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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. I guess nobody cares about these guys eh?
  2. heheh, it's a commerical that Arnold did for the Japanese market. If you wanna see it, you can find it at Japander.com. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. You can also see other movie stars who did commercials for japan. Check it out!
  3. yeah, double bump. It's past the 15th already, unless you meant the 15th of december? Well, in any case what's the status of these stickers? Let us know, please!
  4. my friend made it and I used it. I got it from japander.com. That site shows all the commercials that some actors did for the japanese market. Some of the commericals are freakin hilarious, especially Arnold's. Check it out!
  5. alright guys, since you guys don't have it yet, I guess when you guys get it in, I expect a full on review of this sucker and pix to back them up as well!
  6. wow, I made number 3 on the list. Ok well all I did was combine what eyesonme78 had already asked for, which was a name for a site that had japanese manga and robotech stuff. It's just as easy as that. I find it alot easier to come up with names when you combine the names of the stuff you are selling. It's fun and unique I guess.
  7. OMG!! That is freakin beautiful!! that's some mad skillz buddy! Can you paint mine like that? How much would you charge? oh and welcome to the boards!
  8. cool, I feel yah dood! I'm wondering since they are showing the movie again, do you think they might make a part two? I feel that they should! The ending totally leaves it open for a sequel. I hope they do!
  9. and here's another one for the decepticons: Energon pix
  10. wait, what figures are these going to be? Are these the new energon figures? That's what I'm thinking that they are. If so, then here are some pictures of it: Energon pix
  11. How about Japangatech? I posted this name on your other thread but here it is in case you didn't see it yet.
  12. oh man, I should've bought that toy when they first came out at toys r us. I saw a whole stack of them and was considering buying two cause it was going to be a hot item for christmas. I even remember cutting my finger on one of the edges of those boxes, man those were sharp! well it was more like a paper cut. Anyway, I loved the movie so much that I actually watched the marathon like four times. I still would like to see it again. Damn that movie is good! I should buy the dvd already.
  13. Sigh..... I don't feel good about this catwoman movie coming out. I just don't have a good vibe about it for some reason. I guess I hope it does well.
  14. Check this out. I think the Quintessons are going to be in the next Transformers Energon cartoon. I wouldn't mind seeing these guys again and even as toys.
  15. wow! that looks pretty toit!! I can't wait to see a trailer or something. Got a link to that trailer? Now I might have to go finish FFVII. I just hope I remember how to play it again.
  16. Well, seems like this thing is finally out! But yet nobody post a review about it. Check out monkey nugget's auction, he already has it up: Escaflowne auction And judging from the pictures, the figure is darker than the white proto type figure pictures that we have seen. I hope these are already out here in CA. If somebody already has it, please post a review on it. If there's anything wrong with it, I may leave it in the box!
  17. ok, what everybody else said and as for the stickers on the wings being upside down. If you watched the transformers series carefully, they are actually upside down most of the time in both modes. Takara is trying to make an accurate t.v. series starscream as much as possible. I still like this version and plan on buying it later as I already have the first takara reissue starscream and the original.
  18. wow, a non anime review! I'm surprised you even made a review of such an old animated feature. It's good to know though, thanx!
  19. GITS on cartoon network? That'll be a good one. I wanna see how much of it they might edit out. If they keep everything in, I'll be hella surprised. We'll just have to wait and see
  20. nice job! I likes! But can she transform.......
  21. In japan, isn't this actually being marketed as galvatron? hehe, I don't even know about that. If so, then why is hasbro calling it megatron? That's just plain stupid. I guess the only time they can call it galvatron is when they release it again with a different paint job.
  22. I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see ironhide and ratchet t.v. accurate toys. Those two are badly in need of a makeover! So those two should be the first things to be done, then I can be happy. Well I guess they don't have to be those old toyota vans. They could be like a honda odyssey or something like that.
  23. wow, that figure looks awesome! Now all we need is asuka! So it says it's going to be released with the manga? I wonder if we'll be able to see it over here?
  24. hehe, I have a feeling somebody is going to do a custom job on this "megatron" and turn it into a true galvatron figure!
  25. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!!
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