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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. I feel sorry about those girls. They really got..... But look on the bright side, at least Kallen is back.
  2. BTW...I really liked the comments of Crusader over at http://that.animeblogger.net, regarding Kikuko Inoue (Grace's VA)........ Taken From: http://that.animeblogger.net/2008/08/09/ma...e-broken-sheryl You know its been really quite a departure for Kikuko Inoue. I mean everybody identifies her as the voice of Belldandy of Ah My Godess, and now suddenly she's playing a villain. A real basteard of a villain at that. In the first few episodes I really thought Grace was gonna be like the motherly figure of Sheryl all the way, then suddenly she's revealed as the villain, WTF!!!???
  3. YAY!!!! Kallen is BACK!!! She even.... Looks like Lelouch's gonna go bat sh*t insane soon. BTW...... Orange-kun looking so pimp. http://that.animeblogger.net/wp-content/up.../08/cg18-03.jpg ALSO....@Lord Bradley....
  4. I second that. Clutching her dreams, INDEED. ALSO...T3h LOCKER SCENE.
  5. That would be AWESOME!!! Anyways did anybody take a look at Canaria's seat in the Monster? It looked suspiciously like an Ex-Gear system. Check Here: http://i37.tinypic.com/23h5awy.jpg The Helmet is a bit different though compared to Alto's: http://i33.tinypic.com/bv86r.jpg But the shoulder parts on Canaria's seat is almost the same as Alto's.
  6. She held it that HARD? BTW, thanks for the link, since from I found this very cool ascii:
  7. Uhmm.....the Red Lobster can't even adapt to one of its arms being thrown back at it as a weapon that can blow it to smithereens. But seriously...... About No. 3.....There is still hope that this BFG from suspossedly early concept art of MF might make an appearnce as a new armament for Frontier's VF forces. About No. 5..... You just know that Frontier or L.A.I. technicians are gonna harness it into a more effective and very deadly weapon as the war escalates.
  8. Well I actually had a roflmao moment with the scene depicted in Master Dex's current avatar: Red Lobster has an explosive arm? Anyways as for the original SDFM, the roflmao moment for me was the CF-1A that lit the cigarette of the Zentraedi soldier using the fraking GUNPOD!!! BTW, can anybody post a picture of that one? ALSO, another roflmao moment was Episode 1 of SDFM, the part where Capt. Gloval bumps his head while entering the bridge. Why could'nt MF have that homage using Capt. Wilder? IIRC, there was also the Max's VF-1A disguising itself as a Zentraedi Soldier.
  9. That's not Battle 7 in the pic your posted. That's the Macross Quarter.
  10. You knwo I was recently cleaning up my computer and found this image cap from another thread here...... Compare that to this pic from Episode 7 So I guess there was a SDFM homage in Episode 7.
  11. OK I finally manged to snag gg's sub, and Let me start out by saying GRACE YOU MOFO B*TCH!!!! I hopy you die a very painful death by the time this series is over. Anyways....now that I have ranted about Grace, lets move on to some interesting parts of the episode..... = Was that Alto's biological brother who helped Sheryl? I'm confused though is he an adopted son or the son from the different marriage or something, because they don't look alike (He & Alto I mean). = VF-27's BFG is still effective against the VAJRA? I though the Red Lobsters would have adopted to it by now. = It's a sad day indeed for VF-171 fans everywhere as the Badass VF from Episode 14 is now reduced to Canon Fodder once again. I hope they somehow get an upgrade to counter the VAJRA. HINT: Bring back the gun pod beam adaptor from Macross 7, and oh the Super Pack might come in handy as well. = Mikhail's rifle is also ineffective now? BTW, why is everybody in MW going crazy about protrusions first it was Ranka's (Episode 7) and now Battle Frontier's/25's. Is it the new rage nowadays? ALSO as a FINAL NOTE.....GRACE YOU MOFO B*TCH!!!!
  12. You know since the War against the VAJRA will escalate in the next few episodes....I suddenly remembered this little clip.......
  13. Actually the VA for Howard Glass is Tomomichi NISHIMURA. According to this: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ple.php?id=1047, he voiced another character in a Macross series, BUT its now SDFM its DYRL. Also of important note is that Tomomichi NISHIMURA also voiced the character of Cmdr. Richard Mardukas from FMP.
  14. So what you are trying to say is that Humans will be ilke the Zentraedi in SW1? I mean humans will be the one to receive a culture shock from the VAJRA? I can already see it now Pres. Glass and Leon speaking in the Zentraedi Languauge just like the beginning of DYRL. "YUCK Deculture"
  15. **** Waves franticly at Graham so as to get his attention. **** http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry639206
  16. Uhhmmm...Alto took one down in Episode 14. You know the Red Lobster that had its wings deployed in SPACE!!!
  17. I take it that she isn't using Firefox 2059? I'll get the MW Mob with their pitchforks and all to help you.
  18. WOW!!! RAWS of Episode 18 are already out, BUT there's still no other sub group releasing Episode 17. The only available sub of Episode 17 is gg's. What's up with that?
  19. Its in the left. Just on top of the Macross 25th Anniversary Logo.
  20. ZOMG!!!! AND don't forget a GIANT Armored Pack!!!! Well....we could have Alto impale her with a new weapon attached to his VF-25 with Armor Pack: http://i36.tinypic.com/168smko.jpg, AND at the same time he mumbles/screams something like The Only Good Cyborg is a DEAD Cyborg. Some sort of EMP weapon then?
  21. I WANT BOTH!!!! But seriously 40 pages for the 25 year history of Macross. I hope they got a butt load of pictures in there.
  22. 40 Pages? Heh, Megumi Nakajima's wearing a Macross Shirt. Where can I get one of those? Also is that May'n with her?
  23. BTW..... I never realized that the wings when in Battroid mode while standing erect don't just fold downwards but can also fold rearwards?
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