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Posts posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Nobody else finds something interesting on Yahoo JP?

    Well, it's fairly obvious what this is, except the head design isn't the usual VF-1A head, from what I can tell.



    Very interesting. This isn't the first 1/55 I've seen with that custom head. It looks like there's some Japanese person making custom heads for the fans over there, sounds kinda familiar to what we do here. :) That, or Bandai released a new VF-1A :p

  2. Forget HLJ,

    They will reply (in a month...) and tell you they do not have parts anymore.

    That's funny. :blink:

    I just received the replacement GU-11 gunpod for my 1/48 Hikaru 1S from Yamato, through HLJ.

    I was only asking for the gunpod tip (barrel) since someone in the factory totally forgot to place the tip on the gunpod, Yamato sends me a complete gunpod through HLJ.

    It took them 1 day to reply to my email that they will contact Yamato, 5 days to inform me that Yamato has sent them the parts, 2 days when I received the shipping confirmation, and 20 days for the replacement to arrive through ISAL.

    I'm glad it worked out for you, but thats another thing I don't like about hlj, it just seems totally random on what kinda service you will get. I fall into the waiting a month for reply, them finally saying that they can aquire the parts, then a month later saying they cannot aquire the parts. It just doesnt make much sense to me. Don't even get me started on their uber shipping selections.

    The people working at HLJ are only human. Montarvillois probably e-mailed them when they were extremely busy or just got the resident slacker (every corporation's got one!). :) I'd send multiple e-mails in hopes of getting them at a better time or simply getting the better employee.

    You may also want to keep an eye out on the Sales and Auctions forums. Once in a while you'll find Yamato's being sold piecemeal for spare parts.

  3. I say wait.  It'll depreciate, just like the majority of the Yamato valks. :)

    I can't find a single 1/48 Yamato Valk that has depreciated in price at any major seller. Except for the occasional fire-sale on Max, they're all still around $125-135 pre-shipping.


    No kidding. Even the 1/60's held onto their value for a while before depreciating. :lol:

  4. Graham still knows much, but each year that passes, Yamato allows him to reveal less and less. I think at first Yamato was seriously trying to really establish themselves with Macross fans, so they let Graham spill the beans on lots of things. Think of it as clever marketing :) But now that Yamato has fully established themselves with Macross fans worldwide, perhaps they feel they don't have to worry as much about "marketing" as before.

  5. The other thing being is that they make a "new" version every year. I dont think they have enough time to really change it that much. People on the Neo Geo.com discussed how SNKP could release one every other year and maybe have enough changes.

    That's another thing I've thought about. By the time a new KoF is done, the programmers have to start working on a new one. I gotta give SNK and SNKP props for churning out Kof annually for nearly the past decade. But I wouldn't mind waiting bi-annually for a KoF if it meant we'd get an even better game.

  6. KoF is changing. 2k3 introduces a full tag mode, ala Marvel vs Capcom. There's a full list of changes somewhere here, and boy are there are radical! I don't think changes will necessarily cause SNKP to lose their fanbase. After all these years, they still have retained a small but dedicated group of fans. If these fans have made it this far, they're not going anywhere. Just think of the Washington Redskins; they've sucked for the past decade, but their fans are the most dedicated in the entire franchise. :lol:

    As for the snails pace of change, it was hard for SNK to implement any radical engine changes due the age of the MVS hardware. For example, this new "tag" mode will result in a slight load time. I'm sure the old SNK had thought about a "tag" option, but were to proud to subject their fans to a load-time in a cartridge game. OTOH, SNKP is starting a new KoF game on Sammy hardware. If successful, this will be the first step towards a whole new age.

  7. Yoshi, thank you so much for posting those translations. Indeed, the PC Engine games get little to no recognition, so your translations are worth more than gold to us few fans. As for your grammar, you did an excellent job, I had no problems understanding. Indeed, it's better to post something rather than nothing :)

    I think Komilia's birthdate (2019) is "correct" because it's supposed to correspond with the DYRL timeline? In DYRL, Max and Milia don't have any children, so I suppose they could've waited 9 years to have a child. I could be completely wrong, any ideas Yoshi?

