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Posts posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Could we see a comparison pic between your custom DYRL decals and the stock versions?

    I'd definitely be interested either way, but I'd prefer stickers.

    *runs away from angry model masters*


  2. 2) Again, in the movie it seems that Hikaru never outranks Max like he did in the series. Even if he hadn't gone missing, I'd expect Max to get the promotion since Max is a Genius and Hikaru is viewed as a bit of a screwup by Misa. When Hikaru comes back, there's really no good reason to promote him to team commander instead of leaving him with Skull under Max.

    This is what I always believed in too. Unlike the tv series, Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki are all pretty much equally ranked. Out of the three, I'd say Max is definitely more deserving of the role of Skull leader. Up until the final battle with Bodolza, Hikaru's just a punk.

  3. Now that is surprising. With the OT having the highest demand, I figured Lucas would've released that *last* in order to squeeze every last drop out of SE releases. Maybe all the bitching has finally begun to sink in Lucas' head. :lol:

    So where's the super-uber-all 6 episodes box set? ;)

  4. The skull does look slightly crooked, but then again it appears the backpack isn't perfectly aligned with the horizontal plane either. All Tamim needed to do was press down a little more on the backpack. But, if the skulls are indeed misaligned, it's hardly noticable and I can live with it.

    • Brand new improved pilot sculpt made of the same rubber type material as the Low Vis pilot.
    • Improved nosecone and flaps, first introduced on the Max VF-1A.
    • Improved 'easier opening' front landing gear doors, first introduced on the Low Vis.

    Woohoo! Rubber pilots all the way! The old pilots struck me as too brittle and I was afraid that the legs would snap. Even though I'll be passing on this release, I'm just glad that the reissue Roy will (hopefully) recieve the same improvements. :)

  5. Yet your entire post is based on the idea that they aren't going to make it, and they should be expending massive amounts of capital to give you the valks you want before they inevitably fail.

    Whoah, you know what I want? Psychics do exist! ;)

    If they are short on cash, I still think it makes more sense to do low over-head projects and squeeze more money out of what they've already invested in, rather than invest in new sculpts, manufacturing processes, paint schemes, and marketing.  But, obviously, intelligent people can disagree on that.

    Bandai went down the same route with their 1/55 repaints and head swaps. If the theory you describe:

    "squeeze more money out of what they've already invested in" is accurate, then one must wonder why Bandai dropped a guaranteed "cashcow" like the 1/55. After all, Bandai's over-head expenses must have been significantly less than Yamato's. All Bandai did was restore the old Takatoku molds and add a few minor enhancements. Yamato, on the other hand, had to spend money on R & D and create an entirely new and complex toy from scratch.

    Yet, here comes the 1/60 GBP and Q-rau.

    Yes, and what exactly happened to the the 1/60 VF-1 upgrade parts? Again, if your profitable theory of "squeeze(ing) more money out of what they've already invested in" is foolproof, then the upgrade parts should have been a profitable venture. I believe that repaints can be profitable if the toyline is popular in mainstream culture, like Gundam and Transformers. But Macross is a niche market, and it would be presumptious to assume that the business practices of mainstream toys are guaranteed to work for niche toys.

  6. I'm no fan of Hikaru's DYRL 1S, so I'll pass. End of story. But, a post made by Monkey-Nugget last month opened my eyes as to what the future holds for Yamato. According to him, there's almost no market in Japan for Yamato, their Macross toys are languishing on the shelves. Other reports from Japan corroborate this. Now, despite the fact that so few Japanese are buying Yamato products, Yamato is relentlessly pursuing even Macross bigger projects and releases. He wondered (and I agree) just how soon it will be before Yamato 's actions put themselves out of business.

    Now, let's say hypothetically, that Yamato has 2-3 years left in the business before they go under. I realize this sounds selfish, but I'd like Yamato to spend these last few years making toys of significant interest (DYRL SDF-1, VF-4, etc), instead of pissing away precious time with repaints and head swaps. No one here knows how much money Yamato is making or losing, but I think it's presumptious to assume Yamato will be around forever.

  7. ***DROOL*** the SVC board! Very nice!

    Anyways, my favorite aspect of SvC isn't the fighting, it's the banter between characters!


    Props to the guy who took this beautiful screencap. I'd love to provide a name & link, but I can't remember. Do you remember, Vinny?

  8. TLW, is the Swap disc you are using, is that for PS1 games and are you using it on a PS1 or a PS2?

    I've used the Magic PS1 disc on my modded PS2. It was disc version 1.xx something and it worked fine. However, I've tried version 2.xx and it does not work on my system.

  9. I remember that one, wasn't it made by RTH? It was so friggin sweet! The pics were on the old board, which means they're gone unless someone backed it up to their hd. Sigh, now if someone would only make an HCM Strike or Elint. :D

  10. Probably. I've successfully used the Swap Magic disc to boot up my import Macross VFX (PS1). However, I don't have any legitimate import PS2 games yet to test out. It's possible that your version of the Magic disc isn't compatible with your version of the PS2.

  11. I think it's safe to say SNKP won't re-use the old MOTW sprites. If you compare MOTW sprites with KOF sprites, you'll notice the KOF characters are larger than MOTW characters. Sure, SNKP could resize MOTW sprites to make them larger, but then the sprites would look like crap. The sprites will, most likely, be heavily influenced by MOTW, but completely new. After all, when SNK decided to put Nakoruru in KOF 2k as a striker, they gave her all new sprites instead of cutting & pasting from SS.

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