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Posts posted by fansubs2000

  1. my friend found 1/48 yamato low viz. i just found out the good news tonight. oh yeah and it was under 200 bucks.  i cant wait to get that baby. man, that is probably the best thing i ever gotten from japan (second to my doraemon alarm clock that i got from my friend as a graduation gift). sweet, kyatsu :)


    WOW That is SWEET!!

    Congrats man, welcome to the Low Viz club!

  2. For the record, don't forget Mari is single, & loves snoopy. So bring a Snoopy Doll & flowers to any showings, and that will almost certainly amplify your chances at some ass.


    Not single anymore. She's been remarried.


    What!?!? Did she JUST get remarried!?!?

    I just read an interview with her 1 or 2 months ago saying she was looking for that someone special. Did she find somone and tie the knot that quick!?!?

  3. Is this any different from the Perfect Edition?  I need to pickup a copy as well.



    The perfect edition is the ONE to get. It is remastered and also comes with extra's such as trailors.

    The one above, settle for it if you can't get the perfect edition.

  4. My friends kid got a hold of my 1/55 reissue Roy and knocked it off my shelf. He then "tried" to transform it forcefully. Even droppd it at least twice.

    The truth is, my 1/55 shows no damage at all. That baby is solid!

    As for the Branpresto's, dude I wish I knew you were looking for them back in February. I was at WonderCon in San Francisco and one dealer was trying to get rid of his stock selling them off at $5 a piece.

    I bought 4 Supers/Strikes and gave it to a friend for his birthday.

    If this request was only 2 months sooner, I would have known to pick up a few for your kid.

    Good luck in your quest to find some, if not then invest in a Chunky Monkey.

    That way you won't have to keep buying more toys every time one breaks. And yes the Banprestos do break easily in a childs hands.

    1/55 is your safe bet.

  5. Doesn't really matter to me which they make first.

    True the 0S is already set, but when I voted I imagined nothing was coming out and I needed to pick one.

    If none were announced as of yet, I would stick to the VF-0S.

    I don't care if it's not flown by the main character.

    I am a big Roy fan, and I just love that transformation sequence in episode 1 to Macross Zero.

    That scene alone sold me to really WANT the Vf-0S RIGHT AWAY.

    Don't get me wrong, I would also want the 0D, but 0S 1st baby!!

  6. Only thing missing from this movie is a Kurt Russell cameo... and maybe have David Hayter do some voice work...maybe as a flight officer so he can talk on the PA. If you're gonna have snakes on a plane, might as well have Snakes on a plane too!  :D

    All I want to see is Harrison Ford going "Snakes... why did it have to be snakes?"


    :lol: LOL!!! That would be so perfect!

    "Indiana Jones & the Snakes on the Plane"

  7. AAahh..

    I have a force FX Luke ROTJ, Vader ESB, and a Anakin ROTS,

    These were REALLY cool when I got first got them.

    Now I'm afraid I'm just bored with them.

    They are displayed on my wall, and I hardly even touch them anymore.

    Anyone else feel this way, or do you all feel they have a high replay value?

  8. i'm still a bigger fan of the original spidey symbiote suit where the white spider wraps around the chest.  I really liked Venom growing up, i hope they do like they did in the comics where Brock was big without the suit but then huge with the suit.


    Topher Grace isn't that big so i doubtI don't think they can make Venom big...without CGI.

    And the pic is a fake. Someone on SHH's forum confirmed it. It's a photoshop of a scene in Spidey 2.


    Damn!!! :angry:

  9. LD's were cool back then, and yes were they EXPENSIVE! I remember them going for $80 at least!

    They were too expensive back then for me to collect.

    I buy some now though to collect if they are my favorite shows.

    Recently I bought the 1980 movie "Flash Gordon" on e-bay for $7 shipped.

  10. I joined in 2000, but really didn't post too much.

    Just loved coming here and reading all the latest news and checking out pictures of peoples collections.

    I remember when it was announced that Animeigo was going to be picking up the rights to Macross and remastering it. Boy was thier many threads on that topic!

    Man and remember 2002? All the debates with the 1/60 Yamato's vs the Bandai 1/55 reissues!

    Then there was the coming of the 1/48!

    My my, how time has passed.......

  11. Not a Macross Auction:

    But i thought you guys should take a gander at this Transformers Gen. 2 Eyesore.

    Gen. 2 First Aid

    Keep in mind these are extremely rare, this toy was unreleased and i think only somewhere around 6 of these guys made their way into being carded samples... but still since they never released Hot Spot, there's no way you could ever complete the combiner team to form Gen. 2 Defensor.


    That's f'n crazy dude!!!

  12. Ali, will you be bringing your sister to the con?  :rolleyes:
    Assuming I go. Want a tekwando class lol.



    i doub she will go


    You should donate a date with her as a prize.

    That would be so cool, I would show up WITHOUT A DOUBT!

    That would blow away any "drawing" prize for sure. B))

  13. Here's everything you need to know about the Samuel L. Jackson movie Snakes on a Plane:

    There are snakes on a plane.

    Samuel L. Jackson is in the movie.

    Samuel L. Jackson beats up snakes.

    Samuel L. Jackson uses Mace on a snake.

    There are snakes on a plane.

    Samuel L. Jackson demanded that the producers not change the name of the film from Snakes on a Plane.

    There are Snakes on a Plane.

    Now, if that's not enough to get you psyched for this movie, nothing will.




  14. Wait a sec, I thought she was married and had kids  :blink:   I remember a thread that was talking about how her kids didn't care about her music
    For the record, don't forget Mari is single, & loves snoopy. So bring a Snoopy Doll & flowers to any showings, and that will almost certainly amplify your chances at some ass.



    If she had my kids I'd make them like her music :p


    I wonder if her kids have even watched the original Macross series before?

    If they did, would they like it as much as we do?

    Would they join MW and become Valk-a-holics?

    Damn if my mom was Minmay I would get her to sign all my Macross stuff!

    Wait there's an idea.

    OK all I gotta do is track these kids online and become best friends with them.

    Then they can hook me up with free autographs amd maybe even hook me up with their mom! (Long term plan! :rolleyes: )

    They probably hang out at myspace.com with the other damn kids in America.

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