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Agent ONE

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Posts posted by Agent ONE

  1. Someone messed with him the first time for sure, that is why he switched from being Duke Togo to Godzilla. I think someone figured out his password, the second time he thought he was hacked was a changing of a poll's status from being a poll only to a poll that allowed for comments... I don't know about that incident, a great deal happened that afternoon and resulted in him leaving MW.

    Lets face it though, everything is hackable. I am sure that the team that wrote the software for Invision can hack any account in nothing flat... The hack for any board is out there, it is just a matter of getting someone to tell you.

  2. Just bought 4 fast packs for the 1/48s I have.  Spent $250.

    I sold my old Taka collection for $3000 though.  I had doubles of everything unopened from 82.

    So $250 divided by 4 = $62.50 :p . That's it :lol: . I'm kidding. So $250 on ONE purchase. OK guys and gals. It's either 1 item or 1 purchase.

    BTW, thanks ali sama for purchasing my sdf-1 :D . Anyone interested in a jetfire :D ?


    I guess then the most expensive is a 1/48, I have a bunch of them though... I buy stuff when it is at its lowest value and sell it when it is at its highest, therefore I wouldn't have any ourtageous pruchases.

  3. AZ:

    Man, I don't even have gills.. Gonna redo the head altogether since I've got too many hardlines in it and it was a rush job to begin with anyways. Your head is smooth as sin and looks great to me, even though I know there are more variations with much more detail. It seems to me that I cold keep working on my valk forever and it may never be completely finished cuz there's alaways some way to make it better. Not even gonna try and texture until the modelling is done. Got any more recent pix then?

    Here's the fixed up upper leg I was talking about earlier. Yet another tweak to the model. Will likely do it again at some point to get that rounded look like yours and Doks:



    Thanks Man, I wouldn't say no time since the model really has sucked a lot of time outta me. It's almost become an obsession.


    What did you model the 1S head after, the 1/60, or the 1/48?

  4. You guys are killing yourselves over design continunity and story continutiy when Kawamori himself has said, he doesn't care about design continuity and now doesn't even really care much to follow even the story continuity.

    Therefore, the SDF-Macross STORY is canon. The designs that are existent in all future Macross works will be the best of what exists, IE, Exodol looks his sexy DYRL self, and Millia still has her TV VF-1J.

  5. It is an 80s movie, live action (that means not anime), featured these crazy robotic spiders that crawled around and killed people for some bad guy. There was a cop after the bad guy and he had a pistol that fired heat seaking rocket propelled grenades. What movie is this... This has been bugging me for months.

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