIT: Falcon PUNCH, FTW!!!! :lol:

    Man...that part of Episode14 never gets old. :lol:

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