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Posts posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. So because there is a an existential threat, everybody must think exactly the same as you?

    I never said this or even implied it.

    Potential Famine? Send 250,000 people to their deaths.

    You make it sound like there is a third option. In addition said quarter million went willingly thinking they could defeat the titans.

    you'd be a psychopath otherwise.

    The word you're looking for is sociopath, it is an extremely common mistake however.

    So one individual does believe the ends justify the means. Does that automatically mean everybody has to agree with him?

    And this has to do with what I said because....

    Certainly many of his colleagues don't feel comfortable with his view

    And most of them were crushed by Annie when they told him not to transform.

    even the ruling elites constantly seem on the verge of dissecting him in order to discover his powers.

    For scientific purposes in all likelyhood.
  2. I just watched some two part OVA called Holy Knight or as I like to call it Vampire Wars 2.0: Ecchi Junk Edition. Lets see the problems with this:

    -Ultra annoying cast

    -Weird editing

    -Cliffhanger ending

    -Plot points that go nowhere

    -Opening themes that promise sword play when none is present

    -Pedo photographers (well there was only one but still)

    -Half the mysteries not being solved

    -Too much fan service (we did not need so much obnoxious bouncing and panty shots)

    I wanted vampire sword fighting, not "I must have a child because the cult told me too!"

  3. Do you use extreme methods to crack down on every problem?

    Having very powerful predators stalking you all the time to the point of being driven close to extinction is not "every problem".

    For armin, that also means using his friend as a mindless merciless weapon. Yeah, I'd be totally down with that.

    You'd have a point with this if Eren wasn't so content with it as long as he keeps his hellbent intention on eliminating titans.

    And that may include abandoning the very essence that makes you human.

    That is until the next generation when paradigms shift, much like throughout history. This also is not counting the fact that organisms (not just humans) try to adapt to survive to keep themselves alive.

    pyrrhic victory

    I don't even know what that means.
  4. How do you win a war with titans using other titans? Do you turn on the titans that helped you and obliterate them after?

    You don't unless they turn on you first. Titans are not like humans where peaceful negotiations are possible, they're predators,they do nothing but eat humans, it is about survival. It isn't like with Zeon where they want independence, it isn't like OZ where there are simply a bunch of dicks in power oppressing people, it isn't like the Vajra defending their territory, it isn't like the angels from Evangelion going "get off our f**king planet, lilin!", it isn't like Devil Gundam simply trying to save the environment, it isn't like the ELS who just want a place to call home, it isn't even like the Anti-Spirals trying to prevent the end of the universe; the titans simply eat humans, and only humans, until they cease to function. You defeat them you win, don't and you'll go extinct. At least the zentradi and protodeviln could be convinced with culture shock and the power of rock (respectively).

    if humans just beat titans with titans, are THEY the real winners?

    Technically yes they would. I'm not even seeing a gray area in this scenario.

    Armin is supposed to be the brains of this outfit so it's not surprising that he says this.

    He'd make a bad green ranger.
  5. For the most part he was just annoying and whiny, but what sealed it for me was his quote in the last episode "If we destroy the titans will humanity really win?" ARE YOU HIGH? Defeating the very predators you're fighting makes you wonder if you're victorious!? Is that NOT the point you've been driving? You're REALLY complaining over that!? That should be an extremely obvious YES. But NOOOOOOO, we just HAVE to tack on philosophy to make it look all deep because "oh hey the audience like this cause it is different from what is out there with some flash, we don't HAVE to be good! HAHAHAHA!" The series was somewhat good, but nowhere near the epic pinnacle of anime history people are making it out to be.

  6. At least the series is finally over, while it had some great action everything else felt pretty mediocre. Then there is Armin, not sure if utter killjoy or brat, regardless his philosophy is horrendous. I do not care whether or not a second series gets made; if it does it should fix the problems with this one and if not it will hurt the ending.

  7. I just watched some one shot OVA called The Girl From Phantasia and I can safely say that this is the worst one shot OVA I've ever seen. Pretty much everything I disliked about Excel Saga under half an hour with little exposition and too many panty shots. The only good parts were that the characters were not too obnoxious and the ending theme was okay. Normally I'd wait after I've seen some more stuff, but this warranted a say due to how outright bad it was.

  8. I always thought that was Ymir, but I guess I was wrong.

    Anyway, I've been taking on some dumb ova series called Shonan Junai Gumi or something because it is a prequel to some famous anime who's main character is a teacher (sorry a GREAT teacher) with wrestling skills or something. Only two eps in and I can already tell not only is it not funny, but they both feel like two stories randomly smashed together. Throw in implied rape and turtle metaphors (why did you drag Gamera into your dick comparison contest?) and you get, well this. Maybe the other episodes will be better, not holding my breath though.

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