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Posts posted by fansubs2000

  1. it looks great but it needs more weathering  the fp look too new still like they only been on valk for a flight or 2


    I agree 100%, looks damn good though for a first timer!

    Improve on your weathering and you'll be set!

  2. People who keep toys for future investments are just silly people. I wouldn't sell my toys unless i really needed the money.


    uh, I would have to disagree. My toy investing gave me enough captital to buy real estate wich led me to become a millionaire. There are people that are billionaires now because of investing in toys. Now when I say investing, I dont mean toy hording. I always see people on these boards saying that investing in toys is a bad idea, but I doubt that anybody in this forum is stacking greenbacks like me. :rolleyes:


    Shirley, you must be joking?


  3. Yeah, but it's pretty much the only way to pay in most cases. Usually people say, pay pal only. And for example isn't money order pretty expensive way to pay, and possible other inconveniences? :unsure:


    Money orders cost like $1 max. So they are a good option.

    Like you said though, most sellers are "PayPal only" now days.

  4. the same guy going for a Low Viz again  :blink:


    good grief... history repeating itself again ?  single feedback bidder countering his bid

    wil he stop at his max bid of 400 ?  ;)


    That dude must be a Robotech fan from the Robotech forums.

    Those dudes pay $150+ for MPC armor.

    They pay $300+ for MPC Hikaru.

    It is clear to me that they would also pay $590 for a low viz.

    No doubt about it!

  5. I live in mexico and is very hard to find these mech`s toys  and the prices are very high


    to: macross world

                                      :lol:  "VIVA MEXICO CABRONES" :lol:


    Nice collection CHAVAKAISER!

    Are there any places/shops in Mexico where you can buy Macross toys?

    Or did you get your collection online?

    Looks like you also have an aweosme collection of Mazinger, WHOOOOO!!

  6. Jenius - great setups. Out of curiosity, why no Max bust?

    The place that had the other two busts was strangely out of Max (they probably saw how badly roy and rick sold so they didn't order as many of Max). If they ever do a Miriya I'll buy them both and add them to the Q-Rau set-up.

    I did hear that they will be releasing Millia & Minmay busts in the future.

    Yes they are.  They're honestly quite a bargain.  The big downfall is that the shelves aren't adjustable heights but if you're going to have a Yammy 1/48 in battloid mode they're pre-set at pretty much the perfect distance apart anyway.  I was going to buy some custom display cases so I could pack more in but they were a bit pricier than I expected.

    Is this the one that you have?



    Any chance that you have a picture on your compter of the entire shelf in one pic?

    If not, no problem.

    I was curious as to how it looks all together.

    Once again, props to you man!

    You have shown me the way, given me a ideas & a vision of how I want my collection to be like in the future.

    I think I need two of those cases at least, but I know my wife will just tell me we need to buy a house first before ANY crap glas casses.

    Blah blah blah, you guys know how that goes......

  7. wow, i wonder how he got caught???


    E-bay must have ways.

    I think maybe e-bay was keeping track of the sellers IP address, then noticed that a bidder had the exact same IP address.

    I guess maybe you could get away with it if the seller bidded on his own auction with a different account on a different computer (work or school computer).

    If you use the same computer, i'm pretty sure they will notice that they are the bidder and seller are from the same source computer (IP address's).

  8. DYRL doesn't even explain that the SDF-1 is an alien ship, now does it? It doesn't explain why the aliens are attacking Earth, it doesn't explain how Earth got nuked... it doesn't explain a lot of things.


    Yeah it doesn't even explain why Roy constantly gets away with DUI.

    Wait I mean "FUI". :p

    Hikaru! Friends don't let friends fly drunk!

    Sadly, it was too late. Bye bye skull leader..... :(

  9. where can I pre-order the VF-0S 1/60? Anyone know? I live in Canada and i'd like to purchase this item. Help would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks all.  :)



    You can go to the "Where to Buy" section and look around there. Plenty places selling it at different prices. Check em all out and e-mail asking how much shipped to Canada.


    Neova has em for $135 before shipping here......


    I usually order from him.

    Everyone has their own personal favorite place to get their Valks though.

  10. Okay, clearly now i freak out to use my PayPal account  :blink:  .... but thanks for the heads up guys.


    I think it's still ok to use it as a buyer, it's when you are a seller and keep money in there when it can become a problem.

    If you are a buyer, and keep your account empty.

    Only use it to pay people using your credit card, I think you'll be alright.

    That's what I do now.

  11. Am I the only one that didn't care much for that clown Kung Fu commercial?

    I dind't think it was funny at all.

    Clowns scare me.  :(


    It means you have no soul if you didn't find it funny. J/K While I adore the commercial I too find clowns a tad creepy, but, at least for me, such feelings make this add even funnier. I think to find the commercial funny, it requires a healthy loathing of clowns and their antics, as well a love for cheesy kung fu movies.


    I don't like clowns, but i love the three stooges. :p

    I also am HUGE Kung Fu fan and have over 100 Kung Fu DVD's in my collection.

    Majority of the stuff I have is 70's Shaw Bros & Golden Harvest stuff. I LOVE the 70's Kung Fu movies! The Venoms movies are classic, but I do like a lot of new stuff too like Iron Monkey, Kill Bill, Shaolin Soccer, etc.. My favorites are the 70's stuff though, those movies rocked. The cheesier the better!

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