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Agent ONE

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Posts posted by Agent ONE

  1. I would love a Gundam toilet... to throw my Gundam DVDs in.  :(

    I think those Gundam DVDs would get clogged in the Gundam Toilet's Gundam U neck and you'd have to use your Gundam Plunger and Gundam Toilet Duck to get them free...

    ... failing that you call the Gundam Plumber who is UC certified...

    ... then shoot yourself in the head with Gundam approved ammo out of your functioning RX-78 rifle...



  2. I guess I was a little too hard on it... I don't like helmets without a chin guard, and the helmet does have an anime look to it.

    Helmets without a chin guard scream Vespa scooter to me, I dunno why. <_<

    Maybe because.... they are Vespa helmets? :lol:

    Tell that to the guys who wear these:


    Skullcaps are in a class of their own.

  3. I wish I did. That's one damn cool helmet; Gundam reference or not. Could use a black faceshield though.


    You are kidding right!? I think that helmet is made of "hot chick" repelant.

    What if it was a hot chick in it? B)

    Then she would be twice as sexy. ;)

    Chicks (as long as they are good lookin') can pull off a great deal that guys should never attempt.

  4. 25,000 yen is around $250. Is that a lot for designer sneakers? i dunno, I rarely buy shoes over $40.  :huh:

    Thing is they don't look like there's anything Gundam about them, unlike, say... the Gundam motorbike helmet.

    Do you own the motorbike helmet?

    If I did, could I still come to your pad for the Bay Area MW meet? :p:lol: ...

    Sure, but only YOU!

    Anyone else gets pummeled! ;)

  5. Nope, not kidding. With a black faceshield that helmet would be great.

    Aside from your personal color scheme preferences, why would the helmet repel chicks? Considering I barely know what anime series it originates from, it's unlikely that any "hot chicks" would either.

    I guess I was a little too hard on it... I don't like helmets without a chin guard, and the helmet does have an anime look to it.

  6. I wish I did. That's one damn cool helmet; Gundam reference or not. Could use a black faceshield though.


    You are kidding right!? I think that helmet is made of "hot chick" repelant.

    it could be worse. it could have the Gundam "V" antenna on the front, but i don't see how you could pimp on a bike with that thing on....

    Oh, you mean that stupid boomerang thing?.. Yeah that would be lameO'sexual*.

    *my new contraction of "lame" and super fruity! (inspired by M7)

  7. I missed out on a good member number.. which is SO important,

    j00r number is t3h sUxor. :p

    BSU, in response to your sig:

    Thin-skinned no-humor pansies! You tell ‘em an ice breaker or two about women-libbers, gays, environmentalists, several minorities, the homeless, a couple of religions, anorexics, obese people, the handicapped, old-farts, baldness & people who walk real goofy cause they just had a vasectomy and suddenly they get all sensitive! Like I offended one of them or something?

    Nuke a gay whale for Jesus.

  8. ...

    He didn´t say the bird-men cut the fins off fish , he said they cut the tails of the early man , which in any case isn´t a literal , it´s a metaphor created as a way to enrich their folklore.

    You sure about that? <_<

    I thought he said fish, 'then after the Bird Men cut the fins off, legs grew.'

    Dunno, been months since I've watched any Zero.

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