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Posts posted by Ido

  1. YF-19 looks nice. Doesn't seem to be painted, looks like the parts are molded in cream and black, which is good. that means less painting for those that are artistically-challengedĀ  :p .

    A few minor gripes though. At first glance it looks like it there is no way to attach the gunpod in fighter mode. Also, the feet do not close properly in fighter mode. Still, can't expect too much in only 1/100 scale. I do like how they have handled the front landing gear and the toy seems pretty poseable with no parts removale or swapping required. Might have to see if I can get one of these from Wonder Fest.

    I've heard that this YF-19 will be sold as a "completed resin model". I assume this means it will be finished like the kits SHE currently sells. Even better for those artistically challenged.


    not to get us off topic again but where can one order one of these babies when they do go up for sale? Cause I really want one!

    Me too :D

    Who attends at the next wonderfest?

  2. ...An a paintchip on my Valkyrie!

    second that! Every die-cast metal part of my 1/48 has chipped paint :angry: Hope i'll be able to repaint and customize it soon.

    Hope to see a decent yf-19 FP from Yamato in 2005.

  3. I too am quite curious as to why Yamato seems to have broken off contact so abruptly with Graham, after, as he said in his own words he gave them so much word of mouth advertising and praise. I remember when he was telling us about all the dinners he would go to with Yamato's people to discuss Macross toys and to see what was going on with the community, now there is nothing. Seems that there is a story to tell here and I would like to hear it......


    It was an Harmony Gold conspiracy :ph34r:

  4. Yeah your right Ido. They do need ALOT of marketing for XenoSaga. Especially since the second game is close to being total garbage.

    Had to play episode II yet, so I don't know how is its quality, a friend of mine tried it so I know it has a lot of gameplay problems and a bad OST for the game. But all I need form xeno are good story and cool mechs in the end. Hope the next episode will get better aniways.

  5. She looks 1,000x better than the "redesigned" KOS-MOS in Ep2 IMHO. (I hate the new "realistic" designs, especially since it seems half the cast (Jr, chaos, etc) still retain the anime look---completely clashes)

    I don't like KOs-MOs in Episode II too, in the CG movie isn't bad but in the in-game graphic is Awful, in the anime she have such an odd face, maybe is just the angle of view...

    Why she can't have the cute face of episode 1?

  6. What problem did u have in dowload it? Please let me now.


    I have it in realese

    If you can, try to dowload it with getright or similar programs, it should works.


  7. Anyone else here order this through HLJ? I placed my order months ago and I'm wondering if I should be hearing something from them soon.


    HLJ closes from 12/25 to 1/3, if the Koenig is due to the 12/28 it will be shipped in january :( Probably you'll hear something from them in that period or just before xmas.

    Wonder how much costs the EMS shipment for such big toy...

  8. I don't know why you people starting to argue about it... if it wasn't for him we couldn't have seen robotech(macross, mospeada etc..) on TV in the 80's.

    This is really boring.. <_<

    That's right, we haven't see macross, SC or mospeada but a thing called Robotech in thew 80's, and maybe we'll see MACROSS stuff OUTSIDE Japan NOW if wasn't for him and his crappy RT.



  9. Okay if this question has been asked please direct me to the answer or if this should be in the newbie question section mods please move this post. Anyways

    Heres a question thats just hit me why would they make a transforming air plane in macross zero when even the sdf-1 hasn't hit the earth yet or has it? Didn't they make valks to fight over size aliens know as the zentradi and why would they need destroids and monsters in macross zero? I mean you don't need over size mech to destroy humans, and the alien monster in macross zero wasn't even a zentradi I think? In macross Roys tells hikaru that the valks main purpose is to fight over size aliens to level the fighting plane. Well just wondered what you guy think? :rolleyes: I hope this doesn't sound like a complaint becasue I've been a macross fan for long long long time just wonder if I miss out on some vital info on this.

    1.)Sdf-1 equalsl transforming valk

    2.)no sdf-1 in macross zero

    3.)so why the transforming valks?

    From Rich

    Let me know what you guys think????? :)

    Maybe you got confused by the robotech storyline in wich, the war was before the ASS-1 crash, in Macross zero there is the overtechnology so we can safely presume that they examined the ship and know that the aliens are giants. So we have the VF/SV.

  10. Italian absurdity!!! If he sell it at that price i may consider buy a lot of banprestos and sell them in italy, LOL. really. ;)


    fast translation for you:

    Variable Valkyrie model, 12 cm height, fully posable! All 3 modes!!! Beautiful, never opened! ! Buyer must pay shipping costs.

    What is this thing anyway???


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