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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Slowly working through the processing photos.
  2. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thank you @NeoVanguard. Thank you @seti88 Arad is borrowing Mirage's extra set of Super Parts. I really hope that Bandai releases the Super Parts that include reaction missile like the 31C set for Arad and Chuck, Bandai would make easy money. I am praying Bandai announce Super Parts for the A, S and E and well as the Armored parts for the E. What crazy is that I am hoping they also announce Armored Parts for everyone!
  3. Hope you hear something soon. Has anyone gotten any updates from NY beyond "Preparation in progress"?
  4. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @LoliconI kept messing with it for 20 min and that photo is the best I could do ti get it "lined up". My radome hold fairly well, I have bumped it slightly and holds Thank you for the info @Ipsquitch, the radome on mine hold fairly well, it doesn't pop out of place too often.
  5. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @Lolicon or anyone who has or will be getting their VF-31E. Have you been able to get all the radome panels/parts to line up flat when collapse extendable parts in? I have tried get everything to line up flat, looked at all the pics posted in the reviews and it doesn't look like everything line up flat.
  6. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thank you @505thAirborne! I'll take some quick shots and I'll try to get the studio and hangar shots done through out the week if I have time or this weekend.
  7. Yes I have been wanting to complete Delta Shotai shot since the first VF-31J was released. I am also considering a special shot for Delta.
  8. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got notification email from NY "Preparation in progress". I agree @no3Ljm, Supers for Arad and Chuck! Come on Bandai, I have money for you!
  9. I really hope so, that would lessen the impact on my bank account.
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