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Posts posted by fansubs2000

  1. Take a look on Ebay as I just saw some of these Mac7 valks, new and cheap...like not over $25 a pop!


    Yeah wow i just watched an original Macross 7 Bandai close at $20.50.



    It's a VF-19 Fire Valkyrie, not a Blazer, so it hasn't a high price.


    I know it's a Fire Valkyrie, but it's still a great price for an authentic original out of production Valkyrie. I have seen these sell for way more in the past.

    Not as much as the Blazer, but still $20.50 is awesome for an original with box and everthing.

  2. ToysNJoy definitely have the Super Max (if you are desperate), I recieved mine 3 months ago.  However, I definitely did not pay $299 as priced on the site now.  I paid $220 which I'll kick myself if Yamato is re-releasing it later this year, but then again who knows.


    Yeah Toys n Joys I can vouch for as I used to work there years ago.

    Their Macross prices are a little crazy though. Ouch!

  3. Ben Dixon should have lived! Both Roy and Rick were humorless SOBs, only Ben was funny.

    Ben would have great lines like:

    GOOOOOOOOOD morning Macross City!

    Nothing like the smell of protoculture in the morning!

    What's your major Transformation?

    Ah ben, he was a funny guy!


    I agree, the characters were so different in Macross then Robotech.

    Ben was the funniest guys and he made me laugh a lot.

    I loved it when Roy was checking out Minmay's ass, and she is how old!?!?

    Great stuff!

    I did enjoy Ben and his comments, it's too bad they killed him off.

    Would have been great to have him around for at least a few more episodes.

  4. Rick Hunter : A whining sniveling little knob

    Max Sterling : A royal suckup

    Ben Dixon : An idiot and nothing more than the token fat doofus.

    Miriya :She could have been cool if they did more with her character.


    Here's a question for you.......

    Honestly, have you EVER seen the Animeigo subtitled Macross DVD's (The original Macross series, NOT Robocrap) ??

    Just wondering.

  5. Maybe Shawn should be the person to collect and award the prize?

    It's part his site, and he does pay the bills here.

    I think it should be $5 a ticket, and it should be assumed the winner will pay EXACT shipping cost to his/her location.

    (That way more money can be donated to the site, rather then have shipping included in the prize)

  6. av-385.gif

    And come on guys, as long as the cause is good, what's $5? I am down.

    - C


    What if the only way to get involved in the lottery would be to pay using PayPal?

    Would you still be down? :p

  7. I love fast packs on the Valks!

    Fighter plane mode, I think looks good either way with or without.

    I tell ya though, I think fastpacksmake the valkyries look toght as hell.

    Whenever I see a Valk without fastpacks, I think it looks skinny and naked.

    Need to put your armor on boy, before you catch a cold!

  8. Its not Minmay, but its fun to think that it could be...

    By the way, I love Transformers: the movie.  It was pretty damn cool listening to the chime of disgruntled adults groan at the 2 swear words and the death of all the iconic heroes.  Anyone else remember seeing it in the theater?  Man, I feel old all of a sudden. 



    I saw it in the theater TWICE!!!

    I loved it! The music was great and yes I teared up when Prime died.

    I was happy as hell when i heard "sh_t" in a cartoon movie! It blew me away at the time cause I tottally didn't expect it.

    That movie rocked back then and it still does today.

    It was way ahead of it's time, just like DYRL.

    As for paying tribute to other anime shows within a show....

    What about our favorite tv series Macross?

    Anyone remember when Hikaru & Max were at the arcade and were playing a Lupin III video game?

    LOL, cool!

  9. I think either way 1/48s are great investments. the 1/60 VF-0 is another great buy but if you are willing to wait, hold off on the Zero and grab the 1/48s, especially the current limited run LV2 and Stealth valks. The VF-0 will eventually be reissued along with future variants.


    Wait, there's been no announcement that the stealth & Low Viz will be limited yet has there?

    If you know something that no one else does, spill the beans man!

    I want to know, will they actually be limited!?!?

  10. edit: I'd still like to know where LORD KUNGFU bought a house in Southern Cali for $50,000 in 1999.


    I'm guesing the $50,000 homes must have been far away from the cities according to what he said.

    So far his friends wantd no part in buying them even at those cheap prices.

    Hard to believe anything was THAT cheap though. Who knows!?!?

    actually bought a 1200 sq.ft. house, 3 bedroom, 2 bath for $50,000, and they were everywhere. So I tell some of my buddies. Most them being network engineers, unix admin, cisco certified, ect......most of them made about 80k salary and were working for big dot.com companies. I tried to get them into buy some real estate, but most of the houses I was buying was to far for them and they would rather stay in an apartment a few blocks from work. I told them to buy as an investment, dont live in it. They didnt listen. Very smart people in the networking world, but maybe lacking common sense. OF course, a few years later, the dot.com bubble burst, and most of them lose their jobs or have to take a large paycut. At the same time, real estate booms and I become rich.
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