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Posts posted by fansubs2000

  1. This is great news!

    This Optimus in my opinion is the greatest Transformer EVER made.

    It truly is a Masterpiece.

    I have a Hasbro, and also (2) Takara's.

    The Takara's I picked up at BotCon 2004 in Pasadena for only $80 each at the con!

    I got Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus) to sign on of them.

    Later on the price just starting going up, up, up!

    I don't need anymore, but I am glad they are reissuing it for those that don't have it. Like I said, once you transform this heavy die-cast TF you will then know how awesome it actually is.

  2. Yes.... that is one nasty looking Valk..  :(


    Yes it is, and thanks for the pics.

    I'm glad that I didn't pre-order this one.

    You know if this was a dry Macross toy period, I know I would have pre-ordered it.

    During those dry spells, you just want a new Valk.

    Even something like this would satisfy my fix for a new & different Macross Valk.

    It's a good think they are releasing this one the same time as the VF-0S & the Super Steath. Now I can get my fix without having to purchase this Camo one.

    Any other time, I probably would have pre-ordered this one.

  3. Hopefully Yamato will reissue the 1/48 Max by the end of this year.


    I wouldn't doubt it that they will re-release eventually.

    The Hikaru is getting a third release, why not Max?

  4. Christ I didn't realize the Maul staff saber was out already! 185 bucks on TSV, but they wont get anymore till late April................poo do I wanna fork that much money over? : /


    What it's out already!?!?

    SWEET!! :D

    I'm gonna go check out TSV right now.

    Thanks for the heads up!

  5. Macross II........

    No Kawamori = not Macross  :angry:


    Now there's a closed-minded statement if ever I read one. It's exactly this sort of reasoning that prevents them from enjoying one of the better Macross features out there. Try watching it with an open mind, and you might actually like it.


    Dude that was a joke.... :(

    I was quoting this old poll:


    In reality I'm a consumor whore who buys and enjoys anything Macross!

  6. Sorry if these pics were posted before. Only a few more weeks!! I cant wait!!


    Thanks for the pics, they look sweet! ;)

    No I don't think i have seen those before either.

    Wow only a little over a week to go till release date.

    I want to see a pic with this VF-0S Roy side by side with a 1/48 VF-1S Roy to compare.


    (This is from macrossworld.com)

    Its not Roy's, but it is a 1/48 VF-1J (or "A"?) next to a VF-O for size comparison


    Wow :o that looks awesome!

  7. Sorry if these pics were posted before. Only a few more weeks!! I cant wait!!


    Thanks for the pics, they look sweet! ;)

    No I don't think i have seen those before either.

    Wow only a little over a week to go till release date.

    I want to see a pic with this VF-0S Roy side by side with a 1/48 VF-1S Roy to compare.

  8. You could try looking for it under it's Japanese name (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou) or as KareKano.


    Wow Azrael knows his anime :p

    Hey Azreal, quick what's the Japanese name for the anime "Fist of the North Star".

    And no cheating looking it up, ;):lol:

  9. You gotta love all the DVD sets that have been coming out as well! :p

    I have the first 4 box sets of Batman the animated series, as well as Justice League season 1, Superman animated series Season 1 & 2, and more.

    They just released Batman Beyond season 1 also.

    Damn I didn't know there were this much fans of the show here at Macross World.

    That is great!

    Every year at Wondercon Bruce Timm & Paul Dini are at the show in San Fran.

    I always bring stuff for them to sign, Batman Animated series statues, Justice League action figures, etc...

    They pretty much know me when they see me LOL!

    I should take a picture of my collection to show you guys, but then I would have to dig everything out of my closet. :(

    Yeah great show, I too am a big fan of it!

  10. I hope Yamato includes a brand new 1/48 mount that CAN support the gunpod.

    If so then I'm getting rid of my flexistands.


    They will include a mount that can support the gunpod. Graham posted that fact a couple of days ago.

    I'd be interrested in one of those flexistands of yours. How much will they be going for?


    hey hands off so am i.


    ...and you can bet Bryan_f_Davis wants in on those flexi stand as well.


  11. I WANT MY VF-0S!! And i see a stealth VF-1J with strike cannon. ;)


    Cool pics dude!

    Need more pics of that steath too, got any of those!?!

    Too bad they didn't have the Stealth box art for display......yet.




    OMG, that is a thing of beauty!!!

    Thanks 1 VF-1 2NV!

  12. I'm unimpressed. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great toy, but for the life of me I can't imagine spending 160 dollars on a 1/60. Maybe if it goes the way of the VE-1 and drops in price I might buy it. If I was going to spend that much I'd much rather buy the YF-19 or a 1/48 than that.


    You know that this is the same size or even maybe even a bit larger then a 1/48 right?

  13. I WANT MY VF-0S!! And i see a stealth VF-1J with strike cannon. ;)


    Cool pics dude!

    Need more pics of that steath too, got any of those!?!

    Too bad they didn't have the Stealth box art for display......yet.

  14. :angry: don't forget your local stockroom horders

    i'm cleaning out ours this weekend

    who the hell needs 3 scarlet witches and 3 hulk buster iron mans :angry:

    yeah i work at target and i'm putting what ever i can on the shelves asap.

    god i hate scalpers.....we get like 6 cases of ml at a time and yet all the exclusives "magically disappear" well i found a stockpile and this weekend they'll be on the first peg that i see....

    someones going to get pissed :D  :D  :D


    What the hell!?!?!?

    People do that!?!??!

    Geez no wonder I can't find anything where ever I go! :(

    Damn! :angry:

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