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Agent ONE

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Posts posted by Agent ONE

  1. as much as i hate h2's, i hate hippies even more!

    but i like wrx's

    My GF lives in Berkeley (for school). I have to deal with hippies all the time, and often watch them throw things and yell at passing by SUVs... Kinda funny, but they should die like dogs.

  2. I thought about the prospect of a virus causing a random mutation. And yes this is a real concept, however the old man in the village was saying that the Bird People cut the fins off of the fish to make Man... I don't think the virus theory will go anywhere as it would be hard to connect to what we already know about the Protoculture race.

  3. Did you notice Sara mention "two snakes intertwined" in the islanders blood somewhere in that scene? That's a pretty accurate metaphor for DNA, especially for a priestess on a remote tropical island whose inhabitants have eschewed modern technology. And just how did that become part of their folklore to begin with...and how will this tie in with everything else? More happening on that island than has been revealed, there is. :ph34r:

    I think she freaked out because there were two snakes, no other reason.

  4. ....Other than the slightly crook of the skull and the nonstand still canopy opening, I don't see any problem with 1/48 Roy......

    totally agree :D

    There is no problem with the ver. 1 of Roy... No reason to do a second.

  5. Yeah its pretty simple to understand

    1- M5 fleet finds planet

    2- M5 fleet lands and discovers its safe

    3- Sends ships down Maybe leaving some in orbit (or maybe not)

    4- Tells M7 about it

    5- Protodeviln attack suddenly killing virtually every soldier and taking the citizens to that crazy system thing

    6- M7 fleet shows up and gets attacked

    Now was it that hard? :huh:

    Yes... Through the midst of the fruity-ness, that is the way I see it too.

  6. Comico's SDF Macross#1 is worth $20 and it's very rare. I own one. :D

    I got my copy for $CND 7.50.

    Like MilkManX said, the art is fudgy and its worse than Comico's RT art. The art for SDF Macross#1 was loaded with watercolored art and the characters sometimes look bad. <_<

    I have one too! Mint cond. I bought it 3 days after it came out.

  7. The Takatoku SDF-1 Had mini-valks...real mini.

    Yeah, but they weren't to scale for being on the Promethius as they were. They were ugly and IMO a mistake... That was one thing that Matchbox did right, got rid of them.

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