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Doctor Reggae

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Everything posted by Doctor Reggae

  1. Seibertron and TFW 2005 both posted a pic of Classics Mirage in packaging. Nothing really new or revealing, but he does look kind of cool. http://seibertron.com/images/toys/uploads/...e_inpackage.jpg
  2. An MP Megs would be great, but as far as anyone seems to know, there hasn't been much in the way of concept and production. I seem to recall Aaron Archer from Hasbro saying that they want to do a military-themed MP line, so Megs might fit in well with a tank there. If they ever do it, that is.
  3. The Hasbro rep has apparently been saying that these designs we're seeing are still under development. That said, though, while Megatron looks kind of cool in general, he's not really appealing to the old school fan in me.
  4. Ah, Gobots. I had a few of the little barstards, but they mostly served as cannon fodder during my big Transformers battles. Since their limbs always came off easily, they looked great as battlefield casualties, especially in front of the mega TF fortress I used to make.
  5. Just saw those too. Terrorsaur looks like a mini-BW Megatron, but the molds look pretty decent.
  6. Good lord...20 years? To help date us old-school fans a bit, the average 18-year old incoming college freshmen this year weren't even born yet. One of my best memories of that movie was when I first saw the commercial for it. I ran into the kitchen and told my mother that there was a TF movie coming out, and was greeted with a look of abject terror. She swore to never take me to it, but ended up conning a friend of Mom and Dad's instead.
  7. The only thing I'll say definitely is that THIS isn't canon, even if Ravage talks. 421672[/snapback] Dear god, I actually REMEMBER that book.
  8. Dr. Archeville was an evil human scientist who appeared in a few G1 episodes in its first season. Last we saw of him, as I recall, was that he'd been injured on Cybertron, and Starscream had turned him into a wheelchair-bound cyborg.
  9. Fan2Fan updated their news on MP Starscream with what we probably already expected--namely, that Dr. Archeville will be included as a pilot for him. Link to a semi-painted proto of the good doctor is here: http://www.fantofan.jp/news/mag/hyperhobby/hh9-2.jpg
  10. New test shots of MP Starscream at the following link...mostly just garishly painted shots of his vehiclee mode, but I figured it'd be interesting to post anyway. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=105137
  11. Tracks' legs can be kind of difficult when transforming, but he and Sunstreaker are excellent buys as Alts. Still haven't found Alts Prime or Mirage, though...this part of Ohio always seems to lag behind in distribution.
  12. The 6" Titaniums are starting to appear, from what I've heard. Might want to check TFW 2005's sightings section of their boards, or go to Seibertron.com and click on their sightings section in the menu bar at the top. Seibertron usually has more information, so I'd recommend them first.
  13. According to TFW 2005, it looks like the dark grey scheme for MP Starscream is indeed going to be what he's going to look like. They've got a scan up on their frontpage, link is here: http://www.tfw2005.com/news/data/upimages/...tarscream14.jpg Any thoughts? I'll still get him...but I'd rather have him colored like the show.
  14. I agree with Vermillion...the TF movie needs to be nothing more than good, fun eye candy with just enough subtext to appeal to the fanboys and girls. Bay's probably the best director out there to deliver a movie that does exactly that. That's why most of his movies tend to be guilty pleasures.
  15. Dude...was that a MASK reference I just saw/read? As an old-school fan from way back, and as a moderately strict purist, I have to say that I'm more or less ok with the movie's truck mode. Sure, the real test will be to see the alt mode, and hear the voice, but I'm willing to keep my mind open.
  16. Sunstorm will probably look cool too, assuming they do him. Hell, they could also try to do an Air Raid repaint (of the Aerialbots), but his robot mode is completely different. Be kind of cool, though...
  17. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it Vermillion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirage_(Transformers) Right under the Generation 1 subtitle. Mirage was one of my favortie characters so that was news to me when i read it. But hey, at least Alt. Mirage is finally hitting stores! It might not be the G1 reissue you've been hoping for, but i think it makes a pretty worthy substitute. 415150[/snapback] I've always had a soft spot for the original Mirage too. He was the first full-sized TF I ever got (my first three were Brawn, Rumble, and Ravage), and I thought he was was awesome, especially with his shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. He's one of the ones I regret breaking the most. Then again, I regret breaking all of the TF's that I did. My mother still finds parts of Shockwave in the attic sometimes.
  18. I'm with Shin...I'll be getting MP Screamer no matter what. Granted, I liked the waist kibble more when it was on his legs...but he'll be mine no matter what. The Skywarp repaint especially should be sweet.
  19. Another scan of MP Starscream is up...here's the link: http://www.seibertron.com/images/toys/uplo...455_HH-MPSS.jpg Looks like stuff we've seen before.
  20. Classic dialogue for that battle, as I recall. The Soundblaster and Twincast toys went for an insane amount on the collector's market too, until Takara reissued both of them. Twincast I can live without, but I'd love to have Soundblaster...I've got a fair amount of the cassettes, so why not? That said, though, I'm trying to save up for new scuba equipment, and God knows my girlfriend rolls her eyes enough at my TF habit (her reaction when I got Primus was priceless). Probably no Soundblaster for a while for me.
  21. Spanish release versions ... do you mean the ones with a gold coloured backing card? With spanish text? The few I've seen go for slightly less than the US versions. Ah well, guess I'll keep searching on eBay. 414462[/snapback] Those are the ones. Might want to check Big Bad Toy Store to see if Joel might have any in stock too.
  22. Glad to help out. Those G2 gestalts were pretty fugly, weren't they? Also, if you're curious, there was another team of Autobot combiners called the Trainbots, from the Japanese series Headmasters. They're REALLY pricey to get, but their gestalt, Raiden, is a good collector's item. Once you're done with Superion, I'd recommend going for either the Protectobots/Defensor, or the Combaticons/Bruticus. If you can too, try checking out foreign release versions...I seem to recall the Spanish release versions of the Combaticons being at least somewhat decently priced.
  23. All I need are Leozack and Hellbat, and I'll have them all. Sad thing is, even if I found them now, I couldn't afford them. Sigh...
  24. Glad to be of help, Verm. Congrats on completing Computron too...pretty sweet, isn't he? You're correct about the Terrorcons/Abominus as well--they all turn into monsters. If you're torn between Devastator and Superion, I'd probably go for Superion. He's a little more sturdy in gestalt mode, you get five cool jets (F-15, F-4, F-16, Harrier, and a Concorde), and will probably be less expensive. Since the Constructicons were the first, they usually tend to be pricier on the back market. If you're curious about other potential figures and want to see what they look like, check out my friend Ryan's website Seibertron (http://www.seibertron.com/toys/index.php)--those are his galleries of figures. Also, if you like tech-based gestalts, I'd recommend you check out the Brestforce from TF: Victory. They're pretty expensive, but they all turn into vehicles and jets. Their gimmick was that they had an animal partner which would turn into their weapons and chestplates. There were six in all. More info about him here: http://www.primesaber.com/TF/Victory/Liokaiser.html Happy hunting...let us know how it goes...
  25. Menasor's kind of weak, I think. The connectors for the limbs really stick out on his arms...they look like a stork. His legs are a bit more solid, but it can be tough getting the connectors/heads (of Breakdown and Wildrider) out of Motormaster's legs. Bruticus is a definite step up, but he's also kind of squat. Onslaught's arms have to be rotated backwards to held define the upper torso. This in itself would be ok, as it makes him look really powerfully stocky, but to form the legs, Onslaught's legs have to made bow-legged. He kind of looks like he has the rickets.
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