    Oh yeah, MagicEngine is a FANTASTIC emulator! It's the one and only emulator I have ever bought, it's got some sweet options and is nearly perfect. Hmm, MagicEngine's coder is French and so is Yoshi. Hmmm. :o:p

  8. Definitely the M&M's! Two years ago, I would've said the VF-1A Cannon Fodder, but given the low 1/60 and 1/55 CF sales (as reported), I don't think Yamato is going to mess with the CF anytime soon.

  9. Actually, iirc, those "violent" scenes were originally english-dubbed and were not cut/colored-out in at least the Macross-dub (philippines) and the original Robotech-dub (US). I believe Macek made the decision to cut those scenes out in the regular US broadcast-release, however. I heard/read Macek re-included those scenes on the Perfect-whatever version vhs-tapes, but I don't have those tapes to verify.

    The philippines Macross dub is an altogether different animal. The characters names were not even the same as the U.S. Robotech. I also have all of the Perfect Collection, and none of their RT episodes differ from the previous VHS, LD, and DVD releases.

    Iirc, Robotech.com used to have clips of these cuts, but I haven't visited that site since it was first goin up (Steve Yun is still an active member of the Ars-forum where I hang out most of the time). I'm not sure if those clips are still up there.

    While I only visit RT.com infrequently, I've never seen clips of this nature. It's possible I just have had bad luck. :)

    So, yeah, it should not be a ret-con since it was always there, but was just taken out for the US-broadcast and the first/second dvd-releases. 

    Since I haven't seen solid proof showing otherwise (notwithstanding HG reps, since we know how honest they are), I still believe it's nothing more than a retcon job. Not necessarily a bad thing, especially if they pull it off well. I just think HG/ADV are trying to avoid people percieving it as a retcon job due to the whole George Lucas fiasco.

    Oh yeah, the audio is supposed to be DD 5.1. Now, is this going to the same old dual-mono DD track, or are we finally going to see a true stereo release?! :rolleyes:

    edit: syntax

  10. I talked to Tom Bateman in the IRC chat. It's more footage from the original shows that was dubbed in 1984-1985. They're putting these scenes into the show. He didn't say what it was, but it's "more the violence" than nudity or ethnic gesture.

    As a Robotech fan, I'm pleased to see a remastered version of the series. I am also glad that I never bought the DVD's (got the LD's). :D Anyways, I wonder how accurate Bateman's above statement is. For well over the past decade, I've been following Robotech's closely, read up on it as much as possible, and even spent a couple of hours talking with Dennis Bateman on the subject. Yet, this is the *first* time I have heard that there was a "previous cut" of Robotech (excluding the dubbed Macross). I can see how the dubbed Macross included violent scenes, since it was meant to be an OAV (note that te Macross footage cannot be re-used since the characters had different names and music). But Robotech was concieved as a public broadcast from the get-go, I find it hard to believe that HG would dub the violent scenes, then say "oops, we forgot, this is for TV." Either the people working at Harmony Gold were completely incompetent, or Tom Bateman is playing us for fools. More than likely, this is a retcon job by HG and ADV, similiar to what George Lucas did with the Star Wars Special Editions.

    Now this brings two complications:

    - HG/ADV are going to need to rescore the scenes with the extended/added footage.

    - HG/ADV are going to need to re-dub the new scenes.

    While this sounds doable, I wonder how smoothly these scenes will flow with the old footage. We've all scene what a diseaster the SW SE's movies were, I hope ADV and HG try their best to avoid this.

    One thing I'd like to see is HG go back and fix all the continuity errors, specifically the years and dates. :lol:

  11. Ahh yes, even more mmcafe lurkers. What this site needs is a MW vs MMcafe tournament, for sheez!! B))

    I have to give SNKP props for overhauling the gameplay. Lots of people, myself included, absolutely love the KoF system. But I can't deny that the system is definitely dated. We'll see how this team of rookies (remember, SNKP is NOT SNK) handles the transition, best of luck. Heh, 1 second delay between tags. Who says cartridges don't have load times, SNKP pulls a Capcom!! :lol: *coughSFA3forSNEScough*

  12. Encasing the tabs in super glue might help. Just make sure to remove all the other hinges first so the backpack won't end up being glued in one position. It won't be pretty, but it might get the job done.

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