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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Hold your hormones horsies!!! Remember: Cher is 3000 years old and doesn't look a day over 80 it's called plaster make-up
  2. I try to stay away from '/b' as far as possible
  3. There's not a problem with getting old, the question is more: How fast?
  4. Mind filling us in an th I-joke?
  5. Hmm, Roy could've lived, as a crippled or something that's one thing you hardly see in SDF: handicapped warveterans storywise it would've created another great dramatic twist THE ace of the SDF-1, paralyzed, blinded or whatever just think how his role as "sempai"" would've had more impact "once a proud and strong warrior, now...." and all that stuff
  6. Man, to think I have that MP3 in my library for 3 years now:) never did see the video
  7. Perfect scenario: Everybody dies, except Misa, Minmay, Myria, Claudia and the bridgebunnies they are stranded as the last persons on what's left of earth Lonely, sad,.... *I'll let you guys fill in the rest
  8. The more pages I saw the more I was convinced this guy should die! ...Hey, don't look so shocked! We crucified jesus, didn't we?
  9. wOULD it have made a difference if it was a YAMATO product ? 380598[/snapback] ...Yes!
  10. Doesn't it collapse under it's own weight or something??? Awesome!
  11. Too bad it's a HG product
  12. Nightbat

    1/48 Gbp

    Red camo for mars, grey for the moon where there is low-G
  13. O....kay now where's the futuristic stuff? looks to me like "Hello, and welcome to last century!"
  14. But what do we get from this thread? every 20 years Gundam macross designs will have to be redesigned to fit "Today's" standards Hey I want a "today's version" of "Ben Hurr"!
  15. Nightbat

    1/48 Gbp

    Well, forget ordering the Gbp2 at HLJ since they put up an order stop already @#^*#@*!!!1!!!
  16. Nightbat

    1/48 Gbp

    While you're at it, ask if they can create some space between releases
  17. Everyone already knows that you still 'are'
  18. As I stated before about "Modern looking planes" Why doesn't the Hornet look like something out of a scifi? it is "Today's" plane (and will be in service for another decade at least) it does't look more advanced than an F4 Phantom which was designed in the 60's But the VF-1 isn't near the size of an F-14
  19. Let's see: a "Super"/"Mega" - Transformer/starwars/whatever thread somehow catches the eye of a member and in a way 'insisting' him to add his questions comments there I see no problem there Pinning such a thread? Nah (although a pinned link-to-common-"mega threads" thread may prevent these threads being restarted by a newbie) "Official" ...yeah I can see a problem there If I see that in front of thread, I expect one of "MW's employees" to have started it
  20. Was it set per block of hours plus per minute if you went over? (like cell phone plans do now?) Just curious.... 376405[/snapback] we're talking cents per minute as in good old phoneconnections in the low-traffic hours price went down
  21. Do a toss-up between These
  22. In the early days of internet on dial up it was cheaper to log in past 23:00 and log out before 07:00,... I was usually surfing 'till dawn it became a habit and I was turning into a "Creature of the night" In my personal life I was constantly tripping over the road to hell (...paving it with good intentions) So when trying to find an unused screenname (alredy almost impossible in 1996) trying to find something I could "Identify" with I came up with identifying myself with a "Misunderstood Nocturnal Animal" Bat(0-9, a-z) was taken, if it was even possible to use a 3 letter screenname any other variant as well (Thank god with all those Goth's today, I never did succeed to register Vampirebat) So, looking around in the dark, for ideas as pre/suffix to the 'bat' with only the VCR as nightlight ...It's Dark ...What's the Time ...Night...? . ........... ..........Night!!!! Hence: "Nightbat" was born
  23. Nightbat

    1/48 Gbp

    Could someone do some of us (me) a favor and head for Yamato HQ ...and kill 'em all I don't mind collecting 10 things that look the same except for their color I don't mind the price if the design/craftsmanship is worth it I do mind that a manufacturer thinks I work 3 jobs for a bloody childhood hobby and/or got an infinite moneysack between my legs 1/60's were "managable" buying 2-3 a month since they were 1/3rd the price This is idiocy! ...Friggin morons
  24. This thread is about redesigning a classic design just because 20+ years later they made a prequal that used 'sleeker' designs God I hate Star Wars!
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